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Created September 10, 2020 18:50
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Codigo JS para calcular el CUIL en base al DNI y sexo, pensado para ser usado en NODE.JS
const assert = require('assert');
const createError = require('http-errors');
Receive a dni and gender 'M' or 'F' and return his cuil.
document : number -> dni
gender : string
string -> cuil
const calculateCUIL = (document, gender)=>{
const HOMBRE = ['HOMBRE', 'M','1', 'MALE', 'Masculino'];
const MUJER = ['MUJER', 'F','2', 'FEMALE', 'Femenino'];
const SOCIEDAD = ['SOCIEDAD', 'S', 'SS', 'SOCIETY'];
document = document.toString();
gender = gender.toUpperCase();
assert(HOMBRE.includes(gender) || MUJER.includes(gender) || SOCIEDAD.includes(gender),createError.BadRequest());
let AB,C;
document = `${document.length===7 ? '0' : ''}${document}`;
if(HOMBRE.includes(gender)) {
AB = '20';
} else if(MUJER.includes(gender)) {
AB = '27';
} else {
AB = '30';
const multiplicadores = [3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2];
let calculo = ((parseInt(AB.charAt(0)) * 5) + (parseInt(AB.charAt(1)) * 4));
for(let i=0;i<8;i++) {
calculo += (parseInt(document.charAt(i)) * multiplicadores[i]);
let resto = (parseInt(calculo)) % 11;
if( !SOCIEDAD.includes(gender) && resto==1){
C = 9;
} else {
C = 4;
AB = '23';
} else if(resto === 0){
C = 0;
} else {
C = 11 - resto;
return `${AB}${document}${C}`;
module.exports = {
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