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Last active April 23, 2017 18:19
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Example of a simple lens in Swift 3
// Concepts based on an excellent article by Maciej Konieczny.
struct ComicBook {
let title: String
let issueNumber: Int
let publisher: Publisher
struct Publisher {
let name: String
let address: String
// A simple Lens - “functional getters and setters”
struct Lens<Whole, Part> {
let get: (Whole) -> Part
let set: (Part, Whole) -> Whole
// Publisher Lens
let comicPublisherLens: Lens<ComicBook, Publisher> =
Lens(get: { $0.publisher },
set: { ComicBook(title: $1.title, issueNumber: $1.issueNumber, publisher: $0) })
// Publisher Address Lens
let publisherAddressLens: Lens<Publisher, String> =
Lens(get: { $0.address },
set: { Publisher(name: $, address: $0) })
let publisher = Publisher(name: "DC", address: "123 Main St., New York, NY")
let comicBook = ComicBook(title: "Action Comics", issueNumber: 1, publisher: publisher)
// Lens Composition
infix operator >>> { associativity right precedence 100 }
func >>><A, B, C>(lhs: Lens<A, B>, rhs: Lens<B, C>) -> Lens<A, C> {
return Lens(get: { rhs.get(lhs.get($0)) },
set: { (c, a) in
lhs.set(rhs.set(c, lhs.get(a)), a)
// The ComicBook's Publisher moved!
let comicBookPublisherAddress = comicPublisherLens >>> publisherAddressLens
let currentComicBookPublisherAddress = comicBookPublisherAddress.get(comicBook)
let newComicBookPublisherAddress = comicBookPublisherAddress.set("456 Main Ave, Los Angeles, C.A", comicBook)
print(newComicBookPublisherAddress) // ComicBook(title: "Action Comics", issueNumber: 1, publisher: Publisher(name: "DC", address: "456 Main Ave, Los Angeles, C.A"))
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Basic example of a Lens in Swift 3.

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