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Last active May 25, 2018 23:10
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Renames a csproj - Project Name, DirectoryName, AssemblyName and references to the project
# Works for me. You may need to tweak it. Stick it in your powershell profile FTW
function Rename-Project
# designed to run from the solution directory where the project is a child directory
[string]$projectName=$(throw "projectName required."),
[string]$newProjectName=$(throw "newProjectName required.")
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if(!(Test-Path $projectName)){
Write-Error "No project folder '$projectName' found"
if(!(Test-Path $projectName\$projectName.csproj)){
Write-Error "No project '$projectName\$projectName.csproj' found"
if((Test-Path $newProjectName)){
Write-Error "Project '$newProjectName' already exists"
"Renaming $projectName to $newProjectName..."
# project
rni "$projectName\$projectName.csproj" "$newProjectName.csproj"
# folder
rni $projectName $newProjectName
# assembly title
$assemblyInfoPath = "$newProjectName\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
(gc $assemblyInfoPath) -replace """$projectName""","""$newProjectName""" | sc $assemblyInfoPath
# root namespace
$projectFile = "$newProjectName\$newProjectName.csproj"
(gc $projectFile) -replace "<RootNamespace>$projectName</RootNamespace>","<RootNamespace>$newProjectName</RootNamespace>" | sc $projectFile
# assembly name
(gc $projectFile) -replace "<AssemblyName>$projectName</AssemblyName>","<AssemblyName>$newProjectName</AssemblyName>" | sc $projectFile
# other project references
gci -Recurse -Include *.csproj |% { (gc $_) -replace "..\\$projectName\\$projectName.csproj", "..\$newProjectName\$newProjectName.csproj" | sc $_ }
gci -Recurse -Include *.csproj |% { (gc $_) -replace "<Name>$projectName</Name>", "<Name>$newProjectName</Name>" | sc $_ }
# solution
gci -Recurse -Include *.sln |% { (gc $_) -replace "\""$projectName\""", """$newProjectName""" | sc $_ }
gci -Recurse -Include *.sln |% { (gc $_) -replace "\""$projectName\\$projectName.csproj\""", """$newProjectName\$newProjectName.csproj""" | sc $_ }
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hyrmn commented May 2, 2014

Used this today. It didn't blow up



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