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Example ScalaTest case using Embedded MongoDB with the ScalaTest EmbededMongo trait - Immutable Usage
name := "embeddedmongodb-gist"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
scalacOptions := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8")
libraryDependencies ++= {
"org.mongodb" %% "casbah" % "2.8.1" % "test",
"de.flapdoodle.embed" % "de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo" % "1.48.0" % "test",
"com.github.simplyscala" %% "scalatest-embedmongo" % "0.2.2" % "test",
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.4" % "test",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.12" % "test",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.7.12" % "test"
import java.util.Date
import com.github.simplyscala.MongoEmbedDatabase
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
import de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.distribution.Version
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSpec}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class EmbeddedMongoDBImmutableTest extends FunSpec with MongoEmbedDatabase with BeforeAndAfter {
private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[EmbeddedMongoDBImmutableTest])
/* The BSON structure that will be used for the test cases
"userId": "134256",
"currencyFrom": "EUR",
"currencyTo": "GBP",
"amountSell": 1000,
"amountBuy": 747.1,
"rate": 0.7471,
"originatingCountry": "FR"
/* Default values to be used for the test cases */
private val WAIT_TIME = 10000L
private val MONGO_PORT = 12345
private val MONGO_HOST = ""
private val MONGO_DATABASE = "currencytrade"
private val MONGO_COLLECTION = "trade"
/* The MongoDB connection - connecting to the MongoDBEmbedded instance */
private lazy val collection = {
val connection = MongoClient(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)
/* Internal method to pre-populate the MongoDBEmbedded instance with test data */
private def populateDatabase() = {
// drop any existing records from the collection
// helper method to validate the MongoDB ObjectId of an inserted record
def validateObjectId(objectId: String) = {
"^[a-f\\d]{24}$".r findFirstIn objectId match {
case Some(str) => true
case None => fail("FAILURE >>> Invalid object id format: " + objectId)
/* The test data */
val dbObject1 = {
val builder1 = MongoDBObject.newBuilder
builder1 += "userId" -> "lukeskywalker"
builder1 += "currencyFrom" -> "EUR"
builder1 += "currencyTo" -> "USD"
builder1 += "amountSell" -> 1245.67
builder1 += "amountBuy" -> 978.10
builder1 += "rate" -> 0.7852
builder1 += "originatingCountry" -> "AU"
builder1 += "receptionDate" -> new Date
val dbObject2 = {
val builder2 = MongoDBObject.newBuilder
builder2 += "userId" -> "hansolo"
builder2 += "currencyFrom" -> "AUD"
builder2 += "currencyTo" -> "CAD"
builder2 += "amountSell" -> 678.33
builder2 += "amountBuy" -> 333.40
builder2 += "rate" -> 0.4915
builder2 += "originatingCountry" -> "NZ"
builder2 += "receptionDate" -> new Date
val dbObject3 = {
val builder3 = MongoDBObject.newBuilder
builder3 += "userId" -> "darthvader"
builder3 += "currencyFrom" -> "HKD"
builder3 += "currencyTo" -> "CNY"
builder3 += "amountSell" -> 8763.09
builder3 += "amountBuy" -> 11014.33
builder3 += "rate" -> 1.2569
builder3 += "originatingCountry" -> "AU"
builder3 += "receptionDate" -> new Date
val xs = List(dbObject1, dbObject2, dbObject3)
// add the test data to the MongoDBEmbedded instance and validate object ids
xs foreach (obj => {
LOG.debug("Object added: " + obj.get("_id"))
obj.get("_id") match {
case id: ObjectId => validateObjectId(id.toString)
case whatever => fail("FAILURE >>> Object id not found: " + whatever)
/* The test cases, executing against the MongoDBEmbedded instance */
describe("A MongoBD query to find all the trades placed from Australia") {
it("should return a result set of 2 trades") {
// The mongo port and version number can be provided to the fixture
// The fixture will start and stop the MongoDBEmbedded instance
withEmbedMongoFixture(MONGO_PORT, Version.V3_1_0) { mongodProps =>
// sleep the thread to give the MongoDBEmbedded instance time to start up
// prepare the database with test data
val size = collection.find(MongoDBObject("originatingCountry" -> "AU")).size
assert(size == 2, "FAILURE >>> query should return 2 results")
describe("A MongoBD query to find the amountSell value of trades placed by userId hansolo") {
it("should return a value of 678.33") {
// The mongo port and version number can be provided to the fixture
// The fixture will start and stop the MongoDBEmbedded instance
withEmbedMongoFixture(MONGO_PORT, Version.V3_1_0) { mongodProps =>
// sleep the thread to give the MongoDBEmbedded instance time to start up
// prepare the database with test data
val result = collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("userId" -> "hansolo")).getOrElse(
fail("FAILURE >>> unable to find record for userid: hansolo")
val amountSell = result.getAsOrElse[Double]("amountSell", 0.0)
assert(amountSell == 678.33, "FAILURE >>> query should return 678.33")
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel = debug
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime = true
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat = yyyy'/'MM'/'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss'-'S
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showThreadName = true
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showLogName = true
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showShortLogName= false
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.levelInBrackets = true
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