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Last active May 18, 2024 21:01
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infix to prefix in scheme
;; for optimisation routines in parsing
;; guile version
;;; evaluates `terms` symbolically or numerically as a basic infix expression
(define (!0-generic terms operator-precedence creator)
(display "!0-generic : terms=") (display terms) (newline)
;;(display "!0-generic : operator-precedence=") (display operator-precedence) (newline)
(define rv
(if (null? terms) ;; i added this null case but with correct input this should not be necessary
(car (!*-generic terms
(display "!0-generic : rv=") (display rv) (newline)
;; evaluate one group of operators in the list of terms
(define (!**-generic terms stack operators #;odd? creator)
;; (display "!** : terms = ") (display terms) (newline)
;; (display "!** : operators = ") (display operators) (newline)
;; (display "!** : stack = ") (display stack) (newline)
;;(display "!** : odd? = ") (display odd?) (newline) (newline)
; why `odd?`? because scheme's list-iteration is forwards-only and
; list-construction is prepend-only, every other group of operators is
; actually evaluated backwards which, for operators like / and -, can be a
; big deal! therefore, we keep this flipped `odd?` counter to track if we
; should flip our arguments or not
;; inner definition ,odd? is variable like a parameter
(define (calc-generic op a b)
;;(if odd? (list op a b) (list op b a)))
(define rv ;;(if odd?
(creator op a b))
;;(creator op b a))) ; at the beginning odd? is #f
;; (display "calc-generic : rv =") (display rv) (newline)
;; executed body of procedure start here
(cond ((and (null? terms)
(not (memq 'expt operators))
(not (member-syntax #'expt operators)))
(reverse stack)) ; base case, stack is the result, we return the reverse because
; scheme's list-iteration is forwards-only and
; list-construction is prepend-only
((null? terms) stack) ; here we get 'expt (see previous test) then we do not reverse because we
;start reversed and then went right->left
;; condition
;; operator we can evaluate -- pop operator and operand, then recurse
((and (> (length stack) 1) ; stack length at least 2 : b op
;; (begin
;; (display "!** : operators=") (display operators) (newline)
;; (let* ((op (car stack))
;; (mres (memq op operators)))
;; (display "op=") (display op) (newline)
;; (display "mres=") (display mres) (newline) (newline)
;; mres)))
;; test the finding of operator in precedence list
(memq (car stack) operators) ; find an operator of the same precedence
(member-syntax (car stack) operators))) ; syntaxified !
;; body if condition is true : ; found an operator of the same precedence
(let* ((op (car stack)) ; get back the operator from the stack ... a op
(b (car terms)) ; b
(a (cadr stack)) ; a , get back the operand from the stack ... a op
(calculus (if (or (memq 'expt operators)
(member-syntax #'expt operators))
(calc-generic op b a)
(calc-generic op a b))))
;;(display "op=") (display op) (newline)
(!**-generic (cdr terms) ; forward in terms
(cons calculus ; put the result in prefix notation on the stack
(cddr stack))
;;odd? ;(not odd?)
;; otherwise just keep building the stack, push at minima : a op from a op b
(!**-generic (cdr terms) ; forward in expression
(cons (car terms) stack) ; push first sub expression on stack
operators ; always the same operator group
;;odd?;(not odd?)
;; evaluate a list of groups of operators in the list of terms - forward in operator groups
(define (!*-generic terms operator-groups #;odd? creator)
;; (display "!* : terms = ") (display terms) (newline)
;; (display "!* : operator-groups = ") (display operator-groups) (newline) (newline)
(if (or (null? operator-groups) ; done evaluating all operators
(null? (cdr terms))) ; only one term left
terms ; finished processing operator groups
;; evaluate another group -- separating operators into groups allows
;; operator precedence
;; recursive tail call
(!*-generic (!**-generic terms '() (car operator-groups) #;odd? creator) ; this forward in terms
(cdr operator-groups) ; rest of precedence list , this forward in operator groups of precedence ,check another group
;;(not odd?)
(define (!*prec-generic terms operator-precedence creator) ;; precursor of !*-generic
(display "!*prec-generic : terms=") (display terms) (newline)
;;(display "!*prec-generic : operator-precedence=") (display operator-precedence) (newline)
(define rv
(if (null? terms)
(!*-generic (reverse terms) ; start reversed for exponentiation (highest precedence operator)
(display "!*prec-generic : rv=") (display rv) (newline)
;; scheme@(guile-user)> (!*prec-generic '(x <- 10.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 + 1 - 5.0 * 2.0 ** 3.0 / 7.0 ** 3.0) infix-operators-lst-for-parser (lambda (op a b) (list op a b)))
;; !*prec-generic : terms=(x <- 10.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 + 1 - 5.0 * 2.0 ** 3.0 / 7.0 ** 3.0)
;; !*prec-generic : rv=((<- x (- (+ (- (- 10.0 3.0) 4.0) 1) (/ (* 5.0 (** 2.0 3.0)) (** 7.0 3.0)))))
;; $1 = ((<- x (- (+ (- (- 10.0 3.0) 4.0) 1) (/ (* 5.0 (** 2.0 3.0)) (** 7.0 3.0)))))
;; scheme@(guile-user)> (- (+ (- (- 10.0 3.0) 4.0) 1) (/ (* 5.0 (** 2.0 3.0)) (** 7.0 3.0)))
;; $2 = 3.883381924198251
;; Python:
;; 10.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 + 1 - 5.0 * 2.0 ** 3.0 / 7.0 ** 3.0
;; 3.883381924198251
;; scheme@(guile-user)> (!*prec-generic '(a ** b ** c) infix-operators-lst-for-parser (lambda (op a b) (list op a b)))
;; !*prec-generic : terms=(a ** b ** c)
;; !*prec-generic : rv=((** a (** b c)))
;; $3 = ((** a (** b c)))
;; scheme@(guile-user)> (!*prec-generic '(a - b - c) infix-operators-lst-for-parser (lambda (op a b) (list op a b)))
;; !*prec-generic : terms=(a - b - c)
;; !*prec-generic : rv=((- (- a b) c))
;; $4 = ((- (- a b) c))
(define definition-operator (list '<+ '+>
'⥆ '⥅
':+ '+:))
(define assignment-operator (list '<- '->
'← '→
':= '=:
'<v 'v>
'⇜ '⇝))
(define infix-operators-lst-for-parser
(list 'expt '**)
(list '* '/ '%)
(list '+ '-)
(list '<< '>>)
(list '&)
(list '^)
(list '∣)
(list '< '> '= '≠ '<= '>= '<>)
(list 'and)
(list 'or)
(append assignment-operator
(define definition-operator-syntax (list #'<+ #'+>
#'⥆ #'⥅
#':+ #'+:))
(define assignment-operator-syntax (list #'<- #'->
#'← #'→
#':= #'=:
#'<v #'v>
#'⇜ #'⇝))
(define infix-operators-lst-for-parser-syntax
(list #'expt #'**)
(list #'* #'/ #'%)
(list #'+ #'-)
(list #'<< #'>>)
(list #'& #'∣)
(list #'< #'> #'= #'≠ #'<= #'>= #'<>)
(list #'and)
(list #'or)
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