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Plugin Name: CF7 form to all products (after short description, with add_action)
Plugin URI:
Description: Append a Contact Form 7 form to the Short Description section of all Woocommerce products.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.1
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
// Add the CF7 form between the short description and the 'Add to cart' button.
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'dcwd_add_cf7_form_after_single_excerpt', 25 );
function dcwd_add_cf7_form_after_single_excerpt() {
echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="73" title="Contact form 1"]'); ;
Plugin Name: CF7 form to all products (after short description, with add_filter)
Plugin URI:
Description: Append a Contact Form 7 form to the Short Description section of all Woocommerce products.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.1
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
// Add the CF7 form between the short description and the 'Add to cart' button.
add_filter('woocommerce_short_description', 'dcwd_append_cf7_form_to_short_description');
function dcwd_append_cf7_form_to_short_description( $short_description ) {
return $short_description . do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="73" title="Contact form 1"]');
Plugin Name: CF7 to product page
Plugin URI:
Description: Add a Contact Form 7 form to the product page.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.1
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'dcwd_add_cf7_form_under_add_to_cart' );
function dcwd_add_cf7_form_under_add_to_cart() {
// Add the hidden contact form. It will be displayed when the button is clicked.
echo '<div id="askinfo" style="display:none">' . do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="73" title="Contact form 1"]' ) . '</div>';
// Button to open the popup.
echo '<button><a href="#TB_inline?height=600&width=400&inlineId=askinfo" class="thickbox">Ask for Info</a></button>';
// Add the thickbox JS and CSS for the popup.
[dynamic_hidden page-url "CF7_URL"]
[dynamic_hidden site-url "CF7_bloginfo show='url'"]
[dynamic_hidden post-id "CF7_get_post_var key='ID'"]
<p>SKU<br />
[dynamic_text product-sku "CF7_get_custom_field key='_sku'"]</p>
In the email:
SKU: [product-sku]
Plugin Name: CF7 to product page (specified categories)
Plugin URI:
Description: Add a Contact Form 7 form to the product page of products in specified categories only.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.1
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'dcwd_add_cf7_form_under_add_to_cart' );
function dcwd_add_cf7_form_under_add_to_cart() {
// Add the contact form for products in the tshirts category.
if ( has_term( array('tshirts', 'accessories' ), 'product_cat' ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="73" title="Contact form 1"]' );
Page URL: [page-url]
Edit URL: [site-url]/wp-admin/post.php?post=[post-id]&action=edit
[contact-form-7 id="27" title="Product Enquiry"]
[dynamic_hidden product-name "CF7_get_post_var key='title'"]
<label>Product Name
[dynamic_text product-name "CF7_get_post_var key='title'"]</label>
Plugin Name: CF7 form to All Products
Plugin URI:
Description: Append a Contact Form 7 form to the Product Description section of all Woocommerce products.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.2
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
add_filter('the_content', 'dc_cf7_form_to_all_products');
function dc_cf7_form_to_all_products($content) {
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) && is_product() && is_main_query() ) { // Check suggested by:
return $content . '[contact-form-7 id="8018" title="Product Enquiry"]';
return $content;
// Ensure the Description tab is present as it is needed by the_content filter.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'dc_cf7_add_description_tab', 20 );
function dc_cf7_add_description_tab( $tabs ) {
global $product, $post;
// Description tab - add if there is no post content (i.e. if the Description is empty)
// because woocommerce_default_product_tabs() in woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php
// excludes it if the post content is empty.
if ( ! $post->post_content ) {
$tabs['description'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Description', 'woocommerce' ),
'priority' => 10,
'callback' => 'woocommerce_product_description_tab',
return $tabs;
add_filter('the_content', 'dc_cf7_form_to_all_products');
function dc_cf7_form_to_all_products($content) {
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) && is_product() && is_main_query() ) { // Check suggested by:
global $post;
$product = wc_get_product($post);
// Only display the form when the product is in stock.
if ( $product->is_in_stock() ) {
return $content . '[contact-form-7 id="27" title="Product Enquiry"]';
return $content;
Plugin Name: CF7 form to All Products
Plugin URI:
Description: Append a Contact Form 7 form to the Short Description section of all Woocommerce products.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.1
WC tested up to: 8.0.2
add_filter('woocommerce_short_description', 'dc_cf7_form_to_all_products');
function dc_cf7_form_to_all_products($content) {
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) && is_product() && is_main_query() ) { // Check suggested by:
return $content . '[contact-form-7 id="27" title="Product Enquiry"]';
return $content;
[03-Feb-2017 20:53:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_product() in /wp-content/plugins/wc-cf7-form-to-all-products.php on line 14
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Shahriq commented May 29, 2023

OK, Thanks Now I will use variable product:)

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