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Last active April 7, 2023 08:21
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(* compile with:
ocamlfind opt -package unix,domainslib -linkpkg
module Timings = struct
type t = {
cpu_time : float;
wall_time : float
let time_computation (f : unit -> 'a) : t * 'a =
let times_start = Sys.time ()
and wall_start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let ret = f () in
let times_end = Sys.time ()
and wall_end = Unix.gettimeofday () in
{ cpu_time = times_end -. times_start ;
wall_time = wall_end -. wall_start
module Quicksort = struct
let pivot (cmp : 'a -> 'a -> int) (a : 'a array) (left : int) (right : int) =
assert(0 <= left);
assert(left <= right);
assert(right <= Array.length a);
let mid_start = ref left
and mid_end = ref (left + 1)
and current_pos = ref (right - 1)
and pivot = a.(left) in
while !mid_end <= !current_pos do
assert (left <= !mid_start);
assert (!mid_start < !mid_end);
assert (!current_pos < right);
let current = a.(!current_pos) in
match cmp current pivot with
| 0 ->
a.(!current_pos) <- a.(!mid_end);
mid_end := !mid_end + 1
| n when n < 0 ->
a.(!mid_start) <- current;
a.(!current_pos) <- a.(!mid_end);
mid_start := !mid_start+1;
mid_end := !mid_end+1
| _ ->
current_pos := !current_pos - 1
for i= !mid_start to !mid_end-1 do
a.(i) <- pivot
(!mid_start, !mid_end);;
let rec quicksort (cmp : 'a -> 'a -> int) (a : 'a array) (left : int) (right : int) =
assert(0 <= left);
assert(left <= right);
assert(right <= Array.length a);
if right - left > 1
let (mid_start, mid_end) = pivot cmp a left right in
let len_left = mid_start - left
and len_right = right - mid_end in
if len_left < len_right then
(quicksort cmp a left mid_start;
quicksort cmp a mid_end right)
(quicksort cmp a mid_end right;
quicksort cmp a left mid_start);;
[@@@warning "-unused-value-declaration"]
let assert_sorted cmp a left right =
for i=left to right-2 do
assert (cmp a.(i) a.(i+1) <= 0)
let checksum a left right =
let sum = ref 0 in
for i=left to right-1 do
sum := !sum lxor a.(i)
let random_array seed max n =
let prng = Random.State.make seed in
Array.init n (fun _ -> prng max)
let print_array oc prt a left right =
for i=left to right-1 do
Printf.fprintf oc "[%d] = %a\n" i prt a.(i)
let output_int oc n =
output_string oc (string_of_int n);;
let pp_size ppf x =
let x = x *. 8. in
let rec human s suffixes x =
match x<1024., suffixes with
| true, _ | false, [] ->
Printf.fprintf ppf "%.2f%sB" x s
| false, s :: suffixes ->
human s suffixes (x/.1024.)
human "" ["k";"M";"G";"T"] x
module Tsk = Domainslib.Task
(* ;;
let cores = 4 in
let pool = Tsk.setup_pool ~num_additional_domains:(cores-1) () in
let run f = pool f in
type mode = Spawn_domains of int | Explicit_gc | Implicit_gc
let mode = ref Implicit_gc
let stride = ref 1000
let steps = ref 500
let args = [
"-spawn", Arg.Int (fun x -> mode := Spawn_domains x), "<n> spawn <n> idle domains (default 0)";
"-gc", Arg.Unit (fun () -> mode := Explicit_gc ), " add explicit call to the GC";
"-default", Arg.Unit (fun () -> mode := Implicit_gc ), " no explicit call to the GC, single domain";
"-stride", Arg.Set_int stride, "<n> size increase at each step (default=1000)";
"-steps", Arg.Set_int steps, "<n> run <n> steps (default=500)";
let () = Arg.parse args ignore ""
let mode = !mode
let stride = !stride
let run f = f () in
let rec loop () =
Unix.sleepf 100.0;
loop ()
begin match mode with
| Spawn_domains n ->
for _i = 1 to n do
let _d = Domain.spawn loop in
Printf.eprintf "loop domain = %d\n%!" (Obj.magic (Domain.get_id _d))
| _ -> ()
let n1 = ref 1 in
while !n1 <= !steps * 1000 + 1 do
let n = !n1 in
n1 := n + stride;
let max = 10000
and seed = [|n; 2; 3|] in
let a = random_array seed max n in
let sum = checksum a 0 n in
let times,() = Timings.time_computation (fun () ->
(fun () -> Quicksort.quicksort ( - ) a 0 n)) in
assert_sorted ( - ) a 0 n ;
let stat = Gc.quick_stat () in
let sum2 = checksum a 0 n in
let () = match mode with
| Explicit_gc -> Gc.full_major ()
| _ -> ()
assert (sum = sum2);
Printf.printf "%d\t%f\t%f" n times.cpu_time times.wall_time;
Printf.printf "\tmax=%a\theap=%a\tmajor allocated=%a minor=%d major=%d"
pp_size (float stat.top_heap_words)
pp_size (float stat.heap_words)
pp_size stat.major_words
Printf.printf "\n";
flush stdout
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