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Created June 3, 2018 15:14
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Fast Ray Casting using tensorflow. When running the example, press right click on matplotlib graph to add a point to the polygon, press left click to close the polygon.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as cl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import itertools
import time
import sys
import tensorflow as tf
class rayCasting:
df = None
column_1 = None
column_2 = None
linepoints = []
polygon_idx = 0
cropped_dfs = []
def set_dataframe(df):
rayCasting.df = df
def set_column_1(column_1):
rayCasting.column_1 = column_1
def set_column_2(column_2):
rayCasting.column_2 = column_2
def onclick(event):
cropped_dfs = []
df = rayCasting.df
column_1 = rayCasting.column_1
column_2 = rayCasting.column_2
linepoints = rayCasting.linepoints
# right click
if event.button == 3:
x = event.xdata
y = event.ydata
plt.plot([x[0] for x in linepoints], [x[1] for x in linepoints],color='red')
# left click
if event.button == 1 and len(linepoints)>=3:
plt.plot([x[0] for x in linepoints], [x[1] for x in linepoints],color='red')
min_x = min([x[0] for x in linepoints])
max_x = max([x[0] for x in linepoints])
min_y = min([x[1] for x in linepoints])
max_y = max([x[1] for x in linepoints])
bounded_df = df[(df[column_1] > min_x) & (df[column_1] < max_x) & (df[column_2] > min_y) & (df[column_2] < max_y)]
bounded_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
bounded_df_idxs = bounded_df.index.values
idxs = rayCasting.get_points_within_polygons(bounded_df[[column_1,column_2]].values,linepoints)
in_polygon_df = bounded_df.ix[bounded_df_idxs[idxs],:]
linepoints = []
rayCasting.polygon_idx += 1
rayCasting.linepoints = linepoints
def build_tensor_graph(x1_,a_,ab_,eps_,device='/cpu:0'):
with tf.device(device):
x, y = tf.split(x1_,2,1)
out = tf.subtract(y,a_[1])
out = tf.subtract(ab_[1],out)
out = tf.divide(out,tf.add(ab_[1],eps_))
condition_1 = tf.floor(out)
out_1 = tf.multiply(ab_[1],tf.subtract(x,a_[0]))
out_2 = tf.multiply(ab_[0],tf.subtract(y,a_[1]))
out = tf.subtract(out_1,out_2)
condition_2 = tf.sign(out)
zero_condition_1 = tf.equal(condition_1,0)
zero_condition_2 = tf.equal(condition_2,-1)
is_on_left = tf.logical_and(zero_condition_1,zero_condition_2)
return is_on_left
def get_points_within_polygons(points,linepoints,device='/cpu:0'):
x1_ = tf.placeholder(type_, shape=points.shape)
#Build graph for each segment
combined_left_points = []
for i,vertex in enumerate(linepoints):
if i == len(linepoints)-1:
left_points = rayCasting.get_graph_on_left_of_segment(x1_,[linepoints[-1],linepoints[0]],type_,device)
left_points = rayCasting.get_graph_on_left_of_segment(x1_,[linepoints[i],linepoints[i+1]],type_,device)
out = tf.concat(combined_left_points,1)
out = tf.cast(out, tf.int32)
out = tf.reduce_sum(out, 1)
out = tf.floormod(out,2)
out = tf.where(tf.equal(out,1))
sess = tf.Session()
output =, feed_dict={x1_:points})
return [x[0] for x in output]
def get_graph_on_left_of_segment(x1_,segment,type_='float32',device='/cpu:0'):
#reorder segement
a = segment[0]
b = segment[1]
if a[1] > b[1]:
a,b = b,a
eps = 0.000001
x_ab = b[0]-a[0]
y_ab = b[1]-a[1]
x_a_ = tf.constant(a[0],dtype=type_)
x_ab_ = tf.constant(x_ab,dtype=type_)
y_a_ = tf.constant(a[1],dtype=type_)
y_ab_ = tf.constant(y_ab,dtype=type_)
eps_ = tf.constant(eps,dtype=type_)
graph_ = rayCasting.build_tensor_graph(x1_,[x_a_,y_a_],[x_ab_,y_ab_],eps_,device)
return graph_
def run_selector(df,column_1,column_2):
ax = plt.gca()
fig = plt.gcf()
plt.scatter(df[column_1], df[column_2], s=1)
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', rayCasting.onclick)
return rayCasting.cropped_dfs
def dummy_example():
nb_points = 10000
points = np.random.rand(nb_points,2)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=points, columns=["x","y"])
column_1 = "x"
column_2 = "y"
df = rayCasting.run_selector(df, column_1, column_2)[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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