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Last active February 28, 2020 18:20
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SwiftUI Alert with Publisher
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct AlertWithPublisher<P>: ViewModifier where P: Publisher, P.Failure == Never {
let publisher: P
let alertContent: (P.Output?) -> Alert
@State private var isShowingAlert = false
@State private var publisherOutput: P.Output? = nil
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.alert(isPresented: self.$isShowingAlert) {
.onReceive(publisher) { output in
self.publisherOutput = output
extension View {
func alert<P>(onReceive publisher: P, content: @escaping (P.Output?) -> Alert) -> some View where P: Publisher, P.Failure == Never {
modifier(AlertWithPublisher(publisher: publisher, alertContent: content))
/* Usage
.alert(onReceive: publisher) { output in
Alert(title: Text("Alert"), message: Text("Presented from publisher."), dismissButton: .cancel())
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