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Last active August 25, 2017 04:39
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AddressBook-level0 ~500 LoC
package seedu.addressbook;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
* This class is used to maintain a list of person data which are saved
* in a text file.
public class AddressBook {
/* We use a String array to store details of a single person.
* The constants given below are the indexes for the different data elements of a person
* used by the internal String[] storage format.
* For example, a person's name is stored as the 0th element in the array.
private static final int PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME = 0;
private static final int PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE = 1;
private static final int PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL = 2;
private static final Scanner SCANNER = new Scanner(;
private static final ArrayList<String[]> ALL_PERSONS = new ArrayList<>();
private static ArrayList<String[]> latestPersonListingView = ALL_PERSONS; // initial view is of all
private static String storageFilePath;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (String m : new String[]{"===================================================",
"AddessBook Level 1 - Version 1.0", "Welcome to your Address Book!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
if (args.length >= 2) {
for (String m2 : new String[]{"Too many parameters! Correct program argument format:"
+ (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ") + "\tjava AddressBook"
+ (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ") + "\tjava AddressBook [custom storage file path]"}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m2);
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
if (args.length == 1) {
boolean isValidFilePath = false;
if (args[0] != null) {
Path filePathToValidate;
try {
filePathToValidate = Paths.get(args[0]);
Path parentDirectory = filePathToValidate.getParent();
isValidFilePath = (parentDirectory == null || Files.isDirectory(parentDirectory)) && filePathToValidate.getFileName().toString().lastIndexOf('.') > 0
&& (!Files.exists(filePathToValidate) || Files.isRegularFile(filePathToValidate));
} catch (InvalidPathException ipe) {
if (!isValidFilePath) {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("The given file name [%1$s] is not a valid file name!", args[0])}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
storageFilePath = args[0];
final File storageFile = new File(args[0]);
if (!storageFile.exists()) {
for (String m1 : new String[]{String.format("Storage file missing: %1$s", args[0])}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
try {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("Created new empty storage file: %1$s", args[0])}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("Error: unable to create file: %1$s", args[0])}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
if(args.length == 0) {
for (String m : new String[]{"Using default storage file : " + "addressbook.txt"}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
storageFilePath = "addressbook.txt";
final File storageFile = new File(storageFilePath);
if (!storageFile.exists()) {
for (String m1 : new String[]{String.format("Storage file missing: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
try {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("Created new empty storage file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("Error: unable to create file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
ArrayList<String> lines = null;
try {
lines = new ArrayList<>(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(storageFilePath)));
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
for (String m11 : new String[]{String.format("Storage file missing: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m11);
for (String m2 : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m2);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
for (String m11 : new String[]{String.format("Unexpected error: unable to read from file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m11);
for (String m2 : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m2);
final ArrayList<String[]> decodedPersons = new ArrayList<>();
Optional<ArrayList<String[]>> returnValue = Optional.empty();;
boolean isDecodingSuccess = true;
for (String encodedPerson : lines) {
Optional<String[]> decodedPersons1 = Optional.empty();
boolean isPersonDataPresent = true;
// check that we can extract the parts of a person from the encoded string
final String matchAnyPersonDataPrefix = "p/" + '|' + "e/";
final String[] splitArgs = encodedPerson.trim().split(matchAnyPersonDataPrefix);
if (!(splitArgs.length == 3 // 3 arguments
&& !splitArgs[0].isEmpty() // non-empty arguments
&& !splitArgs[1].isEmpty()
&& !splitArgs[2].isEmpty())) {
isPersonDataPresent = false;
if(isPersonDataPresent) {
String result;
final int indexOfPhonePrefix = encodedPerson.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix = encodedPerson.indexOf("e/");
// email is last arg, target is from prefix to end of string
if (indexOfEmailPrefix > indexOfPhonePrefix) {
result = encodedPerson.substring(indexOfEmailPrefix, encodedPerson.length()).trim().replace("e/", "");
// email is middle arg, target is from own prefix to next prefix
} else {
result = encodedPerson.substring(indexOfEmailPrefix, indexOfPhonePrefix).trim().replace("e/", "");
String result1;
final int indexOfPhonePrefix1 = encodedPerson.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix1 = encodedPerson.indexOf("e/");
// phone is last arg, target is from prefix to end of string
if (indexOfPhonePrefix1 > indexOfEmailPrefix1) {
result1 = encodedPerson.substring(indexOfPhonePrefix1, encodedPerson.length()).trim().replace("p/", "");
// phone is middle arg, target is from own prefix to next prefix
} else {
result1 = encodedPerson.substring(indexOfPhonePrefix1, indexOfEmailPrefix1).trim().replace("p/", "");
final int indexOfPhonePrefix2 = encodedPerson.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix2 = encodedPerson.indexOf("e/");
// name is leading substring up to first data prefix symbol
int indexOfFirstPrefix = Math.min(indexOfEmailPrefix2, indexOfPhonePrefix2);
final String[] person = new String[3];
person[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME] = encodedPerson.substring(0, indexOfFirstPrefix).trim();
person[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE] = result1;
person[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL] = result;
final String[] decodedPerson1 = person;
// check that the constructed person is valid
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
decodedPersons1 = decodedPerson1[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME].matches("(\\w|\\s)+")
&& decodedPerson1[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE].matches("\\d+")
&& decodedPerson1[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL].matches("\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+") ? Optional.of(decodedPerson1) : Optional.empty();
final Optional<String[]> decodedPerson = decodedPersons1;
if (!decodedPerson.isPresent()) {
isDecodingSuccess = false;
if(isDecodingSuccess) {
returnValue = Optional.of(decodedPersons);
final Optional<ArrayList<String[]>> successfullyDecoded = returnValue;
if (!successfullyDecoded.isPresent()) {
for (String m2 : new String[]{"Storage file has invalid content"}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m2);
for (String m2 : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m2);
while (true) {
System.out.print("|| " + "Enter command: ");
String inputLine = SCANNER.nextLine();
// silently consume all blank and comment lines
while (inputLine.trim().isEmpty() || inputLine.trim().charAt(0) == '#') {
inputLine = SCANNER.nextLine();
String userCommand = inputLine;
for (String m1 : new String[]{"[Command entered:" + userCommand + "]"}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
String feedback = executeCommand(userCommand);
for (String m : new String[]{feedback, "==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
* Executes the command as specified by the {@code userInputString}
* @param userInputString raw input from user
* @return feedback about how the command was executed
private static String executeCommand(String userInputString) {
final String[] split = userInputString.trim().split("\\s+", 2);
final String[] commandTypeAndParams = split.length == 2 ? split : new String[]{split[0], ""};
final String commandType = commandTypeAndParams[0];
final String commandArgs = commandTypeAndParams[1];
switch (commandType) {
case "add":
// try decoding a person from the raw args
Optional<String[]> decodedPersons = Optional.empty();
boolean isPersonDataPresent = true;
// check that we can extract the parts of a person from the encoded string
final String matchAnyPersonDataPrefix = "p/" + '|' + "e/";
final String[] splitArgs = commandArgs.trim().split(matchAnyPersonDataPrefix);
if (!(splitArgs.length == 3 // 3 arguments
&& !splitArgs[0].isEmpty() // non-empty arguments
&& !splitArgs[1].isEmpty()
&& !splitArgs[2].isEmpty())) {
isPersonDataPresent = false;
if(isPersonDataPresent) {
String result11;
final int indexOfPhonePrefix = commandArgs.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix = commandArgs.indexOf("e/");
// email is last arg, target is from prefix to end of string
if (indexOfEmailPrefix > indexOfPhonePrefix) {
result11 = commandArgs.substring(indexOfEmailPrefix, commandArgs.length()).trim().replace("e/", "");
// email is middle arg, target is from own prefix to next prefix
} else {
result11 = commandArgs.substring(indexOfEmailPrefix, indexOfPhonePrefix).trim().replace("e/", "");
String result1;
final int indexOfPhonePrefix1 = commandArgs.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix1 = commandArgs.indexOf("e/");
// phone is last arg, target is from prefix to end of string
if (indexOfPhonePrefix1 > indexOfEmailPrefix1) {
result1 = commandArgs.substring(indexOfPhonePrefix1, commandArgs.length()).trim().replace("p/", "");
// phone is middle arg, target is from own prefix to next prefix
} else {
result1 = commandArgs.substring(indexOfPhonePrefix1, indexOfEmailPrefix1).trim().replace("p/", "");
final int indexOfPhonePrefix2 = commandArgs.indexOf("p/");
final int indexOfEmailPrefix2 = commandArgs.indexOf("e/");
// name is leading substring up to first data prefix symbol
int indexOfFirstPrefix = Math.min(indexOfEmailPrefix2, indexOfPhonePrefix2);
final String[] person3 = new String[3];
person3[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME] = commandArgs.substring(0, indexOfFirstPrefix).trim();
person3[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE] = result1;
person3[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL] = result11;
final String[] decodedPerson = person3;
// check that the constructed person is valid
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
//TODO: implement a more permissive validation
decodedPersons = decodedPerson[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME].matches("(\\w|\\s)+")
&& decodedPerson[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE].matches("\\d+")
&& decodedPerson[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL].matches("\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+") ? Optional.of(decodedPerson) : Optional.empty();
final Optional<String[]> decodeResult = decodedPersons;
// checks if args are valid (decode result will not be present if the person is invalid)
if (!decodeResult.isPresent()) {
return String.format("Invalid command format: %1$s " + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ") + "%2$s", "add", String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "add", "Adds a person to the address book.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "NAME "
+ "p/" + "PHONE_NUMBER "
+ "e/" + "EMAIL") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "add" + " John Doe p/98765432 e/") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| "));
// add the person as specified
final String[] personToAdd = decodeResult.get();
final ArrayList<String> encoded1 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String[] person1 : ALL_PERSONS) {
encoded1.add(String.format("%1$s " // name
+ "p/" + "%2$s " // phone
+ "e/" + "%3$s",
final ArrayList<String> linesToWrite1 = encoded1;
try {
Files.write(Paths.get(storageFilePath), linesToWrite1);
} catch (IOException ioe1) {
for (String m1 : new String[]{String.format("Unexpected error: unable to write to file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
for (String m1 : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
return String.format("New person added: %1$s, Phone: %2$s, Email: %3$s",
case "find":
final Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<>(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(commandArgs.trim().trim().split("\\s+"))));
final ArrayList<String[]> matchedPersons = new ArrayList<>();
for (String[] person2 : ALL_PERSONS) {
final Set<String> wordsInName = new HashSet<>(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(person2[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME].trim().split("\\s+"))));
if (!Collections.disjoint(wordsInName, keywords)) {
final ArrayList<String[]> personsFound = matchedPersons;
final StringBuilder messageAccumulator1 = new StringBuilder();
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < personsFound.size(); i1++) {
final String[] person1 = personsFound.get(i1);
final int displayIndex1 = i1 + 1;
.append(String.format("%1$d. ", displayIndex1) + String.format("%1$s Phone Number: %2$s Email: %3$s",
.append(System.lineSeparator() + "|| ");
String listAsString1 = messageAccumulator1.toString();
for (String m1 : new String[]{listAsString1}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
// clone to insulate from future changes to arg list
latestPersonListingView = new ArrayList<>(personsFound);
return String.format("%1$d persons found!", personsFound.size());
case "list":
ArrayList<String[]> toBeDisplayed = ALL_PERSONS;
final StringBuilder messageAccumulator = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < toBeDisplayed.size(); i++) {
final String[] person = toBeDisplayed.get(i);
final int displayIndex = i + 1;
.append(String.format("%1$d. ", displayIndex) + String.format("%1$s Phone Number: %2$s Email: %3$s",
.append(System.lineSeparator() + "|| ");
String listAsString = messageAccumulator.toString();
for (String m : new String[]{listAsString}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
// clone to insulate from future changes to arg list
latestPersonListingView = new ArrayList<>(toBeDisplayed);
return String.format("%1$d persons found!", toBeDisplayed.size());
case "delete":
boolean result;
try {
final int extractedIndex = Integer.parseInt(commandArgs.trim()); // use standard libraries to parse
result = extractedIndex >= 1;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
result = false;
if (!result) {
return String.format("Invalid command format: %1$s " + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ") + "%2$s", "delete", String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "delete", "Deletes a person identified by the index number used in "
+ "the last find/list call.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "INDEX") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "delete" + " 1") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| "));
final int targetVisibleIndex = Integer.parseInt(commandArgs.trim());
if (!(targetVisibleIndex >= 1 && targetVisibleIndex < latestPersonListingView.size() + 1)) {
return "The person index provided is invalid";
final String[] targetInModel = latestPersonListingView.get(targetVisibleIndex - 1);
final boolean changed = ALL_PERSONS.remove(targetInModel);
if (changed) {
final ArrayList<String> encoded2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String[] person1 : ALL_PERSONS) {
encoded2.add(String.format("%1$s " // name
+ "p/" + "%2$s " // phone
+ "e/" + "%3$s",
final ArrayList<String> linesToWrite2 = encoded2;
try {
Files.write(Paths.get(storageFilePath), linesToWrite2);
} catch (IOException ioe1) {
for (String m1 : new String[]{String.format("Unexpected error: unable to write to file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
for (String m1 : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m1);
return changed ? String.format("Deleted Person: %1$s", String.format("%1$s Phone Number: %2$s Email: %3$s",
targetInModel[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_NAME], targetInModel[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_PHONE], targetInModel[PERSON_DATA_INDEX_EMAIL])) // success
: "Person could not be found in address book"; // not found
case "clear":
final ArrayList<String> encoded = new ArrayList<>();
for (String[] person : ALL_PERSONS) {
encoded.add(String.format("%1$s " // name
+ "p/" + "%2$s " // phone
+ "e/" + "%3$s",
final ArrayList<String> linesToWrite = encoded;
try {
Files.write(Paths.get(storageFilePath), linesToWrite);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
for (String m : new String[]{String.format("Unexpected error: unable to write to file: %1$s", storageFilePath)}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
return "Address book has been cleared!";
case "help":
return (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "add", "Adds a person to the address book.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "NAME "
+ "p/" + "PHONE_NUMBER "
+ "e/" + "EMAIL") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "add" + " John Doe p/98765432 e/") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "find", "Finds all persons whose names contain any of the specified "
+ "keywords (case-sensitive) and displays them as a list with index numbers.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "find" + " alice bob charlie") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "list", "Displays all persons as a list with index numbers.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "list") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "delete", "Deletes a person identified by the index number used in "
+ "the last find/list call.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "INDEX") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "delete" + " 1") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "clear", "Clears address book permanently.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "clear") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "exit", "Exits the program.")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "exit")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "help", "Shows program usage instructions.")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "help"));
case "exit":
for (String m : new String[]{"Exiting Address Book... Good bye!",
"==================================================="}) {
System.out.println("|| " + m);
return String.format("Invalid command format: %1$s " + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ") + "%2$s", commandType, (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "add", "Adds a person to the address book.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "NAME "
+ "p/" + "PHONE_NUMBER "
+ "e/" + "EMAIL") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "add" + " John Doe p/98765432 e/") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "find", "Finds all persons whose names contain any of the specified "
+ "keywords (case-sensitive) and displays them as a list with index numbers.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "find" + " alice bob charlie") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "list", "Displays all persons as a list with index numbers.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "list") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "delete", "Deletes a person identified by the index number used in "
+ "the last find/list call.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tParameters: %1$s", "INDEX") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "delete" + " 1") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "clear", "Clears address book permanently.") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "clear") + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "exit", "Exits the program.")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "exit")) + (System.lineSeparator() + "|| ")
+ (String.format("%1$s: %2$s", "help", "Shows program usage instructions.")
+ String.format("\tExample: %1$s", "help")));
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