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Created April 8, 2017 23:07
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DB Class that Wraps around PDO
namespace Uno\Database;
class DB extends DBInteractor
public function getAllData($tableName)
$sql = "SELECT * from {$tableName};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getTotalData($tableName)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM {$tableName};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql)[0]['total'];
public function getTotalDataWhere($tableName, $condition)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM {$tableName}
WHERE {$condition};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql)[0]['total'];
public function getAllDataWhere($tableName, $condition)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
WHERE {$condition}";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataWhereOrder($tableName, $where, $order)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$order};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getDataTotalJoin($tableName, $otherTableName, $condition, $key)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM {$tableName}
INNER JOIN {$otherTableName} ON
{$condition} WHERE {$key};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql)[0]['total'];
public function getPaginatedArticles($tableName, $order, $start, $perPage)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
ORDER BY {$order}
LIMIT {$start}, {$perPage};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getPaginatedArticlesJoin($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, $where, $order, $start, $perPage)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$order}
LIMIT {$start}, {$perPage};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoin($tableName, $otherTable, $condition)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoinWhere($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, $where)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
WHERE {$where};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoinOrder($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, $order)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
ORDER BY {$order};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoinWhereOrder($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, $where, $order)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$order};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoinGroupBy($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, array $fields = ['*'], $groupBy)
$fields = convertToCommaSeparatedString($fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
GROUP BY {$groupBy};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function getAllDataInnerJoinWhereGroupBy($tableName, $otherTable, $condition, array $fields = ['*'], $where, $groupBy)
$fields = convertToCommaSeparatedString($fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$tableName}
JOIN {$otherTable} ON {$condition}
WHERE {$where} GROUP BY {$groupBy};";
return $this->executeQuery($sql);
public function addData($tableName, $data)
$fieldNames = array_keys($data);
$fields = convertToCommaSeparatedString($fieldNames);
$boundNames = array_map(function($name){
return ":" . $name;
}, $fieldNames);
$fieldsValue = convertToCommaSeparatedString($boundNames);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} ({$fields}) value ({$fieldsValue});";
return $this->executeAction($sql, $data);
public function updateData($tableName, $condition, $where)
$sql = "UPDATE {$tableName} SET {$condition} WHERE {$where};";
return $this->executeAction($sql);
public function deleteData($tableName, $where)
$sql = "DELETE FROM {$tableName} WHERE {$where};";
return $this->executeAction($sql);
namespace Uno\Database;
use PDO;
use PDOException;
abstract class DBInteractor {
protected $db;
function __construct($config = null)
$this->db = $this->connect($config);
protected function connect($config = null)
$config = is_null($config) ? config('database') : $config;
$dsn = $config['driver'] .":host=". $config['host'] . ";dbname=" . $config['database'] . ";";
try {
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $config['username'], $config['password']);
return $pdo;
catch (PDOException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
protected function executeQuery($sql)
try {
$sth = $this->db->query($sql);
return $sth->fetchAll();
catch (PDOException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
protected function executeAction($sql, $data = null)
try {
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
($data === null) ? $sth->execute() : $sth->execute($data);
return true;
catch (PDOException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
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