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permanent omnishambles

Robin Howard damncabbage

permanent omnishambles
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(This is a fork of Michael's original gist with some editing of the unions + records sections.)

Elm and Typescript: comparison of type checking features

Each of these examples assume the usage of --strict mode in Typescript



Can be implemented using “Custom Types”

import sys
from time import sleep
import random
import cursor
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, width, height):
damncabbage /
Last active September 15, 2020 13:40 — forked from BinaryMuse/
Change your profile photo for all meetup groups

I haven't found a way to set your main profile photo on such that it overrides any old photos you have set in individual groups. This script will do just that — set your group specific profile photo to your main photo for every group you're in.

Here's what to do:

  1. Go to your main profile page:
  2. Ensure you've set your main profile photo to the photo you want to use in all your groups.
  3. Open your browser's developer tools (often F12 on Windows, cmd+opt+i on macOS), copy the following code, paste it in the Console tab, and press enter:
var memberId = 56746842; // <=== Edit this