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Created January 20, 2011 21:11
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takes a paste of query statements from New Relic and explains all of them ; also converts UPDATEs and DELETEs now
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "NR Bulk Query Explainer"
puts "make sure to adjust the mysql command line in the script to your local setup"
puts "Paste your SQL Statements Trace from New Relic and ~ and RETURN to submit."
cli = "mysql -uroot notes_from_scratch -e "
strings,queries = [],[]
while (s=gets)!="~\n"
strings << s
# transform the update and delete queries to something explainable
strings.each do |s|
next if (s.strip)==""
string_parts = s.split("\t")
string_parts.each do |p|
first = (p[0..5] ? p[0..5].downcase : "")
if first=="delete"
# DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?
p.gsub!("DELETE FROM ","SELECT * from ")
(queries << p) and break
elsif first=="update"
# UPDATE `subscriptions` SET user_guid = ? WHERE (user_guid = ?)
p.gsub!("UPDATE ","SELECT * from ")
select,table,rest = p.split("`")
where_pos = (rest =~ /WHERE/)
where = rest[] if where_pos
if where
query = [select.strip,"`#{table}`",where.strip].join(" ")
queries << query
elsif first.downcase=="select"
(queries << p) and break
# fix up the data in the queries
final_queries = []
queries.each do |q|
candidate = q.strip.gsub("LIMIT ?", "LIMIT #{rand(20) + 1}").gsub("?", "'1'").gsub("`","``")
final_queries << candidate
puts '=='
cnt = 1
final_queries.each do |q|
eq = "#{cli} \"EXPLAIN #{q}\""
puts "#{cnt}. #{q}"
puts "-"
IO.popen(eq) { |io| puts }
puts "-"
2.times { puts }
puts "=="
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