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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save damonsharp/b399b33470763bb2e2b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash Profile Aliases & Other Goodies
# Terminal visuals from
export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]@\[\033[32m\]\h:\[\033[33;1m\]\w\[\033[m\]\$ "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad
alias ls='ls -GFh'
export EDITOR='subl'
# Keep at top
export PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:~/.composer/vendor/bin'
# User defined aliases
# List files
alias lst="ls -la"
# Run artisan commands for Laravel using MAMP PHP
alias art='php artisan'
# Run artisan database migration commands using MAMP PHP
alias artm='php artisan migrate'
# Edit the hosts file for creating local virtual hosts
alias ehosts='subl /etc/hosts'
# Change directory to WP Development plugins
alias wpdevp='cd ~/Sites/wpdev/wp-content/plugins; ls -la'
# Change directory to WP Development themes
alias wpdevt='cd ~/Sites/wpdev/wp-content/themes; ls -la'
# Change directory to Sites (change to whatever directory you keep your local sites in)
alias sites='cd ~/Sites'
# Change to sites directory and list details of all sites
alias lsites='cd ~/Sites; ls -la'
# Empty the trash
alias etrash='sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*'
# Reload the ~/.profile file (this file - needed anytime new items are added)
alias reloadprof='. ~/.bash_profile'
# Edit this file in sublime
alias eprof='subl ~/.bash_profile'
# Flush DNS cache
alias flushdns="dscacheutil -flushcache"
# Apache
alias startapache="sudo apachectl start"
alias stopapache="sudo apachectl stop"
alias restartapache="sudo apachectl restart"
# Git
alias gitst="git status"
alias gita="git add"
alias gitaa="git add -A"
# add deleted files only
alias gitad="git ls-files --deleted | xargs git rm"
alias gitc="git commit -m"
alias gitaac="git add -A; git commit -m"
alias gitu="git add -u"
alias gitpom="git push origin master"
alias gitpu="git push"
alias gitplom="git pull origin master"
alias gitpl="git pull"
alias gits="git stage"
alias gitcl="git clone"
alias gitco="git checkout"
alias gitb="git branch"
alias copyssh="pbcopy < ~/.ssh/"
# Gulp tasks
alias gw="gulp watch"
# Laravel Homestead commands
alias hup="homestead up"
alias hupp="homestead up --provision"
alias hsus="homestead suspend"
alias hh="homestead halt"
alias hst="homestead status"
alias hlist="homestead list"
alias hdes="homestead destroy"
alias hedit="homestead edit"
alias hssh="homestead ssh"
# Vagrant commands
alias vup="vagrant up"
alias vsus="vagrant suspend"
alias vh="vagrant halt"
alias vst="vagrant status"
alias vlist="vagrant list"
alias vdes="vagrant destroy"
alias vprov="vagrant provision"
# WordPress
alias wptheme="mkdir source; touch index.php source/img source/js source/sass functions.php comments.php home.php front-page.php page.php search.php header.php footer.php archive.php single.php sidebar.php; chmodd775; chmodf664;"
# Node/NPM
alias updatenode="sudo npm cache clean -f; sudo npm install -g n; sudo n stable"
# WordPress
alias installwp="sites; git clone"
# Change directory permissions only to 775 (recursivlely from current directory)
alias chmodd775='sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +'
# Change file permissions only to 664 (recursively from current directory)
alias chmodf664='sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} +'
# Start up a php server on port 8000
alias phpsrv='php -S localhost:8000'
# Create a new Laravel project (requires installer - "composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1")
# cd into site root manually, then run "lnew projectname", etc.
alias lnew="laravel new"
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Note: you need a symlink for the subl command above.

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