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Created March 28, 2018 08:59
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SharePoint PDF preview for document library edit- and viewforms.
const PdfPreview = () => {
let _wopiDOM;
async function GetWopiDOM(docUrl = CurrentItemUrl()) {
if (_wopiDOM) { return _wopiDOM } else {
return fetch(`${_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl}/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=${encodeURIComponent(docUrl)}`, { credentials: "include" })
.then(res => res.text().then(wopi => new DOMParser().parseFromString(wopi, "text/html")).then(dom => {
_wopiDOM = dom
return _wopiDOM
const OnDoclibForm = () => window.WPQ2FormCtx ? WPQ2FormCtx.ItemContentTypeName === "Document" ? true : false : false
const CurrentItemUrl = () => `${location.protocol}//${}${WPQ2FormCtx.ItemAttributes.Url}` // Edge doesn't support location.origin
const WopiAccessToken = async () => GetWopiDOM().then(wopiDOM => wopiDOM.querySelector("input[name='access_token']")["value"])
const WopiFormActionUrl = async () => GetWopiDOM().then(wopiDOM => decodeURIComponent(wopiDOM.querySelector("form[target='WebApplicationFrame']")["action"]))
const WopiItemId = async () => WopiFormActionUrl().then(u => u.substring(u.indexOf("files/") + 6, u.indexOf("files") + 38))
const OWAServerHost = async () => WopiFormActionUrl().then(u => u.substring(0, u.indexOf("/wv/")))
const FileName = WPQ2FormCtx.ListData.FileLeafRef.substring(0, WPQ2FormCtx.ListData.FileLeafRef.lastIndexOf("."))
const FullPdfUrl = async () =>
`${await OWAServerHost()}/wv/WordViewer/${FileName}.pdf?WOPISrc=${_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl}/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/${await WopiItemId()}&access_token=${await WopiAccessToken()}&type=accesspdf`;
//Adds an 800px by 100% iframe to the right of the form
function AddIframeToForm(pdfUrl) {
console.log(`Got PDF URL:\n${pdfUrl}`)
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe") = "pdfpreview"
iframe.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;right:0; top:0; bottom:0; height:100%; width:800px")
let mainDiv = () => document.querySelector("#DeltaPlaceHolderMain>div") ?
document.querySelector("#DeltaPlaceHolderMain>div") : // classic
document.querySelector(".od-ListItemFormRoot") // modern
let containerDiv = document.createElement("div")
iframe.setAttribute("type", "application/pdf")
iframe.src = pdfUrl;
console.log("Added PDF-iframe to editform")
* Since the iFrame is absolutely positioned, we have to avoid it overflowing the title bar,
* And still not drop down when the ribbon is enabled
function HandleIFramePlacement() {
[]"#RibbonContainer li a")).map((ele) => {
ele.addEventListener("click", () => {
let tabId = SP.Ribbon.PageManager.get_instance().get_ribbon().get_selectedTabId();
tabId === null || tabId === "Ribbon.Read" ?
document.getElementById("pdfpreview") = "0px" :
document.getElementById("pdfpreview") = "90px"
return {
Show: () => {
if (OnDoclibForm()) {
FullPdfUrl().then(pdfUrl => {
(() => ExecuteOrDelayUntilBodyLoaded(() => PdfPreview().Show()))()
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