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Created June 30, 2021 21:13
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import Foundation
/// Create graphs using gnuplot.
public final class Gnuplot {
let datablock: String
let plot: String
public init(data: String) {
self.datablock = data
self.plot = "plot $data"
public static func process() -> Process {
let gnuplot = Process()
#if os(Windows)
gnuplot.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "C:/bin/gnuplot.exe")
#elseif os(Linux)
gnuplot.executableURL = .init(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/gnuplot")
gnuplot.executableURL = .init(fileURLWithPath: "/opt/homebrew/bin/gnuplot")
gnuplot.standardInput = Pipe()
gnuplot.standardOutput = Pipe()
return gnuplot
/// Execute and returns the plot commands.
/// - Note: If the svg terminal is used, the function returns the svg.
@discardableResult public func plot(_ terminal: Terminal) throws -> String {
let process = Gnuplot.process()
let stdin = process.standardInput as! Pipe
let style: String
if case .svg = terminal {
style = (settings + SVG + userSettings).concatenated
} else if case .pdf = terminal {
style = (settings + PDF + userSettings).concatenated
} else {
style = (settings + PNG + SVG + userSettings).concatenated
let command = userCommand ?? plot
let code = terminal.output + style + datablock + command + "exit\n\n"
stdin.fileHandleForWriting.write( .utf8)!)
if case .svg = terminal {
let stdout = process.standardOutput as! Pipe
let data = stdout.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
return String(decoding: data, as: Unicode.UTF8.self)
return code
let settings = [
"style line 11 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#0072bd'",
"style line 12 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#d95319'",
"style line 13 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#edb120'",
"style line 14 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#7e2f8e'",
"style line 15 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#77ac30'",
"style line 16 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#4dbeee'",
"style line 17 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb '#a2142f'",
"style line 21 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#0072bd'",
"style line 22 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#d95319'",
"style line 23 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#edb120'",
"style line 24 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#7e2f8e'",
"style line 25 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#77ac30'",
"style line 26 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#4dbeee'",
"style line 27 lt 1 lw 3 pt 9 ps 0.8 lc rgb '#a2142f'",
"style line 18 lt 1 lw 1 dashtype 3 lc rgb 'black'",
"style line 19 lt 0 lw 0.5 lc rgb 'black'",
"label textcolor rgb 'black'",
"key above tc ls 18",
public var userSettings = [String]()
public var userCommand: String? = nil
let SVG = ["border 31 lw 0.5 lc rgb 'black'", "grid ls 19"]
let PDF = ["border 31 lw 1 lc rgb 'black'", "grid ls 18"]
let PNG = [
"object rectangle from graph 0,0 to graph 1,1 behind fillcolor rgb '#EBEBEB' fillstyle solid noborder"
public init<T: FloatingPoint>(xys: [(T, T)]..., titles: String..., smooth: Bool = false) {
let missingTitles = xys.count - titles.count
var titles = titles
if missingTitles > 0 {
titles.append(contentsOf: repeatElement("-", count: missingTitles))
let data = zip(titles, xys).map {
$0.0 + "\n" + $ { (x, y) in "\(x), \(y)" }.joined(separator: "\n")
self.datablock = "\n$data <<EOD\n"
+ data.joined(separator: "\n\n\n") + "\n\n\nEOD\n"
let s = smooth ? "smooth csplines" : ""
let l = smooth ? "l" : "lp"
self.plot = "\nplot " + { i in
"$data i \(i) u 1:2 \(s) w \(l) ls \(i+11) title columnheader(1)"
}.joined(separator: ", ") + "\n"
public init<T: FloatingPoint>(
xy1s: [(T, T)]..., xy2s: [(T, T)]..., titles: String..., smooth: Bool = false) {
let missingTitles = xy1s.count + xy2s.count - titles.count
var titles = titles
if missingTitles > 0 {
titles.append(contentsOf: repeatElement("-", count: missingTitles))
let y1 = zip(titles, xy1s).map {
$0.0 + " ,\n" + $ { (x,y) in "\(x), \(y)" }.joined(separator: "\n")
let y2 = zip(titles.dropFirst(xy1s.count), xy2s).map {
$0.0 + " ,\n" + $ { (x,y) in "\(x), \(y)" }.joined(separator: "\n")
self.datablock = "\n$data <<EOD\n"
+ y1.joined(separator: "\n\n\n") + "\n\n\n"
+ y2.joined(separator: "\n\n\n") + "\n\n\nEOD\n"
let s = smooth ? "smooth csplines" : ""
let l = smooth ? "l" : "lp"
let t = "title columnheader(1)"
self.plot = "\nset ytics nomirror\nset y2tics\nplot "
+ { i in
"$data i \(i) u 1:2 \(s) axes x1y1 w \(l) ls \(i+11) \(t)"
}.joined(separator: ", ") + ", "
+ { i in let n = i + xy1s.endIndex
return "$data i \(n) u 1:2 \(s) axes x1y2 w \(l) ls \(i+21) \(t)"
}.joined(separator: ", ") + "\n"
public enum Terminal {
case svg
case pdf(path: String)
case png(path: String)
case pngSmall(path: String)
case pngLarge(path: String)
var output: String {
#if os(Linux)
let font = "font 'Times,"
let font = "font 'Arial,"
switch self {
case .svg: return "set term svg size 1280,800;set output\n"
case .pdf(let path):
return "set term pdfcairo size 10,7.1 enhanced \(font)14';set output '\(path)'\n"
case .png(let path):
return "set term pngcairo size 1440, 900 enhanced \(font)12';set output '\(path)'\n"
case .pngSmall(let path):
return "set term pngcairo size 1024, 720 enhanced \(font)12';set output '\(path)'\n"
case .pngLarge(let path):
return "set term pngcairo size 1920, 1200 enhanced \(font)14';set output '\(path)'\n"
extension Array where Element == String {
var concatenated: String { { "set " + $0 + "\n" }.joined() }
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