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Last active April 10, 2022 21:19
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Polynomial regression
/// Represents a polynomial function, e.g. `2 + 3x + 4x²`.
public struct Polynomial: Codable, Equatable {
/// Represents the coefficients of the polynomial
public let coefficients: [Double]
public init(coeffs: Double...) {
self.coefficients = coeffs
public init(_ array: [Double]) {
self.coefficients = array
public var indices: CountableRange<Int> { coefficients.indices }
public var isEmpty: Bool { coefficients.isEmpty }
public var isInapplicable: Bool { coefficients.count < 2 }
@_transparent func evaluated(_ value: Double) -> Double {
// Use Horner’s Method for solving
coefficients.reversed().reduce(into: 0.0) { result, coefficient in
result = coefficient.addingProduct(result, value)
public func callAsFunction(_ temperature: Temperature) -> Double {
public func callAsFunction(_ value: Double) -> Double {
public func callAsFunction(_ ratio: Ratio) -> Double {
public func callAsFunction(_ values: [Double]) -> [Double] {
public subscript(index: Int) -> Double {
extension Polynomial: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
public init(arrayLiteral elements: Double...) {
self.coefficients = elements
extension Polynomial: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
var s: String = ""
for (i, c) in coefficients.enumerated() {
s += "c\(i):" * String(format: "%.6e", c)
return s
extension Polynomial {
public static func fit<S: Collection>(x dependentValues: S, y independentValues: S, order: Int = 4) -> Polynomial? where S.Element == Double {
let dependentValues = Array(dependentValues)
let independentValues = Array(independentValues)
var B = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: order + 1)
var P = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: ((order+1) * 2)+1)
var A = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: (order + 1)*2*(order + 1))
var coefficients = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: order + 1)
// Verify initial conditions....
// This method requires that the countOfElements >
// (order+1)
let countOfElements = dependentValues.count
guard (countOfElements > order) else { return nil }
// This method has imposed an arbitrary bound of
// order <= maxOrder. Increase maxOrder if necessary.
let maxOrder = 6
guard (order <= maxOrder) else { return nil }
// Identify the column vector
for ii in 0..<countOfElements {
let x = dependentValues[ii]
let y = independentValues[ii]
var powx = 1.0
for jj in 0..<(order + 1) {
B[jj] = B[jj] + (y * powx)
powx *= x
// Initialize the PowX array
P[0] = Double(countOfElements)
// Compute the sum of the Powers of X
for ii in 0..<countOfElements {
let x = dependentValues[ii]
var powx = dependentValues[ii]
for jj in 1 ..< ((2 * (order + 1)) + 1) {
P[jj] = P[jj] + powx
powx *= x
// Initialize the reduction matrix
for ii in 0..<(order + 1) {
for jj in 0..<(order + 1) {
A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + jj] = P[ii+jj];
A[(ii*(2 * (order + 1))) + (ii + (order + 1))] = 1.0
// Move the Identity matrix portion of the redux matrix
// to the left side (find the inverse of the left side
// of the redux matrix
for ii in 0..<(order + 1) {
let x = A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + ii]
if (x != 0.0) {
for kk in 0..<(2 * (order + 1)) {
A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + kk] =
A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + kk] / x
for jj in 0..<(order + 1) {
if ((jj - ii) != 0) {
let y = A[(jj * (2 * (order + 1))) + ii]
for kk in 0..<(2 * (order + 1)) {
A[(jj * (2 * (order + 1))) + kk] =
A[(jj * (2 * (order + 1))) + kk] -
y * A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + kk]
} else {
return nil
// Calculate and Identify the coefficients
for ii in 0..<(order + 1) {
var x = 0.0
for kk in 0..<(order + 1) {
x += (A[(ii * (2 * (order + 1))) + (kk + (order + 1))] * B[kk])
coefficients[ii] = x
return self.init(coefficients)
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