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Dan Gamble dan-gamble

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<% accessibility_label = nil if local_assigns[:accessibility_label].nil? %>
<% aria_controls = nil if local_assigns[:aria_controls].nil? %>
<% aria_expanded = nil if local_assigns[:aria_expanded].nil? %>
<% destructive = false if local_assigns[:destructive].nil? %>
<% disabled = false if local_assigns[:disabled].nil? %>
<% disclosure = nil if local_assigns[:disclosure].nil? %>
<% full_width = false if local_assigns[:full_width].nil? %>
<% monochrome = false if local_assigns[:monochrome].nil? %>
<% outline = false if local_assigns[:outline].nil? %>
<% plain = false if local_assigns[:plain].nil? %>
export function slideDown (
{ start = 0, easing = 'easeInOutQuint', speed = 300 } = {}
) {
let currentPosition = 0
const time = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(Math.abs(end) / speed, 0.8))
const easingEquations = {
easeOutSine (pos) {
return Math.sin(pos * (Math.PI / 2))
{%- assign should_have_breadcrumb = false -%}
{%- assign breadcrumbs_linklist = linklists.collection-tree -%}
{%- assign breadcrumbs = '' -%}
{%- assign collection_handle = collection.handle -%}
{%- assign breadcrumb_link = nil -%}
{%- assign child_breadcrumb_link = nil -%}
{%- assign grandchild_breadcrumb_link = nil -%}
{%- for link in breadcrumbs_linklist.links -%}

There are a couple of version of this.

This is a basic one that doesn't actually create new bundles but prevents all of the function importing and calling.


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  getElements('[data-module]').forEach(el => {
import { getElement, getElements } from '../../utils/functional'
export default class Module {
constructor (el) {
this.className = el.dataset.moduleClass
this.context = { context: el }
getContextElement (selector) {
return getElement(selector, this.context)
export default class OnScrollSixTFPS {
constructor () {
this.isTicking = false
this.lastKnownY = 0
this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this)
this.updateEl = this.updateEl.bind(this)
import { getElement, getElements } from '../utils/functional'
export default class Drawers {
constructor (el) {
this.els = {
body: document.body,
backdrop: getElement('.js-Drawers_Backdrop')
this.matches = {
<section class="sec-HomepageHero js-HomepageHero"
data-section-id="{{ }}"
<div class="sec-HomepageHero_Mobile">
<div class="sec-HomepageHero_ImageContainer">
{%- include 'responsive-image' with
image: section.settings.mobile_image,
max_width: 375,
size_by_width: true