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Created April 12, 2015 22:36
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var TRANSITIONS = require('transitions');
var THEME = require("themes/flat/theme");
var BUTTONS = require("controls/buttons");
var repeatingPatternTexture = new Texture('./assets/menuIcon.png', 1)
var repeatingPatternSkin = new Skin({ texture: repeatingPatternTexture, width: 244, height: 88, tiles: { left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0 }, });
var labelStyle = new Style( { font: "15px Helvetica, sans-serif;", color:"white" } );
var blueSkin = new Skin({ fill: "#88AAFF",});
var whiteSkin = new Skin({ fill: 'white',});
var redSkin = new Skin({fill:'red'});
var buttonStyle = new Style({ font: "15px Helvetica, sans-serif;", color:"white", skin: redSkin });
var buttonStyle1 = new Style({ font: "25px Helvetica, sans-serif;", color:"white", skin: redSkin });
var taskNameStyle = new Style({ font: "25px Helvetica, sans-serif; bold;", color:"black" });
var taskStyle = new Style({ font: "20px Helvetica, sans-serif;", color:"black" });
var currentScreen = "Temperature";
var toScreen = "Menu";
var MainScreen = Container.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, active: true, skin: blueSkin, behavior: Object.create((
MainScreen.behaviors = new Array(2);
MainScreen.behaviors[0] = Behavior.template({
onCreate: function(container, data) {
onTriggerTransition: function(container) {
var toScreenObj = converter(toScreen);
if(toScreen == "Menu") { new TRANSITIONS.Push(), container.last, toScreenObj, { direction : "right", duration : 400 } );
} else { new TRANSITIONS.Push(), container.last, toScreenObj, { direction : "left", duration : 400 } );
var converter = function(input) {
if(input == "Menu") {
return MenuScreen;
} else if(input == "Schedule")
return ScheduleScreen;
else if(input == "Temperature")
return TemperatureScreen;
return SurvivalScreen;
var backButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, height:50,
contents: [
new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"Go Back", style: labelStyle})
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = currentScreen;
var newMenu = Container.template(function($) { return {
left: 1, top:1, width: 244, height: 88, skin: repeatingPatternSkin,
contents: [ new Label({left:0, right:0, height:88, width:244, string:"", style: buttonStyle})],
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTouchBegan: function(container, id, x, y, ticks) {
toScreen = "Menu";
//create new schedule screen on touch the plus button
//CHANGE THIS, Direct to create Schedule screen
var newScheduleScreen = Container.template(function($) { return {
left: 1, top:1, width: 244, height: 88, skin: repeatingPatternSkin,
contents: [ new Label({left:0, right:0, height:88, width:244, string:"", style: buttonStyle})],
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTouchBegan: function(container, id, x, y, ticks) {
toScreen = "newSchedule";
// plus button to go to create schedule screen
var plusButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 285, right: 15, top: 20, height:20,
contents: [
new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"+", style: buttonStyle1})
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Menu"; // change to new schedule screen
// plus button to go to create schedule screen
var deleteButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 285, right: 15, top: 20, height:20,
contents: [
new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"+", style: buttonStyle1})
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Menu"; // change to new schedule screen
var menuButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 1, right: 200, top: 1, height:50,
contents: [
new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"Menu", style: buttonStyle})
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Menu";
var survivalButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, height:50,
contents: [ new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"Survival", style: labelStyle})],
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Survival";
var scheduleButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, height:50,
contents: [ new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"Schedules", style: labelStyle})],
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Schedule";
var temperatureButton = BUTTONS.Button.template(function($){ return{
left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, height:50,
contents: [ new Label({left:0, right:0, height:40, string:"Temperature", style: labelStyle})],
behavior: Object.create(BUTTONS.ButtonBehavior.prototype, {
onTap: { value: function(content){
toScreen = "Temperature";
var bButton = new backButton();
var tButton = new temperatureButton();
var sButton = new scheduleButton();
var suButton = new survivalButton();
// populate the screen with existed schedules
var THEME = require('themes/sample/theme');
var SCROLLER = require('mobile/scroller');
var SCREEN = require('mobile/screen');
var MenuScreen = Column.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, skin: blueSkin, contents: [
Label($, { left: 0, right: 0, top: 20, style: labelStyle, string: 'Menu', }),
], }});
var ScheduleScreen = Container.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, skin: blueSkin, contents: [
Label($, { left: 0, right: 0, style: labelStyle, string: '', }),
new menuButton(),
new newMenu(),
new plusButton(),
/* ASSETS */
var blackSkin = new Skin({ fill: 'black',});
var whiteSkin = new Skin({ fill: 'white',});
var yellowSkin = new Skin({ fill: 'yellow'});
var blueSkin = new Skin({fill: 'blue'})
var separatorSkin = new Skin({ fill: 'silver',});
/* STYLES */
var productNameStyle = new Style({ font: 'bold 22px', horizontal: 'left', vertical: 'middle', lines: 1, });
var productDescriptionStyle = new Style({ font: '16px', horizontal: 'left', vertical: 'middle', left: 1, color: 'Black' });
/* STATIC */
/* A simple array of objects. Each will be used as a single
* entry in our scrollable list. */
//Change this Daniel
var newSchedule = [{name: "Morning Tea",
temperature: "100 C",
repeat: "1",
repeatedDays:"Mon, Tu",
time: "10:45"}];
//var test = [ // this is the schedule data structure.
// {title: '*Mornig Tea Scheduled at 10:30 on Mon and Wed'},
// {title: '*Evening Coffee Scheduled at 9:20 everyday'}];
function generateDisplayString(newSchedule) {
result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < newSchedule.length; i++) {
temp = i+1+"."+newSchedule[i].name + " scheduled at " + newSchedule[i].time + " on " + newSchedule[i].repeatedDays;
dict = {};
dict["title"] = temp;
return result;
/* This is a template that will be used to for each entry populating the list.
* Note that it is anticipating an object each time in is instanciated */
var ProcessorLine = Line.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, active: true, skin: THEME.lineSkin,
behavior: Object.create(Behavior.prototype, {
/* Gives the user some visual feedback on which entry they have tapped.
* note that the skin is reverted to white in onTouchEnded() */
onTouchBegan: { value: function(container, id, x, y, ticks) {
// = yellowSkin;
/* Traces out the value of the first Label's string. The
* silly string of "first" in the trace can be thought of as
* container.Column.Container.Label.string. This pattern can
* be seen reading down the contents of this object below */
onTouchEnded: { value: function(container, id, x, y, ticks) { = whiteSkin;
contents: [
Column($, { left: 0, right: 0, contents: [
Container($, { left: 4, right: 4, height: 32,
contents: [
/* This label expects that the object passed to ProcessorLine()
* includes a value for title. Note that this Label is not marked
* as active. Touches registered here will bubble back up to the
* nested objects until it hits one which is active. */
// Label($, { left: 10, style: productNameStyle, string: $.title,}),
/* This label is expecting a value for button. Note that this Label
* is marked active. Touches registered here will be handeled here */
Label($, { left: 0, right: 0, style: productDescriptionStyle, skin: whiteSkin, active: true, string: $.title,
behavior: Object.create(Behavior.prototype, {
/* When this label is touched, simply trace out its string.
* Note that no chain of "first" is needed here because the
* touch happened in the object that contains the property
* we want to trace */
onTouchEnded: { value: function(label, id, x, y, ticks) {
Line($, { left: 0, right: 0, height: 1, skin: separatorSkin, }),
], }),
/* This is template for a container which takes up the
* whole screen. It contains only a single object,
* the SCROLLER.VerticalScroller. Although we are not
* referencing any values from an object passed on creation,
* an object is still required as the SCROLLER uses it internally. */
var ScreenContainer = Container.template(function($) { return {
left:0, right:0, top:100, bottom:100,
contents: [
/* Note that the scroller is declared as having only an empty
* Column and a scrollbar. All the entries will be added
* programmatically. */
SCROLLER.VerticalScroller($, {
contents: [
Column($, { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, name: 'menu', }),
SCROLLER.VerticalScrollbar($, { }),
var data = new Object();
var screen = new ScreenContainer(data);
/* This simple function exists so we can call "forEach" on
* our array of list entries (menuItems). It adds a new
* ProcessorLine() object to the Column named "menu" in the
* screen object's SCROLLER */
function ListBuilder(element, index, array) { ProcessorLine(element));
application.behavior = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
onLaunch: { value: function(application) {
/* Call ListBuilder for each element in our array of
* list items.*/
var str = generateDisplayString(newSchedule);
// application.add(screen);
var SurvivalScreen = Container.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, skin: blueSkin, contents: [
Label($, { left: 0, right: 0, style: labelStyle, string: 'Survival Mode', }),
new menuButton()
], }});
var TemperatureScreen = Container.template(function($) { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, skin: blueSkin, contents: [
Label($, { left: 0, right: 0, style: labelStyle, string: 'Manual Temperature Control', }),
new menuButton()
], }});
var data = {}
var mainScreen = new MainScreen( data );
var MenuScreen = new MenuScreen();
var ScheduleScreen = new ScheduleScreen();
var SurvivalScreen = new SurvivalScreen();
var TemperatureScreen = new TemperatureScreen();
application.add( mainScreen )
mainScreen.add( ScheduleScreen )
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