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// vdp_affine_layer.v
// Copyright (C) 2020 Dan Rodrigues
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
`default_nettype none
module vdp_affine_layer #(
parameter VRAM_READ_LATENCY = 3
) (
input clk,
// source x/y, derived from current raster position
input [9:0] x,
input [8:0] y,
// translation vectors
input signed [15:0] pretranslate_x,
input signed [15:0] pretranslate_y,
input signed [15:0] translate_x,
input signed [15:0] translate_y,
// 2x2 matrix
input signed [15:0] a,
input signed [15:0] b,
input signed [15:0] c,
input signed [15:0] d,
// vram interface
output [13:0] vram_even_address,
input [15:0] vram_even_data,
output [13:0] vram_odd_address,
input [15:0] vram_odd_data,
// output X cycles later
output reg [7:0] output_pixel
// 1. transform input xy
reg [25:0] xt_full, yt_full;
wire signed [15:0] pretranslated_x = {{6{1'b0}}, x} + pretranslate_x;
wire signed [15:0] pretranslated_y = {{7{1'b0}}, y} + pretranslate_y;
// counting LC usage with yosys shows that actual LC FFs aren't spent
// these are "absorbed" into the SB_MAC16 adder as part of inferred mulitply-add
reg signed [25:0] translate_x_r, translate_y_r;
always @(posedge clk) begin
translate_x_r <= (translate_x << 10) + (1 << 9);
translate_y_r <= (translate_y << 10) + (1 << 9);
// infer 2x SB_MAC16 multiply-add and another 2x for just multiply
always @(posedge clk) begin
xt_full <= pretranslated_x * a + (pretranslated_y * b + translate_x_r);
yt_full <= pretranslated_x * c + (pretranslated_y * d + translate_y_r);
wire [15:0] xt = xt_full >> 10;
wire [15:0] yt = yt_full >> 10;
// 2. derive vram lookup address from transformed x/y
// are we in the defined 1024x1024 region?
// apparently super nes games can choose to render a placeholder map char for out of bounds region
wire out_of_bounds = xt[15:10] || yt[15:10];
wire out_of_bounds_d;
delay_ff #(
) out_of_bounds_delay (
wire [6:0] map_x = xt >> 3;
wire [6:0] map_y = yt >> 3;
wire [2:0] char_x = xt;
wire [2:0] char_y = yt;
wire [13:0] vram_map_address = {map_y, map_x};
// resolved map address
assign vram_even_address = vram_map_address[13:1];
// delay to perform byte select within the map word
wire map_x_d;
delay_ff #(
) map_x_delay (
// delay to perform char fetch using the fetched map word
delay_ff #(
) char_xy_delay (
.in({char_y, char_x}),
.out({char_y_d, char_x_d})
// 3. fetch char data using previously fetched map
wire char_pixel_select_d;
delay_ff #(
// *2 because +1 fetch for the map, +1 fetch for the pixel
) char_pixel_select_delay (
wire [2:0] char_x_d, char_y_d;
// char address based on pixel coordinate within char
wire [7:0] vram_map_fetch_selected = map_x_d ? vram_even_data[15:8] : vram_even_data[7:0];
wire [7:0] char_id = vram_map_fetch_selected;
wire [13:0] char_address = {char_id, char_y_d, char_x_d};
// resolved pixel address
assign vram_odd_address = char_address[13:1];
// 4. output the fetched pixel
wire [7:0] selected_pixel = char_pixel_select_d ? vram_odd_data[15:8] : vram_odd_data[7:0];
always @(posedge clk) begin
output_pixel <= out_of_bounds_d ? 0 : selected_pixel;
=== vdp_affine_layer ===
Number of wires: 94
Number of wire bits: 596
Number of public wires: 94
Number of public wire bits: 596
Number of memories: 0
Number of memory bits: 0
Number of processes: 0
Number of cells: 124
SB_LUT4 52
SB_MAC16 4
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