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Created February 17, 2015 16:55
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// This is the rawData, key'd by date
$dataKey = sha1(serialize($config) . date('d m Y H'));
// testing, no cache
// Use cacheService
if (!$data = $this->cacheService->getItem($dataKey)) {
$data = $this->weatherService->fetchWeatherData($config);
$data = json_encode($data);
$this->cacheService->setItem($dataKey, $data);
return new JsonModel(array_merge(json_decode($data, true), ['test' => 'voilà']));
use Zend\Dom\Document;
use Zend\Stdlib\ErrorHandler;
class Meteo
public function fetchFeed(array $configuration)
$data = '';
// $configuration['url'] = ['ftp://site'];
foreach ((array) $configuration['url'] as $url) {
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
/* $content = '
<div id="hpw_1">
<span class="hpw_date_short">Me</span>
<span class="hpw_date_long">Mercredi</span>
<span class="hpw_comma">, </span>
<span class="hpw_date_exp">18 février 2015</span>
<span class="hpw_date_num">18.2.</span>
<span id="hpw_img_1" class="hpw_img_code_4"></span>
<span class="hpw_txt">changeant à nuageux</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_min">0°</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_delim">|</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_max">5°</span>
<div id="hpw_2">
<span class="hpw_date_short">Je</span>
<span class="hpw_date_long">Jeudi</span>
<span class="hpw_comma">, </span>
<span class="hpw_date_exp">19 février 2015</span>
<span class="hpw_date_num">19.2.</span>
<span id="hpw_img_2" class="hpw_img_code_27"></span>
<span class="hpw_txt">stratus</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_min">-1°</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_delim">|</span>
<span class="hpw_temp_max">6°</span>
'; */
$file = substr(strrchr($url, '/'), 1);
$data .= sprintf('<content url="%s">%s</content>', $file, $content);
return $data;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function processFeed($data, array $configuration)
$document = new Document($data);
$forecasts = [];
$dayForecasts = Document\Query::execute('//*/div[@id!="hpw"]', $document);
foreach ($dayForecasts as $forecast) {
$html = $forecast->ownerDocument->saveHTML($forecast);
$forecastDoc = new Document($html);
$spans = Document\Query::execute('//span', $forecastDoc);
$spanData = [];
foreach($spans as $span) {
$id = $span->attributes->getNamedItem('id');
$id = isset($id) ? $id->nodeValue : null;
$class = $span->attributes->getNamedItem('class');
$class = isset($class) ? $class->nodeValue : null;
// Strip numbers from class and use as key [as numbers increment per day]
$spanData[preg_replace('#\d+#', '', $class)] = [
'id' => $id,
'class' => $class,
'content' => $span->textContent,
// Strip content and only keep year
$year = preg_replace('#.+(\d{4})#', '$1', $spanData['hpw_date_exp']['content']);
$date = sprintf('%s.%s 00:00', rtrim($spanData['hpw_date_num']['content'], '.'), $year);
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y H:i', $date)->format('Y-m-d H:i');
$forecasts[$date] = $spanData;
// For better view
return $forecasts;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function filter($data, array $configuration)
$forecastData = [];
foreach($data as $key => $day) {
$forecast = new Feed\Forecast();
$dateTime = new \DateTime($key);
$weather = new Feed\Weather();
$temperature = new Feed\Temperature();
$tempDay = isset($day['hpw_temp_']['content']) ? $day['hpw_temp_']['content'] : null;
$tempMin = isset($day['hpw_temp_min']['content']) ? $day['hpw_temp_min']['content'] : null;
$tempMax = isset($day['hpw_temp_max']['content']) ? $day['hpw_temp_max']['content'] : null;
// Set sub-objects
$forecastData[$dateTime->format(AbstractProcessor::DATE_FORMAT)] = $forecast;
return $forecastData;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods;
class WeatherService
* @param Client $client
public function __construct(Client $client)
$this->client = $client;
public function fetchWeatherData(array $configuration)
// Config check
if (!isset($configuration['processor']) || !class_exists($configuration['processor'])) {
throw new \Exception(
sprintf('Invalid processor "%s" in configuration', $configuration['processor'])
// Fetch the feed
$processor = new $configuration['processor']($this->client);
$data = $processor->fetchFeed($configuration);
// Process it
$data = $processor->processFeed($data, $configuration);
// Filter it
$data = $processor->filter($data, $configuration);
// Extract object to array
foreach($data as $date => &$forecast) {
$forecast = (array) $forecast;
// Replace Forecast keys from object class name to readable string
$result = preg_replace('#.+\x00#', '', array_keys($forecast));
$forecast = array_combine($result, array_values($forecast));
// For each 'object' in Forecast, replace
foreach($forecast as $key => &$object) {
$object = (array) $object;
// Replace 'Object' keys from object class name to readable string
$result = preg_replace('#.+\x00#', '', array_keys($object));
$object = array_combine($result, array_values($object));
$forecast[$key] = $object;
return $data;
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