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Last active March 28, 2024 16:43
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Common practice guideline: Guidelines and concepts. Reference to common patterns can be found all over the web.

100% of these suggestions are based on recent & relevant real world experience. We have, at least at one point, tried to use these patterns on our own & witnessed how the decision played out over years in production.

General Concepts

The best ruby code reads like english.

Loading Data

  • Data should only be loaded in two places. No N +1, Eager Loading is good.
  1. Controller
  2. Asynchronous Worker
  • 1 database hit per Table, per request.

Memory Consumption

  • 1GB Dyno WEB_CONCURRENCY=4, 256MB < Awesome
  • 256MB < Good
  • 256MB-400MB Average
  • +400MB Bad

“Shape” of memory over time

  • Bloat - log function
  • Leak - linear function
  • Time - “leak” over 24 hrs or more?

max memory allocations

  • < 200 k

Performance Work


  • RESTful Resources OK
resources :investments, only: [:edit, :show] do`
    resources :investment_payments, only: [:create, :new, :edit]
    resources :subscription_agreements, only: [:index]
  resources :photos, only: [:show, :create, :update, :destroy], controller:'images'
  resources :fa_investors, only: [:update]
  resources :manual_ach_infos, except: [:destroy]
  resources :ach_auths, only: [:update]
  resources :investor_payment_methods, only: [:new, :create, :update]


    get  'payment_auth_edit_modal/:id',   to: 'dashboard#payment_auth_edit_modal'
    get  'edit_user/:id',                 to: 'dashboard#edit_user_modal'
    get  'projects_metrics',              to: 'dashboard#projects_metrics'
    post 'projects_metrics',              to: 'dashboard#projects_metrics', as: 'project_metrics_post'
    get  'loan_metrics',                  to: 'dashboard#loan_metrics'
    get  'brokers',                       to: 'dashboard#broker_applications'



Service Folder

  • ’Service objects’ to keep 3rd party references out of the code. If we want to change a 3rd party service all code specific to that service should be in 1 place.

Support Folder

  • Times when single responsibility needs to be violated. We put this type of “service object” in the support folder. (open to suggestions for improvement)

Async Operations

AR Callbacks

  • Should be avoided whenever possible
  • Always to be discussed during code reviews.
  • Add serious complexity to debugging process.
  • Commonly relied upon when common principals have been ignored.
  • Rollback Database transaction when callback fails. (not sure if in rails 6)
  • We have used callbacks successfully when we need to bind a certain slightly related 3rd party action to a certain event. even when working from the console.

Open source libraries

  • If gem that is not already being used, should be discussed with team.
  • Support level, License, Ease of use, Risks.

Server Response time html over wire (new relic and google seem to overstate averages)*

  • 100ms-2s Fast
  • 2s - 4s Average
  • 4s+ BAD

json over wire should be 2x 3x faster

Page Weight

  • 1MB < Good
  • 1MB-2MB Average
  • 2MB+ BAD

Front end


Here is a sass style guide to follow.

Image Compression

For PNG compression use ImageAlpha Settings can be adjusted by eye but “Median Cut(pngquant) at 256 is generally fine and will save you a bunch of bytes. The less colors in the image the more you can compress it.

For JPGS compression use 2 steps:

  1. Use save for web in Photoshop (command + option + shift + s) and set the quality to 60.
  2. Use ImageOptim to really crunch the image. In preferences,
    • select strip JPEG metadata
    • set optimization speed to “Insane”
    • For @2x images set quality to 40%
    • For @1x images set quality to 80%
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