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Created March 13, 2021 14:27
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File containing some topics I studied when learning JavaScript
/* Learning about arrays of objects */
const contacts = [
firstName: "Kristian",
lastName: "Vos",
number: "unknown",
likes: ["JavaScript", "Gaming", "Foxes"]
firstName: "Sherlock",
lastName: "Holmes",
number: "11111189",
likes: ["Intriguing Cases", "Violin"]
firstName: "Heroku",
lastName: "Varshan",
number: "1234567890",
likes: ["Boxing", "Cycling", "WeightLifting"]
const evaluation = (name, prop) => {
for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
if (contacts[i].firstName === name) {
return contacts[i][prop] || "No such property";
return "No such contact";
console.log(evaluation("Sherlock", "likes")); // to test function
// Learning the for...of loop
for (const val of contacts) {
// Learning Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
const value = (function randomWhlNum() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
// This function loops through an array comparing each value with the highest value found
const numbers = [20, 10, 67, 23, 900, 97, -Infinity]; // the -Infinity is included to make sure that the function can also loop through the array even if -Infinity is included
let maximum = -Infinity;
let reduced = numbers.length;
const myMaxNumber = (numbers => {
for (reduced--; numbers[reduced] >= maximum; reduced--) {
maximum = numbers[reduced];
return `The highest number in the array 'numbers' is: ${maximum}`;
console.log(myMaxNumber); // OR We can use a while loop
while (reduced--) {
if (numbers[reduced] >= maximum) {
maximum = numbers[reduced];
console.log(`See? Its the same value even though we used a while loop: ${maximum}\n`);
} /* OR we can use the apply() method */
const maximus = Math.max.apply(null, numbers);
console.log(maximus); /* OR using the spread operator */
const maximus_1 = Math.max(...numbers);
//***********Array methods + Higher Order Array methods************//
// This outputs out every array item using the 'forEach()' array iteration method
"test forEach() array iteration method"
); /** This starts a timer for the forEach() method*/
function anotherFunction() {
let txt = "";
const number = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
number.forEach(value => {
txt += `This is one of the array items ${value}\n`;
return (
"This outputs every array item using the 'forEach()' array iteration method\n" + txt
"test forEach() array iteration method"
); /** This ends the timer for the forEach() method*/
//This outputs out every array item using the 'map()' array iteration method
"test map() array iteration method"
); /** This starts the timer for the map() method*/
function anotherFunctionAgain() {
let txt = "";
const number = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25]; => {
txt += `This is one of the array items ${value}\n`;
return "This outputs every array item using the 'map()' array iteration method\n" + txt;
"test map() array iteration method"
); /** This ends the timer for the map() method*/
//This function outputs every array item that is greater than the number '18' using the 'filter()' array iteration method
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const Over18 = ages.filter(value => value > 18);
const Over18_output = `These are the age over 18: ${Over18}`;
// This is to filter the numbers from any variable no of arrays and sum them up together !Not yet done!
let yetAnotherSum = (...num) => {
let no = num.filter(value => {
value === isFinite();
return no;
console.log(yetAnotherSum(1, "yet", 7));
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
var arrayChecker = Array.isArray(ages);
`This checks if 'ages' is an array using "Array.isArray()" method -- yes its an array cuz it outputs ${arrayChecker}`
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
var arrayChecker = ages instanceof Array;
`This checks if 'ages' is also an array using the "instanceof Array" operator -- yes its also an array cuz it outputs ${arrayChecker}`
// Lets sort the array 'ages' numerically in ascending order
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const sorter = ages.sort((a, b) => a - b);
const sorter_output = `${sorter} //This array is sorted numerically in an ascending order`;
// Lets sort the array 'ages' numerically in a random order
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const sorter = ages.sort((a, b) => 0.5 - Math.random());
const sorter_output = `${sorter} //This array is sorted numerically in a random order`;
// Lets add up the array 'ages' using the reduce() method
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const sum = ages.reduce((total, value) => total + value);
const sum_output = `${sum} //This is the total sum of the values of the array 'ages' using the array method of reduce()`;
// Lets add up the array 'ages' with an initial value of 100 using the reduceRight() method
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const sum = ages.reduceRight((total, value) => total + value, 100);
const sum_output = `${sum} //This is the total sum of the array 'ages' using the array method 'reduceRight()' with an initial value of 100`;
// Lets check if every value in the array 'ages' is larger than 18 using the every() method
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const largerThan_18 = ages.every(value => value > 18);
const largerThan_18_output = `${largerThan_18} //This means that checking if the values are larger than 18 in the array 'ages' (using the every() method) will return ${largerThan_18} `;
// Lets check if some values in the array 'ages' are larger than 18 using the some() method
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const largerThan_18 = ages.some(value => value > 18);
const largerThan_18_output = `${largerThan_18} //This means that checking if some of the values are larger than 18 in the array 'ages' (using the every() method) will return ${largerThan_18} `;
// Lets check the first position of 'apple' in the array below
const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "pawpaw", "mangoes", "apple"];
const fruitsIndex = fruits.indexOf("apple");
const fruitsIndex_output = `The index of 'apple' in the array is: ${fruitsIndex}, which is position: ${
fruitsIndex + 1
// Lets check for the first element in the array 'ages' that is larger than 18 and also its index
const ages = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
const firstElementLargerThan18_value = ages.find(value => value > 18);
const firstElementLargerThan18_index = ages.findIndex(value => value > 18);
const firstElementLargerThan18_output = `The first element larger than 18 in the array 'ages' is: ${firstElementLargerThan18_value} and its index is: ${firstElementLargerThan18_index}`;
//*************End of Array methods + Higher Order Array methods************//
// playing with object properties
var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
id: 5566
person.fullName = function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
console.log("My Father is " + person.fullName());
//Constructor function
function UserData(first, last, age, eye, nationality) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eye;
this.Nationality = nationality;
// Instantiate object
let User1 = new UserData("Akshay", "Tamil", 16, "blue", "American");
//Add a method to the constructor function
UserData.prototype.changeNationality = function (new_nationality) {
this.Nationality = new_nationality;
// Instantiate the object method
console.log(`${User1.firstName} you changed your nationality to ${User1.Nationality}`);
UserData.prototype.getProps = function () {
return [this.firstName, this.lastName, this.age, this.eyeColor, this.Nationality];
/** Adding or changing an object property */
// Syntax : Object.defineProperty(object, property, {value : value});
// Define Object
var obj = { counter: 0 };
// Add the property
Object.defineProperty(obj, "increment", {
get: function () {
return this.counter++;
// Call the property
obj.increment; // so that the console can output the right value/process it
/** Adding or changing many object properties */
Object.defineProperties(object, descriptors);
/** Accessing Properties */
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
/** Returns all properties as an array */
/** Returns enumerable properties as an array */
/** Accessing the prototype */
/** Prevents adding properties to an object */
/** Returns true if properties can be added to an object */
/** Prevents changes of object properties (not values) */
/** Returns true if object is sealed */
/** Prevents any changes to an object */
/** Returns true if object is frozen*/
// Lets get into Classes
class Thermostat {
constructor(temp) {
this._temp = (5 / 9) * (temp - 32);
get temperature() {
return this._temp;
set temperature(updatedTemp) {
this._temp = (5 / 9) * (updatedTemp - 32);
const User1 = new Thermostat(77);
let User_value = `${User1.temperature}°C`;
User1.temperature = 56;
User_value = `${User1.temperature}°C`;
//Lets get into Dates
Date.prototype.myDate = function () {
if (this.getDay() == 0) {
this.myProp = "Sunday";
} else if (this.getDay() == 1) {
this.myProp = "Monday";
} else if (this.getDay() == 2) {
this.myProp = "Tuesday";
} else if (this.getDay() == 3) {
this.myProp = "Wednesday";
} else if (this.getDay() == 4) {
this.myProp = "Thursday";
} else if (this.getDay() == 6) {
this.myProp = "Saturday";
} else {
return "your code isn't working";
function myFunction() {
var d = new Date();
//**********************WEB Storage***********************//
/** The localStorage and sessionStorage properties allow to save key/value pairs in a web browser. */
/** Local Storage */
// The localStorage object stores data with no expiration date. The data will not be deleted when the browser is closed, and will be available the next day, week, or year.
// Check browser support
if (typeof Storage !== undefined) {
// Store
localStorage.setItem("testname", "JavaScript_Playground");
// Retrieve
} else {
document.write("Your browser does'nt support WEB Storage...");
// Get the name of the first local storage item:
// Removing data from localStorage
// Clearing all saved data in localStorage for the particular domain you're in
// this will check if an item "checkcount" is stored in the localStorage nd if it is it coverts the item value (which is stored as a string) to a Number then adds 1, if it isn't it stores it with a value of 1;
if (typeof Storage !== undefined) {
if (localStorage.checkcount) {
localStorage.checkcount = Number(localStorage.checkcount) + 1; // converts the value of checkcount which is numeric string to a number
} else {
localStorage.checkcount = 1;
document.write = `You have stored one item with a value of ${localStorage.checkcount} in your browser`;
} else {
document.write = "Sorry your browser does'nt support WEB Storage";
/** sessionStorage */
// The sessionStorage object stores data for only one session (the data is deleted when the browser tab is closed).
// check browser support
if (typeof Storage !== undefined) {
// Store
sessionStorage.setItem("testname", "JavaScript_Playground");
// Retrieve
} else {
document.write("Your browser does'nt support WEB Storage...");
// Removing data from sessionStorage
// //**********************Lets get into cookies***********************//
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
const date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const expires = `expires=${date.toUTCString()}`;
document.cookie = `${cname}=${cvalue};${expires};path=/`;
function getCookie(cname) {
const name = `${cname}=`;
const decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
const ca = decodedCookie.split(";");
let returnedValue;
ca.forEach((items) => {
while (items.charAt(0) == " ") {
items = items.substring(1);
if (items.indexOf(name) == 0) {
returnedValue = items.substring(name.length, items.length);
return typeof returnedValue === typeof ? returnedValue : "";
function checkCookie() {
let user = getCookie("username");
if (user != "") {
alert(`Welcome again ${user}`);
} else {
user = prompt("Please enter your name:", "");
if (user != "" && user != null) {
setCookie("username", user, 30);
// to reset the cookies for that domain
function Reset() {
document.cookie = `username=; expires=${new Date(0).toUTCString()}; path=/;`;
// Lets get into Math Object
const PI = Math.PI;
const round = Math.round(4.4); // returns the value of the argument to its nearest integer
const pow = Math.pow(2, 9); // returns the value of the first argument to the power of the second argument
const sqrt = Math.sqrt(96);
console.log(`${PI},\n ${round},\n ${pow},\n ${sqrt}\n`);
console.log(Math.sqrt(Math.round(Math.pow(Math.PI, 2))));
const abs_ceil = Math.ceil(Math.abs(-3.16)); // Math.abs returns the absolute (positive) value of its argument and Math.ceil returns the value of arguments rounded up to its nearest integer
const abs_floor = Math.floor(Math.abs(-3.16)); // Math.floor returns the value of arguments rounded down to its nearest integer
const sine = Math.sin((180 * Math.PI) / 180);
const cosine = Math.cos((180 * Math.PI) / 180);
const min = Math.min(0, 150, 30, 20, -8, -200);
const max = Math.max(0, 150, 30, 20, -8, -200);
const random = Math.random(); // returns a random number between 0 (inclusive), and 1 (exclusive)
const randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); // returns a random integer from 0 to 9
const randdomInt_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); // returns a random integer from 0 to 10
const getRndInteger = ((min, max) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
})(0, 10); // returns a random number between min (included) and max (excluded)
const getRndInteger_1 = ((min, max) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max - min + 1) + min;
})(1, 10);
/** Lets get into JSON */
let obj =
'{ "Owner" : "Varshan", "age" : 50, "birth" : "2020-08-20T12:00:00Z", "pets" : [ { "animal" : "dog", "name": "Ganga" }, { "animal" : "jaguar", "name" : "Jolie" }, { "animal" : "cow", "name" : "drizzy" } ] }';
let dateGetter = JSON.parse(obj, (key, value) => {
if (key === "birth") {
return new Date(value).toDateString();
} else {
return value;
`Owner : ${dateGetter.Owner}, age : ${dateGetter.age}, DOB : ${dateGetter.birth}, firstpet : ${dateGetter.pets[0].name} - a ${dateGetter.pets[0].animal}`
let arr = [
"business manager",
"product manager",
"project manager",
"cheif technical officer"
let myJSON = JSON.stringify(arr);
console.log(`${myJSON} : a ${typeof myJSON}`);
let myObj = '{ "name": "John", "age": 30, "car": null }';
let myObj_parsed = JSON.parse(myObj);
let element = "";
for (const key in myObj_parsed) {
if (myObj_parsed.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
element += `${key} : ${myObj_parsed[key]} `;
let anotherObj,
elem = "";
anotherObj = `{ "name" : "John", "age" : 30, "cars" : [ { "name" : "Ford", "models" : [ "Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang" ] }, { "name" : "BMW", "models" : [ "320", "X3", "X5" ] }, { "name" : "Fiat", "models" : [ "500", "Panda" ] } ] }`;
// anotherObj = {
// name: "John",
// age: 30,
// cars: [
// { name: "Ford", models: ["Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang"] },
// { name: "BMW", models: ["320", "X3", "X5"] },
// { name: "Fiat", models: ["500", "Panda"] }
// ]
// };
// let anotherObj_stringified = JSON.stringify(anotherObj);
let anotherObj_parsed = JSON.parse(anotherObj);
if (anotherObj_parsed.hasOwnProperty("cars")) {
for (index in {
elem += `"<h2>" ${[index].name} "</h2>"\n`;
for (j in[index].models) {
elem += `${[index].models[j]}\n`;
/** Closures */
let subtract = (() => {
let tract = 0;
return () => {
return tract;
function anotherFunction() {
/*===== More about OOP ======*/
/** Inheritance */
function Book(title, author, year) {
this.title = title; = author;
this.year = year;
Book.prototype.getSummary = function () {
return `${this.title} was written by ${} in ${this.year}`;
}; // prototypes are used to add methods to a constructor function or classes also to add methods to classes or constructor functions if we don't want those methods in every instances of the class or constructor function created
// Magazine Constructor
function Magazine(title, author, year, month) {, title, author, year);
this.month = month;
// Inherit Prototype
Magazine.prototype = Object.create(Book.prototype);
// Instantiate Magazine Object
const mag1 = new Magazine("Mag One", "Sherlock Holmes", "2020", "Mar");
// Use Magazine Constructor
Magazine.prototype.constructor = Magazine;
/** Creating Objects */
// Object Of Protos
const bookProtos = {
getSummary: function () {
return `${this.title} was written by ${} in ${this.year}`;
getAge: function () {
const years = new Date().getFullYear() - this.year;
return `${this.title} is ${years} years old`;
// Create Object
const book1 = Object.create(bookProtos);
book1.title = "Book One"; = "John Doe";
book1.year = "2013";
const book3 = Object.create(bookProtos, {
title: { value: "Tiktology" },
author: { value: "Mrs Cigar" },
year: { value: "2020" }
/** Subclasses */
class Book {
constructor(title, author, year) {
this.title = title; = author;
this.year = year;
getSummary() {
return `${this.title} was written by ${} in ${this.year}`;
// Magazine Subclasses
class Magazine extends Book {
constructor(title, author, year, month) {
super(title, author, year);
this.month = month;
// Instantiate Magazine
const mag1 = new Magazine("The Flash", "Greg Berlanti", "2014", "Jan");
/** Calling static methods from other static methods */
class StaticMethodCall {
static staticMethod() {
return "Static method has been called";
static anotherStaticMethod() {
return this.staticMethod() + " from another static method";
// 'Static method has been called from another static method'
/** Calling static method from class constructor and other methods */
class StaticMethodCall {
constructor() {
// 'static method has been called.'
// 'static method has been called.'
static staticMethod() {
return "static method has been called.";
const MethodCall = new StaticMethodCall();
class Triple {
static triple(n) {
if (n === undefined) {
n = 1;
return n * 3;
class BiggerTriple extends Triple {
static triple(n) {
return super.triple(n) * super.triple(n);
console.log(Triple.triple()); // 3
console.log(Triple.triple(6)); // 18
var tp = new Triple();
// 81 (not affected by parent's instantiation)
/** console.log(tp.triple()); */
// 'tp.triple is not a function'.
/** more static methods */
class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
static distance(a, b) {
const dx = a.x - b.x;
const dy = a.y - b.y;
return Math.hypot(dx, dy);
const p1 = new Point(5, 5);
const p2 = new Point(10, 10);
console.log(Point.distance(p1, p2)); // 7.0710678118654755
/** Using extends with built-in objects */
class myDate extends Date {
constructor() {
getFormattedDate() {
const months = [
return this.getDate() + "-" + months[this.getMonth()] + "-" + this.getFullYear();
class Rect {
constructor(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
class Square extends Rect {
constructor(width, height, area, perimeter) {
super(width, height);
this.area = area;
this.perimeter = perimeter;
get all() {
return `${this.area}, ${this.height}, ${this.width}, ${this.perimeter}`;
const favShape = new Square(10, 17, 54, 90);
/*===== Design Patterns ======*/
// Constructor Pattern
// we define a constructor for Person objects
function Person(name, age, isDeveloper) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.isDeveloper = isDeveloper || false;
// we extend the function's prototype
Person.prototype.writesCode = function () {
this.isDeveloper ? "This person does write code" : "This person does not write code"
// creates a Person instance with properties name: Bob, age: 38, isDeveloper: true and a method writesCode
const person1 = new Person("Bob", 38, true);
// creates a Person instance with properties name: Alice, age: 32, isDeveloper: false and a method writesCode
const person2 = new Person("Alice", 32);
// prints out: This person does write code
// prints out: this person does not write code
// Now, both instances of the Person constructor can access a shared instance of the writesCode() method.
// Module Pattern
// through the use of a closure we expose an object
// as a public API which manages the private objects array
const collection = (() => {
// private members
const objects = [];
// public members
return {
addObject: object => {
removeObject: object => {
const index = objects.indexOf(object);
if (index >= 0) {
objects.splice(index, 1);
getObjects: () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objects))
// Revealing Module Pattern
// we write the entire object logic as private members and
// expose an anonymous object which maps members we wish to reveal
// to their corresponding public members
const namesCollection = (() => {
// private members
const objects = [];
const addObject = object => objects.push(object);
const removeObject = object => {
const index = objects.indexOf(object);
if (index >= 0) {
objects.splice(index, 1);
const getObjects = () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objects));
// public members
return {
addName: addObject,
removeName: removeObject,
getNames: getObjects
// prints ["Bob", "Alice", "Franck"]
// prints ["Bob", "Franck"]
// Singleton Pattern
const singleton = (() => {
// private singleton value which gets initialized only once
let config;
function initializeConfiguration(values = {}) {
this.randomNumber = Math.random();
this.number = values.number || 5;
this.size = values.size || 10;
// we export the centralized method for retrieving the singleton value
return {
getConfig: values => {
// we initailize the singleton value only once
if (config === undefined) {
config = new initializeConfiguration(values);
// and return the same config value wherever it is asked for
return config;
const configObject = singleton.getConfig({ size: 8 });
// prints number: 5, size: 8, randomNumber: someRandomDecimalValue
var configObject1 = singleton.getConfig({ number: 8 });
// prints number: 5, size: 8, randomNumber: same randomDecimalValue as in first config
// Observer Pattern
const publisherSubscriber = {};
// we send in a container object which will handle the subscriptions and publishings
(container => {
// the id represents a unique subscription id to a topic
let id = 0;
// we subscribe to a specific topic by sending in a callback function to be executed on event firing
container.subscribe = (topic, f) => {
if (!(topic in container)) {
container[topic] = [];
id: ++id,
callback: f
return id;
// each subscription has its own unique ID, which we use to remove a subscriber from a certain topic
container.unsubscribe = (topic, id) => {
const subscribers = [];
container[topic].forEach(subscriber => {
if ( !== id) {
container[topic] = subscribers;
container.publish = (topic, data) => {
container[topic].forEach(subscriber => subscriber.callback(data));
var subscriptionID2 = publisherSubscriber.subscribe("mouseHovered", function (data) {
"I am Bob's callback function for a hovered mouse event and this is my event data: " +
var subscriptionID3 = publisherSubscriber.subscribe("mouseClicked", function (data) {
"I am Alice's callback function for a mouse clicked event and this is my event data: " +
// NOTE: after publishing an event with its data, all of the
// subscribed callbacks will execute and will receive
// a data object from the object firing the event
// there are 3 console.logs executed
publisherSubscriber.publish("mouseClicked", { data: "data1" });
publisherSubscriber.publish("mouseHovered", { data: "data2" });
// we unsubscribe from an event by removing the subscription ID
publisherSubscriber.unsubscribe("mouseClicked", subscriptionID3);
// there are 2 console.logs executed
publisherSubscriber.publish("mouseClicked", { data: "data1" });
publisherSubscriber.publish("mouseHovered", { data: "data2" });
// Prototype Pattern
class actorPrototype {
sayHi() {
console.log("Hello, my name is " + + ", and I am " + this.age);
sayBye() {
console.log("Bye Bye");
class Actor extends actorPrototype {
constructor(name = "John Doe", age = 26) {
super(); = name;
this.age = age;
const actor1 = new Actor();
const actor2 = new Actor("Bob", 38);
// prints out Hello, my name is John Doe, and I am 26
// prints out Hello, my name is Bob, and I am 38
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