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Forked from Ouwen/Farmshots Imagery
Created June 21, 2017 22:49
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FarmShots Imagery API

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All POST and PUT requests expect a JSONObject with the Content-Type header set to application/json.

Authenticated routes expect the Authorization header to be set to Bearer <token>.


All routes return a JSONObject with the following fields if an error is encountered.

Field Type Description
error string A useful diagnostic message.

Example error:

	"error": "This is why your request failed."

Returns a PNG image depending on the following query params.

Field Type Description
asset_id string UUID of the resource.
min_map number Min pixel map for interpolation.
max_map number Max pixele map for interpolation.
ul_lat number Upper left corner tile latitude in ESPG:4326.
ul_lon number Lower left corner tile longitude in ESPG:4326.
x_dim number Image x dimension.
y_dim number Image y dimension.
exprs JSONArray RasterLang expression to calculate.
lossless boolean Image compression.
palette JSONArray Array of hex colors for one layer images.

The following tile is near McCotter and has been named b9efb958-9ccf-402b-bab3-57f28bd86f70.tif in the imagery service. Example request for color imagery:["b4", "b3", "b2"]&lossless=true

Example request for ndvi["(b4-b5)/(b4%2Bb5)"]&lossless=true

Returns a 256x256 tile PNG image with the top left corner in latitude x and longitutde y in ESPG:4326 projected units.

Field Type Description
asset_id string UUID of the resource.
min_map number Min pixel map for interpolation.
max_map number Max pixel map for interpolation.
exprs JSONArray RasterLang expression to calculate.
lossless boolean Image compression.
palette JSONArray Array of hex colors for one layer images.
x number Upper left latitude in ESPG:4326.
y number Upper left longitude in ESPG:4326.
z number Zoom level in the map.


RasterLang is the language to manipulate map tiles. RasterLang JSONArray expressions take a max length of 4.

Map bands are denoted b1, b2, ... , b(n). Depending on the type of imagery there will be more or less bands.

If there is only one element in the array, a one channel image will be returned which can be color mapped.

Example: The following expression will calculate ndvi for a landsat8 tile.


If there are three elements in the array, an RGB image will be returned where the first channel is red, second is green, and thrid is blue.

Example: The following expression will calculate rgb for a landsat8 tile.

	["b4", "b3", "b2"]
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