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Created October 28, 2012 01:21
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Simple AKS in Perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package Acme::Math::AKS;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Math::BigInt try => 'GMP';
use Math::BigFloat try => 'GMP';
# Technically we can get by without any of these functions
use Math::Prime::Util qw/primes next_prime euler_phi is_prob_prime/;
# A simple standalone Perl implementation of the AKS primality algorithm:
# Copyright 2012 by Dana Jacobsen (
# This program is free software using the Perl 5 artistic license v2.
my $try_optimistic_r = 0; # r search: all ints from 2 OR primes from log2n
my $use_sqrtn_test = 1; # if we've checked all primes under sqrtn, stop.
my $verbose = 0; # display progress reports?
my $poly_bignum; # INTERNAL: will poly code use BigInt coefs?
__PACKAGE__->run unless caller;
sub is_aks_prime {
my $n = shift;
return wantarray ? (0, "AKS - COMPOSITE - less than two") : 0 if $n < 2;
$n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
# 1. mpz_perfect_power_p
return wantarray ? (0, "AKS - COMPOSITE - perfect power") : 0
if is_perfect_power($n);
# 2. Find smallest r such that order_r(n) > log^2(n)
# Notes:
# - log = base 2 logarithm (AKS page 3).
# - calculate log^2(n) as a bigfloat, then limit = floor as a native int
# - we use floor for limit because we check o_r(n) > limit
# - one could make the case for log^2n to be:
# (a) floor(log(n))^2,
# (b) floor(log(n)*log(n))
# (c) ceil(log(n))^2
# where (a) <= (b) <= (c). GMP impls use (c) because mpz_sizeinbase(2)
# does ceil(log(n)). Salembier et al. (2005) use (b). We'll use (b).
my $sqrtn = int(Math::BigFloat->new($n)->bsqrt->bfloor->bstr);
my $log2n = Math::BigFloat->new($n)->blog(2);
my $log2_squared_n = $log2n * $log2n;
my $limit = int($log2_squared_n->bfloor->bstr);
print "$n discovering r ($limit)." if $verbose;
my $r = $try_optimistic_r ? 2 : next_prime($limit);
# Check for small factors up to where we're starting
foreach my $f (@{primes(0,$r-1)}) {
return wantarray ? (1, "AKS - PRIME - trial division through $f") : 1
if $f == $n;
if ( ! ($n % $f) ) {
return wantarray ? (0, "AKS - COMPOSITE - factor $f") : 0;
# AKS Lemma 4.3 says we _will_ find an r <= max(3, ceil(log^5n))
while ($r < $n) {
print "." if $verbose && (!$try_optimistic_r || is_prob_prime($r));
# Check divisibility
if ( ! ($n % $r) ) {
print "\n" if $verbose;
return wantarray ? (0, "AKS - COMPOSITE - factor $r") : 0;
# We've looked at every prime r up to sqrt(n) and none divide n.
if ($use_sqrtn_test && $r >= $sqrtn) {
return wantarray ? (1, "AKS - PRIME - trial division through $r") : 1
# see if the multiplicative order of n mod r is > limit
last if order($r, $n, $limit) > $limit;
# increment r
$r = $try_optimistic_r ? $r+1 : next_prime($r);
print "$r\n" if $verbose;
# 4. n is prime if we've checked all r up to n.
# (we already would have returned because no primes through sqrtn divided n)
return wantarray ? (1, "AKS - PRIME - trial division through $r") : 1
if $r >= $n;
# 5. Check (X+a)^n = X^n + a (mod X^r-1,n) for a = a to rlimit
# - if r is prime then euler_phi(r) = r-1
my $rlimit = int( Math::BigFloat->new(euler_phi($r))
print "testing polynomials from 1 to $rlimit with r = $r\n" if $verbose;
# If n is less than a half-word, then we can never overflow in native ints.
# n + (n*n) < word if n < halfword (so 2^16-1 for 32-bit, 2^32-1 for 64-bit)
$poly_bignum = 1;
if ( $n < ( (~0 == 4294967295) ? 65535 : 4294967295 ) ) {
$poly_bignum = 0;
$n = int($n->bstr) if ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
for (my $a = 1; $a <= $rlimit; $a++) {
if ( ! test_anr($a, $n, $r) ) {
print "COMPOSITE\n" if $verbose;
return wantarray ? (0, "AKS - COMPOSITE - failed polynomial test 1 .. $rlimit (a = $a, r = $r)") : 0;
print "." if $verbose;
print "\n" if $verbose;
if (!is_prob_prime($n)) {
die "Whoa -- AKS says $n is prime but BPSW says it isn't.\n";
return wantarray ? (1, "AKS - PRIME - passed polynomial tests 1 .. $rlimit with r = $r") : 1;
sub test_anr {
my($a, $n, $r) = @_;
my $pp = poly_mod_pow(poly_new($a, 1), $n, $r, $n);
# my @want_poly;
# $want_poly[0] = $a % $n;
# $want_poly[$n % $r] = 1;
# print "I want the result to be:\n "; poly_print(\@want_poly);
$pp->[$n % $r] = (($pp->[$n % $r] || 0) - 1) % $n; # subtract X^(n%r)
$pp->[ 0] = (($pp->[ 0] || 0) - $a) % $n; # subtract a
# return 0 (composite) if any coefficient is non-zero, 1 otherwise.
return 0 if scalar grep { $_ } @$pp;
# Polynomial functions.
sub poly_new {
my @poly;
if ($poly_bignum) {
foreach my $c (@_) {
push @poly, (ref $c eq 'Math::BigInt') ? $c->copy : Math::BigInt->new("$c");
} else {
push @poly, $_ for (@_);
push @poly, 0 unless scalar @poly;
return \@poly;
sub poly_print {
my($poly) = @_;
warn "poly has null top degree" if $#$poly > 0 && !$poly->[-1];
foreach my $d (reverse 1 .. $#$poly) {
my $coef = $poly->[$d];
print "", ($coef != 1) ? $coef : "", ($d > 1) ? "x^$d" : "x", " + "
if $coef;
my $p0 = $poly->[0] || 0;
print "$p0\n";
sub poly_mod_mul {
my($px, $py, $r, $n) = @_;
my $px_degree = $#$px;
my $py_degree = $#$py;
my @res;
# convolve(px, py) mod (X^r-1,n)
my @indices_y = grep { $py->[$_] } (0 .. $py_degree);
for (my $ix = 0; $ix <= $px_degree; $ix++) {
my $px_at_ix = $px->[$ix];
next unless $px_at_ix;
foreach my $iy (@indices_y) {
my $py_at_iy = $py->[$iy];
my $rindex = ($ix + $iy) % $r; # reduce mod X^r-1
if (!defined $res[$rindex]) {
$res[$rindex] = $poly_bignum ? Math::BigInt->bzero : 0
$res[$rindex] = ($res[$rindex] + ($py_at_iy * $px_at_ix)) % $n;
# In case we had upper terms go to zero after modulo, reduce the degree.
pop @res while !$res[-1];
return \@res;
# Square using product scanning, putting off the modulo until the sum is
# complete. If we could overflow, fall back to poly_mod_mul.
sub poly_mod_sqr {
my($p, $r, $n) = @_;
my @res;
my $degree = $#$p;
# Sum can be as big as (d+1) * n * n because we're putting off the modulo.
return poly_mod_mul($p, $p, $r, $n)
if !$poly_bignum && $n > int((sqrt(~0)/($degree+1)));
foreach my $d (0 .. 2*$degree) {
my $sum = $poly_bignum ? Math::BigInt->bzero : 0;
my $start = ($d <= $degree) ? 0 : $d - $degree;
my $end = int($d/2);
for (my $s = $start; $s <= $end; $s++) {
my $c1 = $p->[$s]; # my $c2 = $p[$d-$s];
$sum += ($s*2 == $d) ? $c1*$c1 : 2 * $c1 * $p->[$d - $s];
my $rindex = $d % $r;
$res[$rindex] = (defined $res[$rindex]) ? ($res[$rindex] + $sum) % $n
: $sum % $n;
pop @res while !$res[-1];
return \@res;
sub poly_mod_pow {
my($pn, $power, $r, $mod) = @_;
my $res = poly_new(1);
my $p = $power;
while ($p) {
$res = poly_mod_mul($res, $pn, $r, $mod) if ($p & 1);
$p >>= 1;
$pn = poly_mod_sqr($pn, $r, $mod) if $p;
return $res;
# Utility functions
sub is_perfect_power {
my $n = shift;
my $log2n = _log2($n);
$n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
for my $e (@{primes($log2n)}) {
return 1 if $n->copy()->broot($e)->bpow($e) == $n;
sub order {
my($r, $n, $lim) = @_;
$lim = $r unless defined $lim;
$n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
return 1 if $n->copy->bmod($r) == 1;
for (my $j = 2; $j <= $lim; $j++) {
return $j if $n->copy->bmodpow($j, $r) == 1;
return $lim+1;
sub _log2 {
my $n = shift;
my $log2n = 0;
$log2n++ while ($n >>= 1); # floor of n->blog(2);
sub run {
require Getopt::Long;
my $get_certificate = 0;
my $test_perfect_powers = 0;
my $test_examples = 0;
my $test_all_primes = 0;
my $test_all_composites = 0;
my $usage = 0;
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'sqrt!' => \$use_sqrtn_test,
'optr|optimr|optimisticr' => \$try_optimistic_r,
'certificate' => \$get_certificate,
'test-perfect-powers' => \$test_perfect_powers,
'test-suite' => \$test_examples,
'test-primes' => \$test_all_primes,
'test-composites' => \$test_all_composites,
'help|usage|?' => \$usage,
) or show_usage();
show_usage() if $usage;
if ($test_perfect_powers) { # Test our is_perfect_power function.
foreach my $nstr (qw/7 10 11 14 26 39 72355 8812214355 987687645327744 4345465791980381796 543565790912343654309875/) {
die "is_perfect_power($nstr) is wrong\n"
if is_perfect_power(Math::BigInt->new($nstr));
foreach my $b (2 .. 25, 912673, 6436343, 24137569, 69343957, 912673) {
foreach my $e (2 .. 14) {
die "is_perfect_power($b ** $e) is wrong\n"
unless is_perfect_power( Math::BigInt->new($b)->bpow($e) );
foreach my $n (42875, 225866529, 1564031349) {
die "is_perfect_power($_) is wrong\n" unless is_perfect_power($n);
if ($test_examples) { # Run a set of selected test numbers
$use_sqrtn_test = 0; # Without this we would need much larger values
foreach my $n (qw/
0 1 4 6 15 27 561 8911 74513 101101
2 3 5 7 11 31 41 89 2621 3571 11701 100237
/) {
my ($isp, $cert) = is_aks_prime($n);
print "$n $cert\n";
die "INCORRECT RESULT FOR $n\n" unless $isp == !!is_prob_prime($n);
if ($test_all_primes || $test_all_composites) {
$use_sqrtn_test = 0; # Without this we would need much larger values
my $lastlen = 0;
my $n = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] > 2) ? $ARGV[0] : 2;
$n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless $n < 1_000_000_000;
while (1) {
if ( ($test_all_composites && !is_prob_prime($n)) ||
($test_all_primes && is_prob_prime($n)) ) {
my($isp, $cert) = is_aks_prime($n);
my $text = sprintf("%8d %s", $n, $cert);
print $text;
die "\nINCORRECT RESULT FOR $n\n" unless $isp == !!is_prob_prime($n);
print " " x ($lastlen - length($text)) if $lastlen > length($text);
print "\r";
$lastlen = length($text);
foreach my $n (@ARGV) {
my($is_prime, $cert);
if ($get_certificate) {
($is_prime, $cert) = is_aks_prime($n);
} else {
$is_prime = is_aks_prime($n);
print "$n is ", ($is_prime) ? "PRIME" : "COMPOSITE", "\n";
print "Cert: $cert\n" if defined $cert;
sub show_usage {
die <<EOU;
Usage: $0 [options] [n ...]
--help displays this message
--verbose display verbose progress output
--certificate displays how the result was obtained
--nosqrt keep going even if r > sqrt(n)
--optr Spend more time calculating r in hopes it will be smaller
--test-suite run a simple test suite of numbers
--test-primes run a non-stop test of primes starting from n
--test-composites run a non-stop test of primes starting from n
--test-perfect-powers run a simple test of the perfect_power function
$0 877 run AKS for 877
$0 -v 877 run AKS for 877 showing progress
$0 -cert 877 run AKS for 877 and show certificate
$0 -nosqrt -v 877 run AKS for 877 without stopping early
$0 -v -cert 100003 run AKS for 100003, showing progress
$0 --test-primes run a test of all
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