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Last active July 25, 2017 19:10
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Strength Finder and Personal Story.
# Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines
* Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?
My perceptions of my top 5 strengths have not really changed.
1. Communication - People who are good communicators have an easy time talking to people. In my experience this does describe me as I am almost always able to find a topic that I enjoy speaking to others about.
2. Consistency - I think this means that people are able to expect, rely or predict my behavior. People can expect certain class of work, behavior, attitude and demeanor.
3. Harmony - I think Harmony and empathy have similar meanings. I do not look for conflict. If avoidable I will avoid it. However that doesn't stop me from having conflict in my life. Sometime conflict will lead to harmony. But by understanding what others are feeling, or thinking I am able to create an atmosphere where we all can collectively enjoy ourselves.
4. Individualization - To me individualization means I look at the person not the people. I understand why that one person is that way, and with that information I am able to empathize, creat harmony or if need be create conflict.
5. Relator - I think that a relator is someone who can understand what others are going through, going back to empathy. I can relate to others and their lives because I have either had a similar experience or I have been close to someone who has.
* How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?
I have struggles everyday, tyring to keep up with the pace, however I would say I do feel a sense of accomplishment as I am able to create and do so much more today than when I started. It is a great feeling. As well I feel such a huge sense of community and support. This has made me extremely comfortable here at Turing. I do feel stronger in the sense of anxiety. I still have anxiety everyday about coding and programming, however I would say the anxiety used to be because I was unsure if I could do it, where today it is mostly from if I have enough time to do it to my and my instructors standards.
* Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing?
I really want others to see me as a strong communicator and a consistent coder. I am trying very hard to understand everything and I want others to be able to see where I am and feel comfortable apporaching me with questions or concerns. I think transparency is very important. If fellow students know I am proficient in certain areas, they feel comfortable asking for my help. On the inverse if people know me and have a strong line of communication, they will be willing to help me when I am not understanding something.
* Even though your Turing story isn't finished yet, what do you envision for your development in future mods? How will this story end?
I really hope I can be a pillar of support for my fellow students in future mods. I try very hard to understand the classes so I can explain it to others when need be. I want other students to know me on a personal level so they know when I understand something, they can too. As well if I struggle, they will know it's because I am just like them and I will need support sometimes.
* Finally, write a draft of your story here. This is a short paragraph, 4-6 sentences, describing who you are, why you came to Turing, and what you hope to accomplish while you're here:
My name is Dan Alvarez, and I used to be boxed in. I found that I would be a hard worker that would get promoted quickly to a position with no more available growth. Weather it was in the service industry or video produciton, I found that I would not have more opportunities for growth. In restaraunts I would become a manager quickly but after that there was nowhere to go. The owner is not going to make me a part owner due to me being a hard worker. The same went for video production, I could bust my butt to do quality work, but I was still going to be looked at as a production manager, I would not have creative opportunities as a director or screen writer. However coding gives me both the opportunities I was missing. There is no defined ceiling in the programing industry because it's ever changing and there is so much to learn. I can also flex my creative muscles as I can design and devlope websites, apps, and games. Coding was the right choice for me, and eventhough it is extremely hard diligent work, everyday I am happy with my choice, and excited for what is to come next.
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