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Last active June 4, 2017 15:05
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Strength Finder Analysis
**Directions:** Copy this template into your own gist.
# Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request
### Read Through Your Theme Definitions
1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
1. Communication - People who are good communicators have an easy time talking to people. In my experience this does describe me as I am almost always able to find a topic that I enjoy speaking to others about.
2. Consistency - I think this means that people are able to expect, rely or predict my behavior. I enjoy doing things. I will try new things but that doesn't take any love I have for my passions. People now can expect certain class of work, behavior, attitude and demeanor.
3. Harmony - I think Harmony and empathy have similar meanings. I do not look for conflict. If avoidable I will avoid it. However that doesn't stop me from having conflict in my life. Sometime conflict will lead to harmony. But by understanding what others are feeling, or thinking I am able to creat an atmosphere where we all can collectively ejoy ourselves.
4. Individualization - To me individualization means I look at the person not the people. I understand why that one person is that way, and with that information I am able to empathize, creat harmony or if need be create conflict.
5. Relator - I think that a relator is someone who can understand what others are going through, going back to empathy. I can relate to others and their lives because I have either had a similar experience or I have been close to someone who has.
# A phrase that stick out to me was "Chances are good that you occasionally welcome opportunities to regale people with your stories." I do enjoy stories, in all aspects. In movies, shows, life stories, video games, books, or even just my imagination. I love telling stories and hearing them. I think this is really accurate about myself.
2. Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?
# I think these themes do resonate with me, however I am not entirely sure they are very accurate in their individual descriptions. Some of the descriptions have general statements that I feel can be applied to anyone, and some I feel are just off base, and makes me think I could have answered some questions better.
3. How have you seen yourself using each of these talents? How often do you see yourself using these talents?
# I have seen myself using all of these talents at one point in my life. Most I feel I have used throughout my life and currently use day to day. I communicate well, I relate to people no matter their background, I understand that each person is different for different reasons. I am definetley a creature of habbit so consistency is spot on.
4. When has it been difficult for me to be aware of this talent?
# I guess I am not aware that I am so good with communication, My current
5. What talents could you develop further that would help you in your growth at Turing and in your new career as a software developer?
6. How would you like to build more awareness around these themes?
7. In which situations would developing these themes be beneficial?
8. When might you overuse any of these themes? How might you benefit from dialing it down in a certain situation?
9. How could you use these themes to help you manage an area in which you might struggle?
10. How can you do more of what you do best every day?
### Look at the Suggested Action Items
11. What options sound doable?
12. What are some new ways to use these themes that you haven't utilized before?
13. What obstacles are there to trying out any of these options?
14. Shortterm: What is an action step you'd like to commit to help you develop your themes further today? Next week?
15. Longterm: What do you want to learn this module to turn your talents into greater strengths? How will this help you with your professional or personal goals?
### Next Steps
This reflection is for your own growth, and you do not need to turn this in.
However, if you would like to have a follow-up coaching session with Allison, please DM this gist to her when you set up your 1-on-1 with her. You can schedule that [here]( or by sending her a DM.
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