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Last active April 27, 2017 21:09
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Read through 29 Behaviors That Will Make You An Unstoppable Programmer
Pick out three behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection.

  1. The first behavior that stood out to me was 8: Say "I don't know"
    • I often feel that saying I don't know is worse than keeping quiet and hoping some one else will ask my question. However I really like the idea that everyone will have small issues that can cause huge road blocks, and the fastest solution is just admitting you dont know.
  2. The second behavior that resonated with me was 29: Move fast and break things.
    • I have already been working through the prework and made some sort of simple mistakes. I would re-read through my work and was unable to locate the issue. I even called my programer brother to look and he was not finding any issues from a quick look. So instead of wasting lots of time trying to mend the fence, I deleted my most recent code and started over. Whatever my mistake was, it no longer persisted after my send draft of the code.
  3. The third behavior that stood out to me was 13: Know how to use Vim, at least a little bit.
    • After reading that all unstoppable programmers know Vim and the bit in behavior 12, "Tools like vim and emacs are notoriously difficult to learn, but their skill-cap is quite high. This means that people who are great at these tools run circles around people who are great with conventional text editors." all I want to do is become proficient in Atom that I feel comfortable teaching myself Vim.

After the reading, condsider the idea of checklists. Write a reflection (4-6 sentences) on the benefits of a checklist and how an organizational system such as a checklist might help you first as a student and later as a full-time developer.

The benefits of a checklist seem quite clear. Making a step by step instruction or reminder of comlplicated tasks is a great way to break down the complex work into easier substeps. In the interview as well as the reading, Atul made it very clear how insanely complex medical proceedures can be. This can be likened to coding in the sense, what we are learning is very complex, but if we break it down into a step by step process, we will likely not be overwhelmed and make simple mistakes. This will be very imortant as a student and even moreso as a full-time developer. As a student this will help us learn the process so that we always can remember the order in which we should go and what goes in each phase. As a full-time coder this will help us maintain a professionalism, making fewer mistakes and following a method that we know is effective.

  1. What is your impression of the strengths-based development? What questions do you have about this kind of development?
    • My impression of strength-based development is good. I like the idea of people being hired because they are a great canidate and then assess their strengths to place them in project or team that will benefit from their strengths. I do understand though how too much stock can be put into theses strength test results, and not to mention there is no exact way to say how accurate any test really is. My question is with data that seems to show that these strength based companies (facebook) have so much extra success by comparison, why do so many companies follow older, what seems like an archaic, methods?
  2. What do you feel are your top strengths? How do you know?
    • I feel like my personal strengths would be, I have a analytical mind. I am always looking at the facts for holes or data for irregularities. As well I am a very social person. I generally get along with everyone. Those that I don't get along with I am able to maintain a positive professional relationship if need be. As well I can empathize with most people very well. I know this from general life, people usually make comments about me and these traits. As well I took the emergenetics course which measures preffered thinking styles, and I came up with a highly analytical and strong social brain.
  3. How do you hope to develop your strengths for your new career in software development?
    • I hope to become very good at reading code to the point where I can catch mistakes and come up with quick simple solutions. I like being able to look at complex things and find the answer, then explain it simply to people. It's kind of like an explain-a-brag.
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