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Created April 29, 2013 08:23
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COMP130 Term Project 4/29/2013 Function header file
/******************************* HEADER FILE ********************************************************
File: EndangeredSpecies_H.h
Name: Dana Muise
Date: 4/29/2013
Purpose: Function construtors for Endagered Species application
The Endangered Species Application opens a text file named "animals.txt" and displays the a list of endagered animals.
Three attributes are displayed: Name, population and species. The following actions are possible:
-Display the list
-Modify selected attributes of list members
-Add new items to the list
-Delete items on the list
-Ensure all items begin with capital letters
-Delete duplicate entries, while consolidating the data
-Save changes to the list, overwriting original text file.
This the primary function of the Endangered Species application.
All other functions are call from within this function.
The function creates a struct Array named animals[] with 3 paramters: Name, Population & Species.
int mainMenu (Endangered animals[], int &stringLength)
This function creates the main menu for the application. From here, the user is prompted to select from a veriety of tasks related to the list.
Preconditions: struct array animals[] is passed. int stringLength variable is passed by refernce, assumed to be valid.
Postcondition: returns an int=1, quitting the eapplication if the user selects Quit from the menu.
int readFile(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength)
This function reads the data from an external file and populates the array animals[].
Preconditions: A text file named "animals.txt" must be located in the same directory as the driver.cpp file. The delimiter # must be used.
struct array animals[] is passed. int stringLength variable is passed by reference, assumed to be valid.
Postcondition: returns an int=1, quitting the eapplication if the file cannot be opened.
void displayList(Endangered animals[], int stringLength)
This function displays the list from the array animals[]
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
void displayMostEndangered(Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
This function will display an amount of most endangered animals. The user is prompted to enter the number and species of aniamls to display.
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
void addEntry(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
This function allows the user to add an entry to the list.
Preconditions: struct array animals[] is passed. int stringLength variable is passed by refernce, assumed to be valid.
void bubbleSort (Endangered tempArray[], int counter);
This function sorts the list alphabetically.
Preconditions: struct array tempArray[] and int counter variable are passed, assumed to be valid.
void caseFix (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
This function runs through each name in the animals[] array and ensures that only the first letter is capitalized.
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
void consolidate (Endangered animals[], int &stringLength)
This function checks for duplicate entries. If found, the populations are added and the extra entry is deleted.
Preconditions: struct array animals[] is passed. int stringLength variable is passed by refernce, assumed to be valid.
void editEntry (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
This function allows the user to edit the existing memebers of the current list.
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
int saveOut (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
If the user quits, this function will present the option to write the current array animal[] to a text file "animal.txt", overwriting the original.
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
Postcondition: returns an int=1, quitting the application if the file cannot be opened.
void deleteEntry(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
This function allows the user to delete any selected item in the array animal[], and updates the list.
Preconditions: struct array animals[] is passed. int stringLength variable is passed by refernce, assumed to be valid.
void miniMenu(Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
This function prompts the user to type "M" to return to the main menu
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int stringLength variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
int getAndCheckInt();
This function determines if the user entered an integer
Postcondition: an integer is returned assuming the input is valid.
bool againYN();
This function determines if the user entered a valid Y or N repsonse
Postcondition: A boolean value is returned assuming the input is valid.
void editSpecies(Endangered animals[], int edit);
This function allows the user to edit a specific species in the array animals[]
Precondition: struct array animals[] and int edit variable is passed, assumed to be valid.
void splashPage();
This function displays the title of the application after it is launched.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "conio.h"
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
namespace danaMuise
struct Endangered
string name;
int population;
char species;
void endangeredSpecies();
int mainMenu (Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
int readFile(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
void displayList(Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
void displayMostEndangered(Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
void addEntry(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
void bubbleSort (Endangered tempArray[], int counter);
void caseFix (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
void consolidate (Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
void editEntry (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
int saveOut (Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
void deleteEntry(Endangered animals[], int &stringLength);
void miniMenu(Endangered animals[], int stringLength);
int getAndCheckInt();
bool againYN();
void editSpecies(Endangered animals[], int edit);
void splashPage();
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