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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Mapbooklet using mailmerge

Mapbooklet using mailmerge

Parts of this may be more detailed than you need. I did this on a Mac. There will be some difference with a Windows setup. Please help improve this guide if you have additions or corrections.

This assumes you have:

  • Loose leaf copier paper such as Rite in the Rain LL851 with each sheet having two 4 5/8 in x 7 in pre-perforated loose leaf sheets (or something similar)
  • An image file for each page of your booklet


  • Create a project folder and work in it
  • Create an images folder and drop all your map page images into it
  • Create a white 1px by 1px blank.jpg file
  • Get an ordered list of your files (on a Mac you can select all your files, copy, open TextEdit, go to Edit > Paste and Match Style) and put it into an Excel spreadsheet in column A
  • Autofill column B with the row number (e.g. 1,2,3...)
  • Autofill column C with the formula =ISEVEN(<column B cell>)
  • Sort all the data on column C
  • Fill column D with the the row number but individually for each of the column C TRUE/FALSE groups
  • Autofill column E with the formula =ISEVEN(<column D cell>)
  • Sort by Column C Then Column E
    • Your list should be main-grouped into Odd, Even and then sub-grouped into Odd-evens, Odd-odds, Even-evens, and Even-odds
    • Page 1,5,9...,3,7,11..., 2,6,10...,4,7,12..
  • Delete all except Column A (your filenames)
  • Cut/paste the sub-group of both main-groups up next to the first half, but for the group that has page number 2 offest down by one and put blank.jpg in the first cell, then remove the empty rows between the lists, add a column and fill it with the row number but individually for each of the two groups, add a column with the formula =ISEVEN(<column C cell>)
A              |  B              |  C  |  D  
output_1.jpg   |  output_3.jpg   |  1  |  =ISEVEN(C1)  
output_5.jpg   |  output_7.jpg   |  2  |  =ISEVEN(C2) 
output_9.jpg   |  output_11.jpg  |  3  |  =ISEVEN(C3) 
output_13.jpg  |  output_15.jpg  |  4  |  =ISEVEN(C4) 
output_2.jpg   |  blank.jpg      |  1  |  =ISEVEN(C5)
output_6.jpg   |  output_4.jpg   |  2  |  =ISEVEN(C6)
output_10.jpg  |  output_8.jpg   |  3  |  =ISEVEN(C7)
  • Sort by Column C Then by Column D, then delete those columns
  • Add leftside and rightside column headers
  • Your table should match the following format
leftside       |  rightside 
output_1.jpg   |  output_3.jpg
output_2.jpg   |  blank.jpg
output_5.jpg   |  output_7.jpg
output_6.jpg   |  output_4.jpg
output_9.jpg   |  output_11.jpg
output_10.jpg  |  output_8.jpg
output_13.jpg  |  output_15.jpg
  • Save as an .xlsx file
  • Open a new Microsoft Word Doc and save as Word 97-2004 Document (.doc)
  • Adjust the Top and Left page margins to match the punchouts of your paper, set Bottom and Right to 0
  • Add a 3 column x 1 row table
    • Set the row height to match the height of the punchouts
    • Set the column widths to match the punchout, middle gutter, punchout
    • Adjust the Table Options to set the Default cell margins to 0
    • Remove cell border styling
  • Open the Mail Merge Manager (in the Tools menu)
  • Create new Form Letters
  • Get List > Open Data Source... and select your Excel file
  • In the left cell
    • Insert Field... (in the Insert menu)
    • Choose the INCLUDEPICTURE and add the directory path to your images folder for example INCLUDEPICTUE "Macintosh HD:Users:danbjoseph:Desktop:BoundMapBook:images:" then click okay
    • From Insert Placeholders in the Mail Merge Manager drag leftside to the last part of directory path
    • The cell should now have something like { INCLUDEPICTURE "Macintosh HD:Users:danbjoseph:Desktop:BoundMapBook:images:output_1.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT }
  • Repeat for the right-most cell but instead drag rightside to the last part of the directory path
  • Complete Merge > Merge to New Document
  • Select all then on a Mac press cmd+shift+option+u (Windows it should just be F9) to update all fields and the images should appear
    • You might need to toggle View all placeholders (the {a} icon) in the Mail Merge Manager under 5. Preview Results
    • If a path doesn't return an image, Word will drop in the last successful image (this is the reason for the blank.jpg for the empty cell for the cover page)
  • Save as a PDF file
  • Print double-sided and Actual size (not Fit or Shrink oversized pages)
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