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Created November 18, 2021 18:46
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Igni Privacy Policy

To take it simple:

  1. We'll never sell your data
  2. We store the least possible data the bot needs to work, mostly made up from commands you use (not using commands? igni won't store much data about you, except for moderation)
  3. You can request deletion in our support server (see about command). Same for viewing data.

This privacy policy does not apply to user commands, which have their own privacy policies (ask their authors for more information).

3rd parties

We won't give 3rd parties any data unless you specifically ask us by using a command (for example, when searching spotify, spotify may keep logs about what you searched, so spotify privacy policy applies). We won't sell your data, and we don't plan to add ads that track your online activity across sites any time soon.

Data stored

Bot needs to store some data to work. All commands you run are logged (for a period of time, usually about few weeks but can be up to a year if there's low usage of the bot). Consider that all commands you run may be stored (specifically, all commands that alter your profile in some way).

Bot also stores moderation data (like the date you joined, who were you invited by, all the cases like kicks, bans and warns).


Although the bot currently doesn't do it, we plan to have message statistics. This will contain the author of the message, the channel, and some information (like if it has an embed, an image, comes from another bot or similar). It won't contain their contents (or images).

Requesting deletion

Contact us on the support server, and we can provide you with a copy of your data, or delete your data. Note that deletion is almost immediate (after confirming with you multiple times) and permanent. When deleting user data, server cases are left as is to not harm moderation. You can ask server admins to delete your cases, although they shouldn't contain personal info in the first place. When deleting server data, member profiles are left as they are, although their server profiles are deleted (so things like levels are reset, while BBS and profile description is left as is).

Terms of Service

Basically, don't harm us, don't harm others, don't harm yourself, don't harm anyone.

We reserve the right to deny service at any time without giving a reason (this is to protect us, we don't want to use it).

This is an addition to Discord TOS, they still apply when using the bot (no illegal items, no spamming and so on).

Usage of the bot

Spamming the bot is forbidden (bot has some automated detections in place that may limit or block you automatically). Usually as long as you don't overload the bot to the point others feel high lag, it's ok, if it doesn't harm anyone.

If you find a bug/exploit (either gaining any type of access to the bot that's not allowed to normal users, or finding a way to cheat in games or economy), you're required to disclose it to us (join the support server and DM one of the developers, or all of them if needed). You're not allowed to take advantage of them (we will revert your cheats when we fnid them), but we'll try to reward you somehow for good disclosures.

No automations of the bot usage outside of our ( services. Don't use autoclicker to switch pages, don't automate your keyboard to type !beg all day long, or anything similar. Automating the bot via our services is allowed as long as their TOS allows it, and it is their intended purpose to automate igni.

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