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Created January 14, 2017 16:09
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Comparison of FountainJS features and similar starters
Benefits generator-jhipster Angular-kitchen-sink great big angular2 example ngrx example app Fountain.JS for Angular2
Account Management, add/remove user X
Account Management, Forgotten Password with Resetting X X
Account Management, login/logout X X X
Account Management, recover/reset password X
Admin page for users and roles X
API introspection report and testing interface (?) X
Approach to data readiness, prevents Flash of Unstyled/compiled Content (FOUC) (?) X
Asynchronously loaded data example X X X X
Authentication X X X
Authentication, social sign-in X
Authentication, with two-factor authentication X
Breadcrumbs (?) X
Buttons X X
Charts X
Client-side performance monitoring & instrumentation (?) X
Client-side unit tests X X X
Clustered HTTP sessions X
Command line interface (CLI), can do database migration/evolution (?) X
Components communicate with events X X X
Concurrency (synchronization), with single-thread, non-blocking, event-driven I/O (?) X
Configurable User Interface, color theme/skin X
Core Module X
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (?) X
CSS style checking X
Database connection pooling X
Date picker X X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, resolution time in under 3 months X X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, response time mostly under a day X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, using github issues (?) X X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, using only one place for questions/answers (?) X
Deep linking with authentication (?) X
Deployment automation, using Docker (?) X
Deployment automation, using Github Pages X X X
Derived, computed properties X X
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically (?) X X
Dropdowns X
Dynamic component creation X
E-mail sending system, using SMTP with Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, etc. X
End-to-end tests (?) X X X X
Error handling, Server-side logging X X
External, 3rd party, API interaction X X X
FEATURE (a.k.a. module, entity) generator (?) X
Footer X
Front-end CRUD X
Front-end CRUD, screencast of it X
Front-end CRUD, with mock/seed data X
Full-stack CRUD (?) X X X
Full-stack CRUD, screencast of it X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, individual records X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, whole data structures X
Full-stack CRUD, with Read X X X
Grid, Editable X
Hot reloading (?) X X X
i18n, localization (?) X
Images, Carousel X
In-memory server-side database X X X
Languages, ES6 JavaScript X X X X
Languages, LESS (?) X
Languages, SASS (?) X X
Languages, SCSS (?) X X
Languages, Typescript (?) X X X X
Live Retest (?) X X
Local storage X X X X
Many-to-many data X
Microservice generator X
Minification, of HTML X
Modals (popups, dialogs) (?) X X
Modularized Functionality (?) X
Modularized, route-specific CSS X X X X
Module marketplace (?) X
Mouse wheel (?) X
Navigation bar X X X X
Object-relational mapping (?) X
Observables for databinding a.k.a. KVO (?) X X X X
Pagination, paging (server-side) X
Panels, collapsible (accordian) X
Panels, draggable X X
Performance tests, profiling X
Persistent data storage (?) X X
Popover (?) X
Preloads client-side data (?) X X X X
Production build, generate docs (?) X
Production build, safe pre-minification X X
Progress bars X
Rating, scale X
Realtime data sync (?) X X X X
Reload app on file changes (?) X X X X
Responsive styles X X X
Search, actually works with backend API X X X
Separate route configuration files for each module X
Separation of smart containers and dumb components X X
Server-side integration & unit tests X X X X
Shared Module X X
Single source of truth, central state management (?) X X X X
Slider X
Smoke tests X
Someone is paid to develop and support it (?) X
State inspection tools X X X
Style guide for code X
Tabs X
Technology is tested, test coverage > 95% X
There is a book about it X
Time travel, undo (?) X X X
Timepicker X
Tooltips X
Typeahead (autocomplete) fields X
UML to model generation (?) X
Update generated code in an existing app X X X X
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