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Last active April 20, 2017 03:05
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Developer Experience great big angular2 example jhipster-sample-app-ng2 Angular-kitchen-sink angular-seed-advanced feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles
64-bit integers UNIQUE
Accepts nested, JSON parameters UNIQUE
Accepts nested, XML parameters UNIQUE
Accepts nested, YAML parameters UNIQUE
Access native code from JavaScript UNIQUE
Annotations (?) UNIQUE
API introspection report and testing interface (?) UNIQUE
Approach to data readiness, Uses a waiting image/spinner/progressbar (?) X X X
Approach to XHR calls, using JSON UNIQUE
Aspect oriented (?) X X X X
Assets can be served from memory in dev env X X X
Async template rendering/loading support X X X X
Async test timeout support UNIQUE
Auth integrated into routing X X X X
Authentication X X X X
Authentication, Basic UNIQUE
Authentication, Cookie UNIQUE
Authentication, Digest UNIQUE
Authentication, integration with LDAP UNIQUE
Authentication, JSON Web Token (JWT) (?) X X
Authentication, social sign-in UNIQUE
Authentication, Token (?) X X X
Authentication, using Oauth (?) UNIQUE
Authentication, using Oauth, Oauth 2.0 (?) X X
Authentication, using Oauth, Oauth 2.0, using OpenID (?) UNIQUE
Authentication, using Oauth, using x-auth tokens (?) UNIQUE
Authentication, with two-factor authentication UNIQUE
Authorization, Role-based (?) UNIQUE
Auto detects and disables coloring for non-ttys UNIQUE
Auto Restart Server (?) X X
Auto-exit to prevent hanging with an active loop UNIQUE
Automated device testing X X
Automatically closes resources (?) UNIQUE
Automatically detects global scripts as references UNIQUE
back end generator (?) UNIQUE
Basic sourcecode organization, side->module(->submodule) AND side->type (?) UNIQUE
Basic sourcecode organization, side->type(->module(->submodule)) (?) X X
Before, after, before each, after each hooks UNIQUE
Best Standards for Internet Explorer UNIQUE
Binary literals UNIQUE
Browser independence, CSS consistency UNIQUE
Browser support (?) X X X
Build configurations file(s) (?) UNIQUE
Builds executable code from source code UNIQUE
Built-in asynchronous object observation (?) UNIQUE
Can run on a desktop without a browser UNIQUE
Can serve headers only UNIQUE
Can test asynchronous code UNIQUE
Can test asynchronous code, including promises UNIQUE
Can use ES2015 modules (?) UNIQUE
Can use filename wild cards and recursively mirror directories X X X X
Catches unused variables and accidental globals X X
Chatroom specifically for the technology UNIQUE
Chatroom specifically for the technology, log control (?) UNIQUE
Chatroom specifically for the technology, shows who has seen each message UNIQUE
Chatroom specifically for the technology, supports markdown X X X X
Chatroom specifically for the technology, supports more than 10,000 users (?) X X X X
Chatroom specifically for the technology, tab completion on iOS app mentions X X X X
Chatroom specifically for the technology, you can hide your email address X X X X
Choose client and/or server UNIQUE
Choose port numbers UNIQUE
Clickable suite titles to filter test execution UNIQUE
Client side validation, asynchronous custom validators (?) UNIQUE
Client-side API communication functions X X X X
Client-side dependency injection X X X X
Client-side dependency injection, minification safe, with annotations to function signatures (?) X X X X
Client-side handling of objects in transitions, instances are passed automatically UNIQUE
Client-side handling of objects in transitions, instances are saved to a common scope X X X X
Client-side performance monitoring & instrumentation (?) UNIQUE
Client-side routing X X X X
Client-side routing, example of it UNIQUE
Client-side routing, multiple views per route X X X X
Client-side routing, nested routes/states X X X X
Client-side routing, State-based routing (?) X X X X
Client-side routing, State-based routing, each component can have a history X X X X
Client-side routing, views are automatically garbage collected X X X X
Client-side unit tests X X X X
Clustered HTTP sessions UNIQUE
Code completion X X X X
Code coverage reporting (?) X X X X
Code is optimized for JavaScript engines X X X X
Collections, adjustable length UNIQUE
Collections, dequeue (?) X X X X
Collections, dictionary (associative array, hash), with deletion during iteration X X X X
Collections, heap queue UNIQUE
Collections, queue (?) X X X X
Collections, typed with mixture of objects and primitives UNIQUE
Collections, with streams (?) UNIQUE
Command line interface (CLI) X X X X
Command line interface (CLI), can do database migration/evolution (?) UNIQUE
Command line interface (CLI), can do scaffolding (?) X X X X
Command line interface (CLI), is configurable, supports user prompts UNIQUE
Command line interface (CLI), is extensibile X X
Compatible with SVG or DOM apis X X X X
Compiled, supports ahead of time (AOT) compilation X X
Complies with the browser module loader specification UNIQUE
Components communicate with events X X
Components, for UI (?) X X X X
Components, for UI, can be styled with SASS X X
Components, for UI, enables multiple templates for one component UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), adds a mutex around requests (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), immutable data, with optimistic update order X X X
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, doesn't use locks UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, no read tracking UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, using multiversion concurrency control UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, using wait/notify UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, with age-based barging (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), software transactional memory, with deadlock detection UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), supports database transactions UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), using a process for each request UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), using fibers (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), using multiple threads, is safe from data race problems (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), with shared memory UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), with single-thread, non-blocking, event-driven I/O (?) UNIQUE
Concurrency (synchronization), with single-thread, non-blocking, event-driven I/O, offloads slow work to new processes UNIQUE
Concurrent loader preprocessing (?) X X X
Configurable response caching UNIQUE
Continuous integration (CI) (?) X X X X
Core Module X X
Create independent shareable modules. UNIQUE
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (?) UNIQUE
CSS class renaming (?) X X X X
CSS style checking UNIQUE
Custom URL parameter serialization (?) UNIQUE
Customizable output X X
Data binding & change detection/tracking, dirty checks (bad), no getters/setters (good) UNIQUE
Data is separate from view state X X X X
Database admin tool UNIQUE
Database admin tool, using pgAdmin UNIQUE
Database connection pooling UNIQUE
Database table/collection naming convention, Prefixes names UNIQUE
Debug server-side code (?) X X X
Declarative templates auto-update as the model changes X X X X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, resolution time in under 3 months UNIQUE
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, response time mostly under a day UNIQUE
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, using github issues (?) UNIQUE
Dependencies are resolved during compilation (?) X X X X
Deployment automation UNIQUE
Deployment automation, to a mobile native executable UNIQUE
Deployment automation, using CloudFoundry/Pivotal Web Services UNIQUE
Deployment automation, using Docker (?) X X X
Deployment automation, using Heroku (?) X X
Deployment automation, using OpenShift (?) UNIQUE
Detects multiple calls to done() UNIQUE
Developers need not refer to the DOM (?) X X X X
Development build, copy assets to build or dist or target folder UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing (?) UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, change asset references to prevent caching (?) UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically (?) UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically, injects css references UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically, injects js references UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, replace 3rd party deps with CDN versions UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, update with anchors images UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, update with background imgs UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, update with data-* tags UNIQUE
Development build, html page processing, update with reference in input UNIQUE
Development build, reload build script file upon change UNIQUE
Development build, Renames asset files to prevent browser caching UNIQUE
Development build, run concurrent tasks in parallel to speed it up UNIQUE
Development build, run unit tests UNIQUE
Development build, script UNIQUE
Development build, transpiles, to CSS X X X X
Does not force you to use inheritance X X X X
Doesn't depend on file attributes X X X X
Doesn't maintain an internal dependency tree X X
Each plug-in manages its own cache UNIQUE
End-to-end tests (?) X X X X
Enumeration Type (?) X X X X
Enumeration Type, can have methods UNIQUE
Error handling, Catch multiple exception types UNIQUE
Error handling, Client-side logging UNIQUE
Error handling, Error message UI component (?) UNIQUE
Error handling, Exception redirection UNIQUE
Error handling, Server-side logging X X X X
Errors are displayed immediately in the editor X X X X
Event record/playback for debugging X X
Extensible reporting UNIQUE
Extensible test DSLs UNIQUE
Falsiness/Truthiness X X
FEATURE (a.k.a. module, entity) generator (?) UNIQUE
FEATURE (a.k.a. module, entity) generator, Menu items added for new features UNIQUE
Files are only read once for the whole build X X
Files specified in manifest are optional UNIQUE
front end generator (?) UNIQUE
Function Decorators (Aspects) (?) X X X X
Function parameter defaults X X X X
Functional reactive programming UNIQUE
Functional, prohibits impure functions (?) X X
Functional, with functional interfaces (?) UNIQUE
Functions can return tuples (?) X X X X
Generates request IDs UNIQUE
Generics (?) X X X X
Global variable leak detection UNIQUE
Highlights slow tests UNIQUE
Hot Module Replacement (?) UNIQUE
Importing is circular reference proof UNIQUE
In-memory client-side database (?) X X X X
In-memory server-side database X X
Inline code documentation (?) X X X X
Inner classes (?) UNIQUE
Input application profile UNIQUE
Instrumentation (?) X X X X
Instrumentation, server-side (?) UNIQUE
JavaScript 5 best practices, Doesn't use "new" UNIQUE
JavaScript 5 best practices, Doesn't use "Object.create" (?) UNIQUE
JavaScript 5 best practices, Doesn't use JQuery (?) X X X X
JavaScript 5 best practices, Uses 'use strict' (?) UNIQUE
JavaScript 5 best practices, Uses single quotes around strings (?) UNIQUE
JavaScript API for running tests UNIQUE
JavaScript obfuscation (?) UNIQUE
JavaScript style checking X X X X
Lazy (on-demand) loading of client-side code (?) X X X X
List comprehension (?) UNIQUE
Live Retest (?) X X
Local storage X X X
Maps uncaught exceptions to the correct test case UNIQUE
Markup and view logic in the same files (?) X X X X
Meta-generate suites & test-cases UNIQUE
Method visibility control (?) UNIQUE
Method visibility control, using an export list UNIQUE
Method visibility control, using keyword labels UNIQUE
Microservice generator UNIQUE
Minification (?) X X X X
Minification safe UNIQUE
Minification, of css X X
Minification, of css, adjacent selector merging X X
Minification, of css, custom identifier reduction X X
Minification, of css, z-index rebasing X X
Minification, of HTML UNIQUE
Modularized Functionality (?) UNIQUE
Modularized, route-specific CSS X X X X
Modularized, route-specific CSS, using Facebook's approach (?) UNIQUE
Module marketplace (?) UNIQUE
Monomorphic (?) X X X
MVVM (?) X X X X
Named function parameters (keyword args) X X X X
No config files required for components and simple apps X X X X
No pluralization (?) X X
No publishing step except for pushing tags to your repository UNIQUE
Node debugger support UNIQUE
Notification X X X
Numbers are objects (?) X X X X
Object distribution (?) X X X X
Object oriented, abstract classes (?) UNIQUE
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance (?) X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with class public method signatures together (?) X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with class public method signatures together, in separate files UNIQUE
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with class public method signatures together, in the same files X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with interfaces UNIQUE
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with interfaces, with default method implementations UNIQUE
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with multiple inheritance X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with multiple inheritance, using class extension (?) X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with multiple inheritance, using mixins (?) X X X X
Object oriented, supports classical inheritance, with single inheritance X X X X
Object oriented, supports dynamic method lookup (?) UNIQUE
Object oriented, supports late binding of messages to objects UNIQUE
Object oriented, with class namespacing UNIQUE
Object persistence X X X X
Object-document mapping (?) UNIQUE
Object-relational mapping (?) X X X
object-relational mapping generator UNIQUE
Observables for databinding a.k.a. KVO (?) X X X X
Option to update after a specified delay UNIQUE
Option to update after an event UNIQUE
Optionally run tests that match a regexp UNIQUE
Optionals (?) X X X X
Options for making subcomponents UNIQUE
Package management, compatible with bower registry X X
Package management, lets you restrict licenses of installed modules X X
Package management, logging is abstracted for use by build tools X X
Package management, outputs license information X X
Package management, uses a global downloads cache X X
Package management, with caching of downloaded packages X X
Package management, with checksums to verify integrity of packages X X
Package management, with guarantees to work on subsequent systems (?) X X
Package management, with parallelized operations X X
Parallel collections (?) UNIQUE
Password encryption UNIQUE
Password encryption, using BCryptPasswordEncoder UNIQUE
Path-to-module resolution with module auto loading UNIQUE
Performance tests, profiling UNIQUE
Persistent data structures X X X X
Persistent, server-side data storage (?) X X
Persistent, server-side data storage, NoSQL (?) X X
Persistent, server-side data storage, SQL (?) UNIQUE
Preloads client-side data (?) X X X X
Production build, cache templates (?) X X X X
Production build, compress images X X X X
Production build, generate docs (?) X X
Production build, safe pre-minification (?) X X X X
Production build, script UNIQUE
Project code can be unbundled, can bundle images X X X X
Project code can be unbundled, can chain transformations together X X X X
Project code can be unbundled, can generate desired # of bundles UNIQUE
Proper exit status for CI support etc UNIQUE
Provides starting code for new projects X X X X
Quick install? UNIQUE
Redirect after a POST X X X X
Regular expression routes UNIQUE
Reload app on file changes, to production (?) X X X X
Reports test durations UNIQUE
Reversible data deletion (?) X X
route (client side) generator UNIQUE
Runnable via web workers (?) X X X
Safe from clickjacking (?) UNIQUE
Safe from session id hacks (?) UNIQUE
Send prerendered HTML & CSS ahead of JS (?) X X X X
Separate Prod/Dev DB config automation (?) UNIQUE
Separate route configuration files for each module UNIQUE
Separate runtime configuration profiles (?) UNIQUE
Separation of smart containers and dumb components (?) UNIQUE
Serve status codes only as responses UNIQUE
Serve URLs based on the route definitions UNIQUE
Server setup options UNIQUE
Server-side caching UNIQUE
Server-side caching, using ehcache Hibernate 2nd level caching UNIQUE
Server-side caching, using Hazelcast Hibernate 2nd level caching UNIQUE
Server-side dependency injection UNIQUE
Server-side integration & unit tests X X X
Server-side performance monitoring UNIQUE
Server-side routing X X X X
Server-side routing, with a configuration file UNIQUE
Server-side routing, with annotations (?) UNIQUE
Server-side validation, server-side example UNIQUE
Server-side validation, using annotations on entity classes (?) UNIQUE
Serverside authenticated route restriction UNIQUE
service (server side) generator UNIQUE
Share code between projects (?) UNIQUE
Shared client and server universal/isomorphic code X X X X
Shared Module X X
Single build pipeline UNIQUE
Single source of truth, central state management, without lots of boilerplate (?) UNIQUE
Someone is paid to develop and support it (?) UNIQUE
Source control integration UNIQUE
Source Maps (?) X X
State inspection tools X X
String diff support UNIQUE
Stubbing and spying UNIQUE
Style guide for code (?) X X
Support for signed and encrypted cookies UNIQUE
Supports any-to-any transformations (?) X X
Supports any-to-any transformations, with caching UNIQUE
Supports any-to-one transformations (?) X X X X
Supports async single or chunked bundling (?) X X X X
Supports database layer triggers UNIQUE
Supports dynamic, validated fields X X X X
Supports ES6 and CJS circular references UNIQUE
Supports HTTP proxies UNIQUE
Switch statements with string values UNIQUE
Syntax sugar and automation of CSS UNIQUE
Task running X X X
Task running, synchronously X X X
Task running, with task chaining X X X
Templating, parsable HTML, no imperative code allowed X X X X
Test running / browser automation X X X
Test-specific timeouts UNIQUE
Time travel, undo (?) X X X X
Tools to support HTTP/2 Connection multiplexing (?) UNIQUE
Transpiles one language to another X X X X
Two-way data binding (?) X X X X
Typed (?) X X X X
Typed, dynamically, with inferred types (?) X X X X
Typed, statically (?) X X X X
Typed, statically, with reflection (?) UNIQUE
UML to model generation (?) UNIQUE
Unattended / background operation X X X X
Update generated code in an existing app X X
Uses Github's user/repo namespace (?) X X X X
Uses inheritance (?) X X X
Variable visibility control X X X X
Version Control, dependencies (packages) are checked in (?) UNIQUE
Virtual, shadow DOM (?) UNIQUE
Works in stand-alone form UNIQUE
You don't need to manage directory paths UNIQUE
User Experience great big angular2 example jhipster-sample-app-ng2 Angular-kitchen-sink angular-seed-advanced feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles
404 Page (?) UNIQUE
500 Page UNIQUE
Account Management (?) UNIQUE
Account Management, add/remove user X X
Account Management, Change password X X
Account Management, Change password, with double entry X X
Account Management, Forgotten Password with Resetting X X
Account Management, is password manager friendly (?) UNIQUE
Account Management, login/logout X X X
Account Management, Password strength meter (?) UNIQUE
Account Management, recover/reset password UNIQUE
Account Management, register X X
Account Management, Remember me (?) UNIQUE
Account Management, Verify user registration by email UNIQUE
Admin page for users and roles UNIQUE
Analytics X X
Asynchronously loaded data example X X X X
Breadcrumbs (?) UNIQUE
Buttons, styled X X
Calendar, month view UNIQUE
Configurable User Interface, color theme/skin UNIQUE
Configurable User Interface, color theme/skin, using bootswatch UNIQUE
Date picker UNIQUE
Deep linking with authentication (?) UNIQUE
Derived, computed properties X X
Dynamic component creation UNIQUE
E-mail sending system UNIQUE
E-mail sending system, using SMTP with Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, etc. UNIQUE
Editable elements X X
External, 3rd party, API interaction X X
Footer X X
Form generation (?) UNIQUE
Front-end CRUD X X X X
Front-end CRUD, screencast of it UNIQUE
Front-end CRUD, with mock/seed data X X
Full-stack CRUD (?) X X X
Full-stack CRUD, screencast of it UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with change detection (?) UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with complex objects (?) UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with confirmation/error messages UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, individual records X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, whole data structures UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with delete cancel/undo UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with edit cancel/undo UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with one-to-many relationship UNIQUE
Full-stack CRUD, with Read X X X
i18n, localization (?) X X
Many-to-many data UNIQUE
Mobile device UI UNIQUE
Modals (popups, dialogs) (?) X X
Mouse wheel (?) UNIQUE
Navigation bar X X X
Navigation bar, popup sidenav (drawer) UNIQUE
Number spinner UNIQUE
Pagination, paging (client-side) UNIQUE
Pagination, paging (client-side), with sorting UNIQUE
Pagination, paging (server-side) X X X
Pagination, paging (server-side), with sorting UNIQUE
Panels, draggable X X
Panels, draggable, vertically UNIQUE
Responsive styles X X
Search X X
Search, actually works with backend API X X
Tables (?) UNIQUE
Tables, edit in place UNIQUE
To do list UNIQUE
Dependencies great big angular2 example jhipster-sample-app-ng2 Angular-kitchen-sink angular-seed-advanced feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles
Backend Frameworks Express, Feathers.js Express Express, Feathers.js
Builders Gradle (opt), Maven (opt), Yeoman
Client-side API interfaces @angular/http $http, $resource @angular/http @angular/http
Continuous integration testers Travis, SonarSource, Travis Travis Travis
Convenience method libraries lodash lodash lodash lodash lodash
Databases MongoDB Cassandra (opt), ElasticSearch (opt), H2 (opt), MongoDB (opt), MySQL (opt), Postgresql (opt), Redis (opt), SQL Server (opt) Redis
Documentation generators typedoc typedoc
Frontend Frameworks Angular 2.0, React, React Native (opt) Angular 2.0, AngularJS 1.2, AngularJS 1.3, AngularJS 1.4 Angular 2.0 Angular 2.0 React, React Native (opt)
Fullstack Frameworks Spring MVC
Languages JS ES5, JS ES6 (ES2015), JSX (opt), Typescript Java 7, Java 8, JS ES5, JS ES6 (ES2015) (opt), Typescript JS ES5, JS ES6 (ES2015), Typescript JS ES2016, JS ES5, JS ES6 (ES2015), Typescript JS ES5, JS ES6 (ES2015), JSX (opt)
Linters codelyzer, ESLint, stylelint, tslint JSHint codelyzer, tslint ESLint
Loaders/Bundlers Webpack Spring, Webpack Webpack Rollup, SystemJS Webpack
Misc Angular Style Guide, Helmet, nodemon, RxJS (opt) angular-omni-bar (opt), cssnano, gulp-htmlmin, HikariCP, Jackson, Liquibase, Logback, ng-annotate, RxJS (opt), Spring Boot, useref, wiredep Immutable, redux-devtools, RxJS Angular Style Guide, cssnano, Electron, RxJS Passport, redux-devtools
Object Database Mappers Mongoose
Package Managers npm, Yarn bower, npm, Yarn npm npm npm
Performance Testers Gatling
Routers Angular Component Router Angular Component Router Angular Component Router Angular Component Router
Runtime Environments Node Node Node NativeScript, Node Node
Security Frameworks Spring Social
Stacks angular-cli, JHipster angular-cli mgechev's angular-seed
State Managers ngrx ng-redux ngrx Redux
Styles Normalize.css
Task Runners Ant (opt) Gulp Gulp
Templating Engines Angular directives, Thymeleaf
Test assertion libraries Jasmine Chai, Jasmine, Mocha Chai, Jasmine, Mocha Jasmine Chai, Mocha
Test coverage reporters Istanbul karma-coverage Istanbul
Test runners Karma BrowserSync, Karma BrowserSync (opt), Karma
Transpilers libsass libsass libsass libsass
Unit testers JUnit, Mockito
Widget collections Angular Material Angular Material

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