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Last active August 20, 2020 14:54
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Comparison of JHipster and some others
Developer Experience JHipster angular-seed-advanced Angular-kitchen-sink great big angular2 example ngrx example app
API introspection report and testing interface (?) X
Approach to data readiness, prevents Flash of Unstyled/compiled Content (FOUC) (?) X
Authentication X X X
Authentication, social sign-in X
Authentication, with two-factor authentication X
Can run on a desktop without a browser X
Client-side performance monitoring & instrumentation (?) X
Client-side unit tests X X X
Clustered HTTP sessions X
Code coverage reporting (?) X X X X
Command line interface (CLI) X X X X
Command line interface (CLI), can do database migration/evolution (?) X
Components communicate with events X X X
Concurrency (synchronization), with single-thread, non-blocking, event-driven I/O (?) X
Core Module X
CSS style checking X
Data binding & change detection/tracking, dirty checks (bad), no getters/setters (good) X
Database connection pooling X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, resolution time in under 3 months X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, response time mostly under a day X
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, using github issues (?) X
Deployment automation, to a mobile native executable X
Deployment automation, using Docker (?) X X
Deployment automation, using Github Pages X X X
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically (?) X
End-to-end tests (?) X X X X
Error handling, Server-side logging X X X
FEATURE (a.k.a. module, entity) generator (?) X
Hot reloading (?) X X X X
In-memory server-side database X X X X
JavaScript 5 best practices, Doesn't use JQuery (?) X X
Live Retest (?) X
Local storage X X X X
Microservice generator X
Minification, of HTML X
Modularized Functionality (?) X
Modularized, route-specific CSS X X X X
Module marketplace (?) X
No build process is required X X X
Object-relational mapping (?) X
Observables for databinding a.k.a. KVO (?) X X X X
Performance tests, profiling X
Persistent data storage (?) X X X
Preloads client-side data (?) X X X X
Production build, generate docs (?) X
Production build, safe pre-minification X
Reload app on file changes (?) X X X X
Separate route configuration files for each module X
Separation of smart containers and dumb components X X
Server-side integration & unit tests X X X X
Shared Module X X
Someone is paid to develop and support it (?) X
State inspection tools X X X X
Style guide for code X
There is a book about it X
Time travel, undo (?) X X X X
UML to model generation (?) X
Update generated code in an existing app X X X X
User Experience JHipster angular-seed-advanced Angular-kitchen-sink great big angular2 example ngrx example app
Account Management, add/remove user X
Account Management, Forgotten Password with Resetting X X
Account Management, login/logout X X X
Account Management, recover/reset password X
Admin page for users and roles X
Analytics X X
Breadcrumbs (?) X
Buttons X
Configurable User Interface, color theme/skin X
Date picker X
Deep linking with authentication (?) X
Derived, computed properties X X
Dynamic component creation X
E-mail sending system, using SMTP with Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, etc. X
External, 3rd party, API interaction X X X
Footer X
Front-end CRUD X
Front-end CRUD, screencast of it X
Front-end CRUD, with mock/seed data X
Full-stack CRUD (?) X X X
Full-stack CRUD, screencast of it X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, individual records X X X
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, whole data structures X
Full-stack CRUD, with Read X X X
Grid, Editable X
i18n, localization (?) X X
Many-to-many data X
Modals (popups, dialogs) (?) X
Mouse wheel (?) X
Navigation bar X X X X
Pagination, paging (server-side) X
Panels, draggable X X
Responsive styles X X
Search, actually works with backend API X X X
Dependencies JHipster angular-seed-advanced Angular-kitchen-sink great big angular2 example ngrx example app
Backend Frameworks Express Express
Builders Yeoman, Maven, Gradle
Client-side API interfaces $http, $resource
Continuous integration testers Travis,, SonarSource
Convenience method libraries lodash lodash lodash lodash lodash
Databases MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQL Server, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, H2, Redis MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, CouchDB, ElasticSearch, LevelDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, Redis Redis MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, CouchDB, ElasticSearch, LevelDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, Redis
Documentation generators typedoc
Frontend Frameworks AngularJS 1.4, AngularJS 1.3, AngularJS 1.2 AngularJS 2.0 AngularJS 2.0 AngularJS 2.0 AngularJS 2.0
Fullstack Frameworks Spring MVC
Languages JS ES6 (ES2015), Java 8, Java 7, JS ES5, SASS, SCSS Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5
Linters JSHint tslint stylelint tslint, codelyzer
Loaders Spring SystemJS Webpack Webpack Webpack
Misc wiredep, Logback, angular-omni-bar, ng-annotate, HikariCP, Liquibase, Jackson, cssnano, gulp-htmlmin, useref, Spring Boot Redux, RxJS, Electron, redux-devtools, cssnano, ngrx Redux, RxJS, Angular Material, Immutable, redux-devtools Redux, RxJS, redux-devtools, ngrx, Angular Style Guide Redux, RxJS, redux-devtools, ngrx
Notification Systems Growl Growl Growl
Package Managers bower, Yarn npm npm
Performance Testers Gatling
Routers Angular Component Router Angular Component Router Angular Component Router Angular Component Router
Runtime Environments Node.js, NativeScript Node.js Node.js
Security Frameworks Spring Social
Stacks angular-cli angular-cli angular-cli
Styles Normalize.css
Task Runners Ant Gulp Gulp
Templating Engines Angular directives, Thymeleaf
Test assertion libraries Jasmine Jasmine Chai, Jasmine, Mocha Chai, Mocha Chai, Jasmine, Mocha
Test coverage reporters karma-coverage
Test runners Karma, BrowserSync Karma Sinon Karma, Protractor
Transpilers libsass libsass libsass libsass
Unit testers JUnit, Mockito
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