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Created August 21, 2012 06:50
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Grib - Git Reviewboard script
# Creates / updates reviews according to the current git branch
# Usage: just run it.
# If this is the first time a review is created for this branch, Grib will ask Reviewboard to create a new review, and will save this review's number
# If the current branch has already been reviewed, Grib will ask Reviewboard to add a diff to the existing review.
# Grib stores its data and configuration in a file named "gribdata.yml" under the .git directory.
# In this file you may also define default Reviewboard's target people/groups, whether to automatically open the browser or not, and other Reviewboard command options.
# Example gribdata.yml file:
# ---
# branches:
# dan-17357-fix-infection-time-sorting: 348
# dan-123r5-shecker-kolsheu: 100
# options:
# open_browser: true
# target_people:
# - uriel
# - ido
# target_groups: []
# misc: '--debug'
require "yaml"
require 'logger'
logger =
logger.formatter = proc do |severity, dt, progname, msg| "* #{severity == "ERROR" ? "ERROR - " : ""} #{msg}\n" end
logger.level = Logger::INFO
branch = %x[git symbolic-ref -q HEAD].sub(/^refs\/heads\//,"").chomp "Branch: #{branch}"
datafile_path = File.join(%x[git rev-parse --show-toplevel].chomp , ".git", "gribdata.yml")
logger.debug "datafile_path: #{datafile_path}";
data = File.exist?(datafile_path) ? YAML.load(, "r")) : {}
logger.debug "data: #{data}";
r = (data["branches"] ||= {})[branch] "review: #{r || "new review"}"
options = (data["options"] ||= {})
logger.debug "options: #{options}";
open_browser = (options["open_browser"] ||= false)
logger.debug "open_browser: #{open_browser}"
target_people = (options["target_people"]||=[]).join ","
logger.debug "target_people: #{target_people}"
target_groups = (options["target_groups"]||=[]).join ","
logger.debug "target_groups: #{target_groups}"
misc = (options["misc"] ||= "")
logger.debug "misc: #{misc}"
revision_or_guess = r ? "--diff-only -r#{r}" : "--guess-summary"
cmd = %Q[post-review #{revision_or_guess} --guess-description --target-people="#{target_people}" --target-groups="#{target_groups}" --branch="#{branch}" #{open_browser ? "-o" : ""} #{misc} ]
logger.debug "cmd: #{cmd}"
response = %x[#{cmd}] "Post-review response:\n #{response}" "Browser should be opened..." if open_browser
new_r = response.match(/ #([0-9]+) /).tap {|md|
unless md
logger.error "ERROR - Could not find review number"
}[1].to_i "new_r: #{new_r}"
data["branches"][branch] = new_r, "w").write(YAML.dump(data))
logger.debug "done."
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