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Last active November 13, 2022 08:25
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Version: 1.0.2
# Author: Dan C Bruce
# Contact:
# Updated: May 13th, 2020
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Creates shuffle nodes to rebuild basic AOVs form Arnold, VRay or Redshift.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import nuke
def cg_breakout():
if len(nuke.selectedNodes()) == 1:
#Get Selected Node
node = nuke.selectedNode()
saveX = node.xpos()
saveY = node.ypos()
#Get Channels and Sort into a List
channels = node.channels()
findAOV = list( set([c.split('.')[0] for c in channels]) )
#Define mergenode
mergeNode = None
for aov in findAOV:
if ('atmosphere' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('background' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('caustic' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('coat' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('diffuse' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('emission' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('gi' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('global' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('illumination' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('lighting' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('refraction' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('reflection' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('specular' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('sss' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('transmission' in aov.lower()) == True\
or ('volume' in aov.lower()) == True:
#Start of the Node Tree
if mergeNode == None:
node = nuke.nodes.Dot( inputs=[ node ], xpos=( node.xpos() )+34, ypos=( node.ypos()+250) )
copyDot = nuke.nodes.Dot( inputs=[ node ], xpos=(node.xpos())+250, ypos=(node.ypos()))
mergeNode = nuke.nodes.Shuffle( label="[value in]", inputs=[ node ], xpos=node.xpos()-34, ypos=node.ypos()+50 )
saveY = mergeNode.ypos()+750
#Loop and Build Node Tree
node = nuke.nodes.Dot( inputs=[ node ], xpos=node.xpos()-250, ypos=node.ypos())
shuffleNode = nuke.nodes.Shuffle( label="[value in]", inputs=[ node ], xpos=node.xpos()-34, ypos=node.ypos()+50 )
dotNode = nuke.nodes.Dot( inputs=[ shuffleNode ], xpos=( node.xpos() ), ypos=saveY )
mergeNode = nuke.nodes.Merge2( operation='plus', inputs=[ mergeNode , dotNode ], xpos=saveX, ypos=( dotNode.ypos()-5 ) )
saveY = mergeNode.ypos()+75
#Add Alpha Branch
if mergeNode != None:
copyDot = nuke.nodes.Dot( inputs=[ copyDot ], xpos=(copyDot.xpos()), ypos=saveY)
copyNode = nuke.nodes.Copy( inputs=[ mergeNode, copyDot ], from0="rgba.alpha", to0="rgba.alpha", xpos=(mergeNode.xpos()), ypos=(copyDot.ypos()-11))
#Wrap in Backdrop
pad = 75
backdropNode = nuke.nodes.BackdropNode(label="CG Breakout", note_font_size=42, xpos=(node.xpos()-pad), bdwidth=abs(copyDot.xpos()-node.xpos())+(pad*2) , ypos=node.ypos()-pad, bdheight=abs(copyDot.ypos()-node.ypos())+(pad*2) )
nuke.message('Invalid Selection')
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