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Last active August 5, 2020 21:04
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Pillars Project Guidelines

Pillars Project


You are the lead engineer for Acme Tutors, an educational services company. Your job is to complete a tutoring dashboard for students and mentors. You team has already built a fully-functional front-end, as well as test specs for all the required server-side business features. Your fullstack expertise is required to complete the app. Before getting started, please carefully review the expectations.

User Stories

This application is for registering Students and Teachers. When complete, you should be able to do all of the following in the browser:

  • Ensure Users have a unique name and a userType corresponding to their student or teacher role
  • View all Students
  • View all Teachers
  • View a specific User
  • Add a user based on data submitted via form
  • Edit a specific user based on data submitted via form
  • Delete a specific user
    • Teachers with >= 3 mentees have tenure and may not be deleted
  • Assign a mentee to a mentor
    • All mentees must be Students
    • All mentors must be Teachers
    • A Teacher may not be assigned a mentor


These feature requirements detailed below will serve as your primary source of truth for attempting the project. User Stories, as well as Test specs in mocha and chai are there to supplement your development process; however, your score will be based on the number of requirements implemented. ** Code that does not pass the related test specs, but still accomplishes the required feature will receive credit. **

Your final evaluation will be weighted as follows:

  • Requirements score (75%)
  • Rubric score (25%)
  • Extra credit (10% max)


Sequelize Model (12 total)

Complete the User model with the following information:

  • Name Property

    • must be a string
    • may not be empty or null
    • must be unique
  • userType Property

    • must be a specific string: either "STUDENT" or "TEACHER"
    • must be STUDENT by default
    • may not be null
  • isStudent Property

    • a virtual method that returns a BOOLEAN, representing if the User is a STUDENT type
  • isTeacher Property

    • a virtual method that returns a BOOLEAN, representing if the User is a TEACHER type
  • Hooks

    • A STUDENT user may not have any assigned mentees
    • A STUDENT user may only be assigned to a mentor who is a TEACHER
    • A TEACHER user may not have a mentor
    • Any requests to delete a TEACHER type user with >= 3 mentees should throw an Error

Express Routes (5 total)

Complete the user router with the following functionalities. Make sure you have completed at least the Name and userType properties in the model:

  • GET all Users who aren't assigned to a mentor (http://localhost:3000/api/users/unassigned)
  • GET all teacher users (http://localhost:3000/api/users/teachers)
  • DELETE a specific user by their ID (e.g, http://localhost:3000/api/users/5)
  • CREATE a specific user with information filled out in the form (http://localhost:3000/api/users)
  • UPDATE a specific user (by ID) with information filled out in the form (e.g, http://localhost:3000/api/users/5)

Extra Credit

Congrats! You have completed these essential API features! Don't forget to git commit -m Completed Requirements

For Extra Credit, we need to ensure the site is responsive, with a stunning User Experience. Feel free to edit the CSS in public/assets/style.css.

  • Layout is Responsive to viewports of any size (up to 5% EXC)
  • Layout is visually stunning, including colors, fonts, layout, and animations (up to 5% EXC)

Grading Formula

const getTotal = (rawExpressScore, rawSequelizeScore, rawRubricScore, rawExtraCredit, deductions) => {
  const totalExpressRequirements = rawExpressScore  / 5;
  const totalSequelizeRequirements = rawSequelizeScore  / 12;
  const totalRequirementScore = (totalExpressRequirements + totalSequelizeRequirements) * 0.75
  const totalRubricScore = ((rawRubricScore/48) * 100) * 0.25
  const totalExtraCredit = (rawExtraCredit) * 0.1

  const total = totalRequirementScore + totalRubricScore + totalExtraCredit - deductions
  return total
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