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Last active February 15, 2024 20:43
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Check that the Windows OS version is supported
Build a list based on the Windows OS, Edition and Build Number with a pre-defined 'end of life' date
to assess if the OS on this machine is still supported
Version: 2024.02.15
Author: @dancing-groot
function Get-WindowsOSList
$windowsOSList = @()
# Put in this format so it's easier to add new entries without relying on an external file
$rawData = @(
("Windows 10 Education", "1507", "10240", "2017.05.09"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1507", "10240", "2017.05.09"),
("Windows 10 LTSC", "1507", "10240", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1507", "10240", "2017.05.09"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1511", "10586", "2017.10.10"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1511", "10586", "2017.10.10"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1511", "10586", "2017.10.10"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1607", "14393", "2019.04.09"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1607", "14393", "2019.04.09"),
("Windows 10 LTSC", "1607", "14393", "2026.10.13"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1607", "14393", "2018.04.10"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1703", "15063", "2019.10.08"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1703", "15063", "2019.10.08"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1703", "15063", "2018.10.09"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1709", "16299", "2020.10.13"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1709", "16299", "2020.10.13"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1709", "16299", "2019.04.09"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1803", "17134", "2021.05.11"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1803", "17134", "2021.05.11"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1803", "17134", "2019.11.12"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1809", "17763", "2021.05.11"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1809", "17763", "2021.05.11"),
("Windows 10 LTSC", "1809", "17763", "2029.01.09"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1809", "17763", "2020.11.10"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1903", "18362", "2020.12.08"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1903", "18362", "2020.12.08"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1903", "18362", "2020.12.08"),
("Windows 10 Education", "1909", "18363", "2022.05.10"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "1909", "18363", "2022.05.10"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "1909", "18363", "2021.05.11"),
("Windows 10 Education", "2004", "19041", "2021.12.14"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "2004", "19041", "2021.12.14"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "2004", "19041", "2021.12.14"),
("Windows 10 Education", "20H2", "19042", "2023.05.09"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "20H2", "19042", "2023.05.09"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "20H2", "19042", "2022.05.10"),
("Windows 10 Education", "21H1", "19043", "2022.12.13"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "21H1", "19043", "2022.12.13"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "21H1", "19043", "2022.12.13"),
("Windows 10 Education", "21H2", "19044", "2024.06.11"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "21H2", "19044", "2024.06.11"),
("Windows 10 LTSC", "21H2", "19044", "2027.01.12"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "21H2", "19044", "2023.06.13"),
("Windows 10 Education", "22H2", "19045", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 10 Enterprise", "22H2", "19045", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 10 Pro", "22H2", "19045", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 11 Education", "21H2", "22000", "2024.10.08"),
("Windows 11 Enterprise", "21H2", "22000", "2024.10.08"),
("Windows 11 Pro", "21H2", "22000", "2023.10.10"),
("Windows 11 Education", "22H2", "22621", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 11 Enterprise", "22H2", "22621", "2025.10.14"),
("Windows 11 Pro", "22H2", "22621", "2024.10.08"),
("Windows 11 Education", "23H2", "22631", "2026.11.10"),
("Windows 11 Enterprise", "23H2", "22631", "2026.11.10"),
("Windows 11 Pro", "23H2", "22631", "2025.11.25"),
("Windows Server", "2008 R2", "7601", "2020.01.14"),
("Windows Server", "2012 R2", "9600", "2020.01.14"),
("Windows Server", "2016", "14393", "2027.01.12"),
("Windows Server", "2019", "17763", "2029.01.09"),
("Windows Server", "2022", "20348", "2031.10.14")
$rawData | ForEach-Object { $windowsOSList += [PSCustomObject]@{Type = $_[0]; Version = $_[1]; Build = $_[2]; EOL = $_[3] } }
return $windowsOSList
} # Get-WindowsOSList
function Format-Date
return [DateTime]$Date
} # Format-Date
function Test-OS
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Supported")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Supported')][switch]$Supported,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DaysLeft')][switch]$DaysLeft,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Detailed')][switch]$Detailed
$windowsInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption, BuildNumber, @{Name = "Type"; Expression = "." }
$windowsInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption, BuildNumber, @{Name = "Type"; Expression = "." }
switch -Wildcard ($windowsInfo.Caption)
"*Windows 10*"
switch -Wildcard ($windowsInfo.Caption)
"*LTSC" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows 10 LTSC"; break }
"*Pro*" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows 10 Pro"; break }
"*Education" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows 10 Education"; break }
"*Enterprise" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows 10 Enterprise"; break }
"*Windows 11*" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows 11"; break }
"*Windows Server*" { $WindowsInfo.Type = "Windows Server"; break }
$deviceInfo = $Script:Support | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $windowsInfo.Type -and $_.Build -eq $windowsInfo.BuildNumber }
if ($null -eq $deviceInfo) { $deviceInfo = @{Type = "NOT DETECTED OR ANCIENT"; Version = "0"; EOL = "0001.01.01"}}
switch ($true)
if ((Format-Date -Date $deviceInfo.EOL) -lt (Get-Date)) { return $false } else { return $true }
return ((Format-Date -Date $deviceInfo.EOL) - (Get-Date)).Days
return $deviceInfo | Select-Object Type, Version, @{ Name = "End Of Life"; Expression = { (Format-Date -Date $_.EOL).ToString('dd MMMM yyyy') } }, @{ Name = "Days Remaining"; Expression = { ((Format-Date -Date $_.EOL) - (Get-Date)).Days } }
} # Test-OS
#endregion FUNCTIONS
$Support = Get-WindowsOSList
#endregion DECLARATION
#region MAIN
Test-OS -Supported
Test-OS -DaysLeft
Test-OS -Detailed
#endregion MAIN
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