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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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// import Control.Monad.Free
// import System.Exit hiding (ExitSuccess)
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, scalaz.Free.{Suspend, Return, liftF}
// data TeletypeF x
// = PutStrLn String x
// | GetLine (String -> x)
// | ExitSuccess
sealed trait TeletypeF[+A]
case class PutStrLn[A](msg: String, o: A) extends TeletypeF[A]
case class GetLine[A](o: String => A) extends TeletypeF[A]
case class ExitSuccess[A]() extends TeletypeF[A]
// instance Functor TeletypeF where
// fmap f (PutStrLn str x) = PutStrLn str (f x)
// fmap f (GetLine k) = GetLine (f . k)
// fmap f ExitSuccess = ExitSuccess
implicit def teletypeFFunctor[B]: Functor[TeletypeF] = new Functor[TeletypeF] {
def map[A,B](fa: TeletypeF[A])(f: A => B): TeletypeF[B] =
fa match {
case PutStrLn(msg, a) => PutStrLn(msg, f(a))
case GetLine(h) => GetLine(x => f(h(x)))
case ExitSuccess() => ExitSuccess()
// type Teletype = Free TeletypeF
type Teletype[A] = Free[TeletypeF, A]
// putStrLn' :: String -> Teletype ()
// putStrLn' str = liftF $ PutStrLn str ()
def putStrLn(str: String): Free[TeletypeF, Unit] = liftF { PutStrLn(str, ()) }
// getLine' :: Teletype String
// getLine' = liftF $ GetLine id
def getLine: Free[TeletypeF, String] = liftF { GetLine(v => v) }
// exitSuccess' :: Teletype r
// exitSuccess' = liftF ExitSuccess
def exitSuccess: Free[TeletypeF, Unit] = liftF { ExitSuccess() }
// run :: Teletype r -> IO r
// run (Pure r) = return r
// run (Free (PutStrLn str t)) = putStrLn str >> run t
// run (Free (GetLine f )) = getLine >>= run . f
// run (Free ExitSuccess ) = exitSuccess
def run[A](r: Teletype[A]): A = {
import scalaz.{~>,Id}, Id.Id
val exe: TeletypeF ~> Id = new (TeletypeF ~> Id) {
def apply[B](l: TeletypeF[B]): B = l match {
case PutStrLn(msg, a) => { println(msg); a }
case GetLine(h) => { h(readLine()) }
case ExitSuccess() => ???
// echo :: Teletype ()
// echo = do str <- getLine'
// putStrLn' str
// exitSuccess'
// putStrLn' "Finished"
val echo = for {
str <- getLine
_ <- putStrLn(str)
_ <- exitSuccess'
_ <- putStrLn("Finished")
} yield()
// main = run echo
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