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Last active October 27, 2019 07:49
A script to roll a version of exploding dices. For each 6 rolled on D6 that 6 is removed and replaced with 2 new D6. This keeps going until there are no more sixes.
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
const AddTurn = (token_id, page_id, value) => {
let turnOrderEntries=JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder'))||[];
id: token_id,
pr: value,
pageid: page_id
turnorder: JSON.stringify(
if (msg.type != "api") {
var message = msg.content;
var command = message.split(" ")[0];
var numrolls = parseInt(message.split(" ")[1]);
var outroll = "ob" + message.split(" ")[1] + ": ";
var plus = 0;
var times = 0;
var ids = message.split(/--/)[1];
plus = parseInt(message.split("+")[1]);
else if(\*/g)!=-1){
times = parseInt(message.split("*")[1]);
if (command == "!ob") {
var count = 0;
var total = 0;
var roll = 0;
var first = true;
var output = "" + outroll + "" ;
while (count < numrolls) {
roll = randomInteger(6);
if (roll === 6) {
if(first == true){
output = output + "[6]";
first = false;
numrolls = numrolls + 2;
output = output + ",[6]";
numrolls = numrolls + 2;
} else {
total += roll;
if(first == true){
output = output + roll;
first = false;
output = output + "," + roll;
let turnValue = 0;
if(plus > 0 && times == 0){
sendChat(msg.who, output + " = " + total + "+" + plus + " Total: " + (total+plus) + "");
turnValue = (total+plus);
else if(plus == 0 && times > 0){
sendChat(msg.who, output + " = " + total + "*" + times + " Total: " + (total*times) + "");
turnValue = (total*times);
sendChat(msg.who, output + "Total: " + (total) + "");
turnValue = total;
.union((ids && ids.length) ? ids.split(/\s+/) : [])
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