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Last active April 5, 2023 18:41
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Displacement chains
// qwerty to engram
const displacements = {
"`": "[",
"-": "]",
"=": "/",
q: "b",
w: "y",
e: "o",
r: "u",
t: "'",
y: '"',
u: "l",
i: "d",
o: "w",
p: "v",
"[": "z",
"]": "#",
"|": "@",
a: "c",
s: "i",
d: "e",
f: "a",
g: ",",
h: ".",
j: "h",
k: "t",
l: "s",
";": "n",
"'": "q",
z: "g",
x: "x",
c: "j",
v: "k",
b: "-",
n: "?",
m: "r",
",": "m",
".": "f",
"/": "p",
"~": "{",
"!": "|",
"@": "=",
"#": "~",
$: "+",
"%": "<",
"^": ">",
"&": "^",
"*": "&",
"(": "%",
")": "*",
_: "}",
"+": "\\",
T: "(",
Y: ")",
"{": "Z",
"}": "$",
"\\": "`",
G: ";",
H: ":",
":": "N",
'"': "Q",
B: "_",
N: "!",
// engram to qwerty
const replacements = Object.keys(displacements).reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {
if (currentValue in displacements) {
const replacement = displacements[currentValue as keyof typeof displacements];
if (previousValue[replacement]) {
throw new Error('Duplicate value found: ' + replacement)
previousValue[replacement] = currentValue;
return previousValue
return previousValue
}, {} as unknown as any);
// console.log({ displacements, replacements })
function confusionChain(qwerty: string): string {
if (qwerty.length !== 1) {
throw new Error("Only one character is allowed");
let originKey = qwerty;
if (!(originKey in replacements)) {
originKey = /[A-Z]/.test(originKey) ? originKey.toLowerCase() : originKey.toUpperCase();
return displacements[originKey as keyof typeof displacements] + originKey + replacements[originKey];
const chains = Object.keys(displacements).map(confusionChain);
console.log(chains.join(' '))
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