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Created February 16, 2010 17:20
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  • Save dandean/305697 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dandean/305697 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Fork sstephenson/prototype on GitHub
# Go to this url and click the fork button. This will create a prototype
# repository under your GitHub account.
# Clone your fork to a local directory.
# I put it in my OSX apache path so that I can view it via
# http:/localhost/~dand/prototype:
cd ~/Sites
git clone{ ... your github username ... }/prototype.git
cd prototype
# example: git clone
# Add the prototype documentation branch as a remote on your prototype repo.
# The documentation branch is maintained by samleb:
git remote add -t documentation samleb git://
# Pull samleb docs repo down
git fetch samleb
# Branch samleb docs off to your own documentation branch
# This version will always match the official documentation branch,
# you will not work on it directly, but _branch it_ and work on that:
git checkout --track -b documentation samleb/documentation
# Make sure you are on _your_ documentation branch.
# You can always verify this by calling `git branch`. The one with the `*` in
# front of it is the repository that you're currently on.
git checkout -b port_{ ... my ticket ... }_{ ... ticket number ... } documentation
# example: git checkout -b port_dollar_111 documentation
# Claim a ticket in lighthouse
# Work on the ticket ...
# Build the pdoc docs with rake to make sure you didn't break anything:
rake doc
# OR, build just a section (dom, ajax, lang, etc)
rake doc SECTION=dom
# Commit your changes to your doc branch.
# Replace the content within and including the curly braces with
# real information:
git add path/to/file.js
git comment -m 'doc: {... ticket name ...} [#{...ticket number...} state:fixed_in_branch]'
# example: git comment -m 'doc: Merge/update old $ docs into the source [#111 state:fixed_in_branch]'
# Push your committed changes to _your_ patches remote repo on GitHub:
git push origin port_{ ... my ticket ... }_{ ... ticket number ... }
# example: git push origin port_dollar_111
# Update the lighthouse ticket. Remove "committed" tag, add "patched" tag
# and paste in the link to your commit on GitHub.
# Go back to samleb docs and pull the latest to make sure you're still up to date.
git checkout documentation
git pull samleb
# Find another ticket to work on.
# HTML Entities should get converted back to actual html characters:
&gt;a&lt --> <a>
Any and all references to things documented in the source should get
wrapped in double-square-brackets [[]] instead of backticks.
`Ajax.Request` --> [[Ajax.Request]]
All headlines should use Markdown H5 declarations:
<h5>Headline</h5> --> ##### Headline
### Headline> --> ##### Headline
# Side notes:
* It isn't yet possible to include images in your documentation.
* It won't ever be possible to include live html examples in pdoc docs.
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