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Created April 23, 2012 06:20
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a Sage @interact for root finding with Newton's method
My Newton's method Sage @interact. A reworked version of
by Neal Holtz, and which was in turn inspired by Marshall Hampton's
tangent line grapher.
This code is available as a published worksheet at and on the Sage cell server at (Note
that right now, you need to use
step = ButtonBar(['Next', 'Prev', 'Zoom', 'Reset'])
to get the @interact to work on the cell server.)
You may modify and distribute this code under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license:
Dan Drake (
def newton(f, a, df=None):
return the next approximation after 'a' using Newton's method.
if not df:
df = diff(f)
return a - f(a)/df(a)
def newtonplot(f, xmin, xmax, points):
return the complete plot for the function f and the points given in
ret = plot(f, xmin, xmax)
ret += line([(points[0], 0), (points[0], f(points[0]))], linestyle=':',
ret += text('\n$x_0$', (points[0], 0), color='red',
vertical_alignment="bottom" if f(points[0]) < 0 else "top")
for n, pair in enumerate(zip(points, points[1:])):
curr, next = pair
ret += newtonappend(f, curr, next, label='\n$x_{0}$'.format(n+1))
return ret
def newtonappend(f, prev, curr, label=''):
return the new line segments going from prev to curr: we join the points
(prev, f(prev)) to (curr, 0) to (curr, f(curr)).
p = line([(prev, f(prev)), (curr, 0)], color='red')
p += line([(curr, 0), (curr, f(curr))], linestyle=':', color='red')
if label:
p += text(label, (curr, 0), color='red',
vertical_alignment="bottom" if f(curr) < 0 else "top" )
return p
# Now the actual @interact stuff:
state = None
# we need user_state to distinguish between xmin/xmax changing when we
# zoom (don't reset) and changing from new input from the slider (yes,
# reset) -- as well as determining when f changes, since we munge f by
# running fast_float() on it.
user_state = None
def _(f = input_box(default=8*sin(x)*exp(-x)-1, label='f(x)'),
xmin = input_box(default=0),
xmax = input_box(default=4*pi),
x0 = input_box(default=3, label='x0'),
step = ['Next', 'Prev', 'Zoom', 'Reset']):
global state, user_state
if (step == 'Reset' or
state is None or
state['points'][0] != x0 or
user_state['f'] != f or
user_state['interval'] != (xmin, xmax)):
state = {'f': fast_float(f, x), 'df': fast_float(diff(f), x),
'xmin': xmin, 'xmax': xmax, 'points': [x0]}
p = newtonplot(state['f'], xmin, xmax, [x0])
state['plot'] = p
# find_minimum_on_interval doesn't work so well, see #2607
state['ymin'] = p.ymin()
state['ymax'] = p.ymax()
user_state = {'f': f, 'interval': (xmin, xmax)}
elif step == 'Next':
next = newton(state['f'], state['points'][-1], df=state['df'])
divbyzero = 10^5
diverge = 1/10
width = state['xmax'] - state['xmin']
# are we *way* outside the interval?
if not state['xmin'] - divbyzero * width <= next <= state['xmax'] + divbyzero * width:
print 'Next point is supposedly {0}; derivative is probably zero at/near {1}!'.format(next, state['points'][-1])
print 'Cowardly refusing to add that point.\n'
# are we just a little bit outside the interval?
elif not state['xmin'] - diverge * width <= next <= state['xmax'] + diverge * width:
print 'Next point ({0}) is not within +/- 10% of given interval; possible divergence?'.format(next)
print 'Cowardly refusing to add that point.\n'
# okay, we're close enough:
state['plot'] += newtonappend(state['f'], state['points'][-1], next,
elif step == 'Prev':
# sadly, "-=" does not work on graphics objects
state['plot'] = newtonplot(state['f'], state['xmin'], state['xmax'], state['points'])
elif step == 'Zoom':
w = (state['xmax'] - state['xmin']) / 4
state['xmax'] = state['points'][-1] + w
state['xmin'] = state['points'][-1] - w
p = plot(state['f'], (state['xmin'], state['xmax']))
# new interval may not be subset of previous, so make sure min
# isn't smaller and max isn't bigger
state['ymin'] = max(state['ymin'], p.ymin())
state['ymax'] = min(state['ymax'], p.ymax())
curr = state['points'][-1]
print 'Current estimate: {0}; f(that point): {1}'.format(curr, state['f'](curr))
state['plot'].show(xmin=state['xmin'], xmax=state['xmax'], ymin=state['ymin'], ymax=state['ymax'])
print 'n, x_n, f(x_n):'
for n, x_ in enumerate(state['points']):
print '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(n, x_, state['f'](x_))
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