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Created December 31, 2014 01:25
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get a list of row operations / elementary matrices that reduce a matrix to rref
# Sage has a built-in rref() method for matrices, but sometimes when
# teaching it's nice to get a list of the row operations you would do to
# put the matrix into rref -- or, equivalent, a list of the
# corresponding elementary matrices.
# This script contains two functions along those lines:
# rref(): returns a list of elementary matrices that put the matrix into rref
# rref_steps(): returns a list of strings that describe what row ops to do
# The others are just helper functions.
# Enjoy.
# -Dan Drake, '@'.join(['ddrake', ''])
def swap_rows(i, j, n):
ret = identity_matrix(n)
ret[i, i] = 0
ret[j, j] = 0
ret[i, j] = 1
ret[j, i] = 1
return ret
def add_c_times_row_i_to_row_j(c, i, j, n):
ret = identity_matrix(parent(c), n)
ret[j, i] = c
return ret
def scale_row_i_by_c(i, c, n):
ret = identity_matrix(parent(c), n)
ret[i, i] = c
return ret
def identify_elem(E):
Returns a string describing what the elementary matrix E does.
String is TeX-friendly and indices are 1-based.
for i in range(E.nrows()):
for j in range(i + 1, E.nrows()):
if E[i, j] != 0:
if E[i, i] == 0:
return 'swap rows {0} and {1}'.format(i+1, j+1)
return 'add ${0}$ times row {1} to row {2}'.format(E[i, j], j+1, i+1)
# no entries above diagonal...
for i in range(E.nrows()):
for j in range(i):
if E[i, j] != 0:
return 'add ${0}$ times row {1} to row {2}'.format(E[i, j], j+1, i+1)
# E is diagonal; what row does it scale?
for i in range(E.nrows()):
if E[i, i] != 1:
return 'scale row {0} by ${1}$'.format(i+1, E[i, i])
# if we get here, we got the identity
raise ValueError, "the identity matrix is probably a valid elementary matrix, but it's certainly not very useful."
def rref_steps(A):
Return a list describing the steps one would take to reduce `A` to its rref.
return [identify_elem(e) for e in reversed(rref(A))]
def rref(A, start_row=0, start_col=0):
Return `ems`, a list of elementary matrices that turn A into its
rref. Assumes an exact ring (actually, it assumes QQ), and is not
optimized; this is intended to represent the basic algorithm
described in textbooks.
The returned list satisfies
A.rref() = prod(reversed(ems)) * A
ems = []
n = A.nrows()
pivot_row = -1
pivot_col = -1
# find the pivot: find first nonzero column, and nonzero element in
# that row.
for j, col in list(enumerate(A.columns()))[start_col:]:
pivot_row = [i for i, e in enumerate(col) if e != 0 and i >= start_row][0]
pivot_col = j
except IndexError:
if pivot_col == -1:
# zero matrix, it's in rref already.
return []
# swap rows so the pivot is at the top.
if pivot_row > start_row:
E = swap_rows(start_row, pivot_row, n)
ems.insert(0, E)
A = E*A
# scale pivot to 1
if A[start_row, pivot_col] != 1:
E = scale_row_i_by_c(start_row, 1/A[start_row, pivot_col], n)
ems.insert(0, E)
A = E*A
# use pivot to clear its column.
for row, entry in [(i, e) for i, e in enumerate(A.column(pivot_col))
if e != 0 and i != start_row]:
E = add_c_times_row_i_to_row_j(-entry, start_row, row, n)
ems.insert(0, E)
A = E*A
# recurse
return rref(A, start_row + 1, pivot_col + 1) + ems
def test(n=10):
for _ in range(n):
nrows = randrange(1,15)
ncols = randrange(1,15)
A = random_matrix(QQ, nrows, ncols)
ems = rref(A)
if prod(ems) * A != A.rref():
print 'UH OH:'
print A
return False
return True
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