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Forked from adamjmurray/Inline SVG on
Created February 4, 2014 00:32
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I wanted to use inline SVG in a rails app. Two steps were needed to enable this:

  1. Set content type to application/xhtml+xml. I enabled this globally by adding this to application_controller.rb

     before_filter{ response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml' }
  2. Indicate we're using XHTML in the <html> tag. I enabled this globally in application.html.erb:

     <html xmlns="">

That's it! Then I was able to do things like this in haml:

 %h1 Inline SVG Test
 %svg{ xmlns:'', width:100, height:100 }
   %rect{ x:0, y:0, width:'100%', height:'100%', style:'fill:yellow;' }
   %circle{ cx:'50%', cy:'50%', r:'40%', style:'fill:blue;' }

Note that the xmlns attribute is needed on every svg tag for things to work. Technically you should indicate the svg version too (like version:1.1). Also, I'm using Ruby 1.9 hash literal syntax here. If you're still on Ruby 1.8 you have to do { :xmlns => 'http:...', :width => 100, :height => 100 }

Like I mentioned, the two steps above enable things globally. You could of course limit these changes to particular controllers/layouts as needed.

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