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Created June 18, 2012 15:31
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Save dandye/2948925 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create WeoGeoTableOfContents.json file for each FIPS code.
import os,sys
import math
import json
# 3rd party libs
import fiona
def get_s_swaths():
extent = 20037508.342789244
s_swaths = []
for cnt in range(30):
s_swaths.append(extent*2 / 2**cnt)
return s_swaths
def get_l_swaths():
l_swaths = []
for cnt in range(30):
return l_swaths
def find_optimal_first_scale_geo(swath,smorgeo):
if smorgeo == "geo":
l_swaths = get_l_swaths()
l_swaths = get_s_swaths()
for cnt in range(len(l_swaths)):
if (swath) / 2. > l_swaths[cnt]:
return cnt-2
def get_base(filelist):
bases = []
for afile in filelist:
head, tail = os.path.split(afile)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(tail)
return bases
def get_extent(features):
most_west = most_east = most_south = most_north = None
for feature in features:
west = min([x[0] for x in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]])
east = max([x[0] for x in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]])
south = min([x[1] for x in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]])
north = max([x[1] for x in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]])
if most_west == None or west < most_west: most_west = west
if most_east == None or east > most_east: most_east = east
if most_south == None or south < most_south: most_south = south
if most_north == None or north > most_north: most_north = north
return most_west, most_south, most_east, most_north
if __name__ == "__main__":
counties = [x.strip() for x in open("/mnt/tiger/counties_fips_list.txt").readlines()]
for county in counties:
print "working on county fips {}".format(county)
out_path = "/mnt/tiger/TIGER2011/wg_fips/tl_2011_{}/".format(county)
toc = {}
toc["name"] = "NewFeatureType"
toc["type"] = "FeatureCollection"
features = []
lines = open("/mnt/tiger/TIGER2011/wg_fips/tl_2011_{}/files_list.txt".format(county)).readlines()
lines = [x.strip() for x in lines] # remove line breaks from list
dbfs = [x for x in lines if x[-3:]=="dbf"] # filter list to only .dbf files
dbfs_base = get_base(dbfs)
shps = [x for x in lines if x[-3:]=="shp"] # filter list to only .shp files
shps_base = get_base(shps)
non_spatial_dbfs = [d for d in dbfs_base if d not in shps_base]
layer_cnt = 0
for shp in shps:
base,ext = os.path.splitext(shp)
j_file_name = base+".json"
j = json.loads(open(j_file_name).read())
# add layers to feature
j["features"][0]["properties"]["LAYERS"] = str(layer_cnt)
# create a GeoJSON feature for the file
# create a .shp.xml feature
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : j["features"][0]["geometry"],
"properties" : {
"LAYERS" : str(layer_cnt),
"PATH" : j["features"][0]["properties"]["PATH"],
"EXTS" : "shp.xml",
layer_cnt += 1
toc["features"] = features
# Add the non-spatial files
west, south, east, north = get_extent(features)
for a_non_spatial_dbf in non_spatial_dbfs:
path = "./TIGER2011/{}".format(a_non_spatial_dbf)
"geometry":{"type": "Polygon",
[west,north], #UL X,Y c.bounds
[east,north], #UR X,Y
[east,south], #LR X,Y
[west,south], #LL X,Y
[west,north] #UL X,Y
"PATH": path,
"EXTS": 'dbf;dbf.xml',
"LAYERS" : str(layer_cnt),
layer_cnt += 1
# LUT Feature
"geometry" : None,
"type" : "Feature",
"properties" : {
for i in range(int(layer_cnt)):
features[-1]["properties"][i] = "WEOALL=WEOALL"
toc["features"] = features
outfilename = "WeoGeoTableOfContents.json"
outname = os.path.join(out_path + outfilename)
out = open(outname, "w")
# create a JSON object
e = json.JSONEncoder()
# write
of = open(os.path.join(out_path + ""),"w")
optimal_first_scale = find_optimal_first_scale_geo(max(east-west,north-south),"geo")
of.write(" -w {} -s {} -e {} -n {} -c {} -z {} --generate-tilepack=. style.xml".format(
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