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Last active March 19, 2019 15:54
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class Img extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
width: 0
this.imgRef = React.createRef()
componentDidMount() {
const width = this.imgRef.current.clientWidth
render() {
// Destructure props and state
const { src, alt, options = {}, ext = 'jpg' } = this.props
const { width } = this.state
// Create an empty query string
let queryString = ''
// If width is specified, otherwise use auto-detected width
options['w'] = options['w'] || width
// Loop through option object and build queryString
Object.keys(options).map((option, i) => {
return queryString += `${i < 1 ? '?' : '&'}${option}=${options[option]}`
<figure ref={this.imgRef}>
// If the container width has been set, display the image else null
width > 0 ? (
src={`${ src }/${ kebabCase(alt) }.${ ext }${ queryString }`}
alt={ alt }
) : null
export default Img
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