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Created December 30, 2016 10:56
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Script for bulk deploy of a local Maven repository into a remote one.
Deploys local maven repository to a remote one.
Requires python 3.x and Maven 3.2.x and higher (lower versions of Maven might work in certain setups,
but have issues with SNI).
import os
import os.path as p
import subprocess as subp
TYPE_JAR = "jar"
TYPE_WAR = "war"
TYPE_POM = "pom"
Maven command variants
__MVN_CMD = "mvn-3.3 deploy:deploy-file -Durl={0} -DrepositoryId={1} -Dfile={2} -DpomFile={3} "
__MVN_JD_CMD = __MVN_CMD + " -Djavadoc={4} "
__MVN_S_CMD = __MVN_CMD + " -Dsources={4} "
__MVN_JD_S_CMD = __MVN_JD_CMD + " -Dsources={5} "
Metadata filename, used to distinguish the artifact root folder.
def __build_filename(artifactId, version, type, qualifier=None):
Builds artifact filename based on its id, version, packaging type (jar, war) and qualifier (sources, javadoc etc)
path = artifactId + "-" + version
if(qualifier is not None):
path += "-" + qualifier
return path + "." + type
def __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, type, qualifier=None):
Convenience function to create full path to an artifact based on parent dir (root of group),
artifact id, version, packaging type and qualifier.
return p.join(dir, __build_filename(artifactId, version, type, qualifier))
def build_maven_command(url, repositoryId, artifactId, version, dir, artifactPath, pomFile, withSourcesAndJavadoc):
Builds executable Maven command which deploys an artifact to the given repository. Builds proper command
based on whether sources and javadoc are available.
if withSourcesAndJavadoc:
pathSources = __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, TYPE_JAR, __FILEPART_SOURCES)
pathJavadoc = __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, TYPE_JAR, __FILEPART_JAVADOC)
hasSources = p.exists(pathSources)
hasJavadoc = p.exists(pathJavadoc)
if(hasSources and hasJavadoc):
return __MVN_JD_S_CMD.format(url, repositoryId, artifactPath, pomFile, pathJavadoc, pathSources)
elif hasSources:
return __MVN_S_CMD.format(url, repositoryId, artifactPath, pomFile, pathSources)
elif hasJavadoc:
return __MVN_JD_CMD.format(url, repositoryId, artifactPath, pomFile, pathJavadoc)
return __MVN_CMD.format(url, repositoryId, artifactPath, pomFile)
return __MVN_CMD.format(url, repositoryId, artifactPath, pomFile)
def deploy_binary(url, repoId, dir, artifactId, version):
Determines what kind of artifact is to be deployed and executes respective maven command.
pathJar = __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, TYPE_JAR)
pathWar = __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, TYPE_WAR)
pathPom = __build_path(dir, artifactId, version, TYPE_POM)
if not p.exists(pathPom):
cmd = None
if p.exists(pathJar):
cmd = build_maven_command(url, repoId, artifactId, version, dir, pathJar, pathPom, True)
elif p.exists(pathWar):
cmd = build_maven_command(url, repoId, artifactId, version, dir, pathWar, pathPom, True)
elif p.exists(pathPom):
cmd = build_maven_command(url, repoId, artifactId, version, dir, pathPom, pathPom, False)
code =, shell=True)
if code != 0:
print("Error code was {0} for artifact {1}".format(code, artifactId))
def deploy_snapshots(url, repoId, dir, artifactId):
Determines version from present poms. This is necessary for SNAPSHOT deployment
in case version locking is enabled (multiple artifacts per SNAPSHOT version)
for name in os.listdir(dir):
if name.endswith(TYPE_POM):
version = name.split(artifactId)[1][1:-4]
deploy_binary(url, repoId, dir, artifactId, version)
def deploy_artefact_versions(url, repoId, dir, artifactId):
Deploys all versions of the given artifact.
Expects dir to be root of the artifact directory (subdirs are the individual versions)
for name in os.listdir(dir):
artifactDir = p.join(dir, name)
if p.isdir(artifactDir):
deploy_snapshots(url, repoId, artifactDir, artifactId)
deploy_binary(url, repoId, artifactDir, artifactId, name)
def deploy_folder(url, repoId, path):
Deploys all artifacts in the given folder. Expects the path parameter to point to any parent dir of the artifacts,
i.e. that there is a child directory which represents the artifactId.
The directory representing artifactId is determined based on presence of maven metadata file.
for name in os.listdir(path):
nextdir = p.join(path, name)
if p.isdir(nextdir):
if p.exists(p.join(nextdir, __METADATA_FILE)):
deploy_artefact_versions(url, repoId, nextdir, name)
deploy_folder(url, repoId, nextdir)
def main(args=[]):
TODO use cmd parameters to make this real :)
deploy_folder("deploy url", "repoid in settings.xml", "root folder of the repo to deploy")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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