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Created December 3, 2017 09:43
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AoC 2017 | day 3 | part 2
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val input = 347991
type Grid = Map[(Int, Int), Int]
val grid: Grid = Map(
(0, 0) -> 1,
(1, 0) -> 1
sealed trait Direction
object Upwards extends Direction
object Downwards extends Direction
object Leftwards extends Direction
object Rightwards extends Direction
def neighborSum(grid: Grid, x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
(x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1),
(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y),
(x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1)
def traverseGrid(grid: Grid, x: Int, y: Int, dir: Direction, level: Int, count: Int, limit: Int): Int = {
val value = neighborSum(grid, x, y)
if (value > limit)
else {
val updatedGrid = grid + ((x, y) -> value)
dir match {
case Upwards =>
if (count < level * 2 - 2)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x, y + 1, Upwards, level, count + 1, limit)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x - 1, y, Leftwards, level, 0, limit)
case Leftwards =>
if (count < level * 2 - 1)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x - 1, y, Leftwards, level, count + 1, limit)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x, y - 1, Downwards, level, 0, limit)
case Downwards =>
if (count < level * 2 - 1)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x, y - 1, Downwards, level, count + 1, limit)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x + 1, y, Rightwards, level, 0, limit)
case Rightwards =>
if (count < level * 2)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x + 1, y, Rightwards, level, count + 1, limit)
traverseGrid(updatedGrid, x, y + 1, Upwards, level + 1, 0, limit)
traverseGrid(grid, 1, 1, Upwards, 1, 0, input)
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