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Created March 2, 2024 22:38
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Thread-safe MemPool
import type { Pow2 } from './interfaces/pow2';
import type { TypedArray } from './interfaces/typed-array';
import { lock, unlock } from './lock/simple-lock';
import { typedArray } from './utils/typedarray';
const STATE_FREE = 0;
const STATE_USED = 1;
const STATE_TOP = 2;
const STATE_END = 3;
const STATE_ALIGN = 4;
const STATE_FLAGS = 5;
const STATE_MIN_SPLIT = 6;
const MASK_COMPACT = 1;
const MASK_SPLIT = 2;
const SIZEOF_STATE = 8 * 4;
const MEM_BLOCK_SIZE = 0;
const MEM_BLOCK_NEXT = 1;
const SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK = 2 * 4;
// Copied from
// Changes: Atomic.load/store on state, simple lock on malloc/free
export default class MemoryBuffer {
buf: ArrayBufferLike;
protected readonly start: number;
protected u8: Uint8Array;
protected u32: Uint32Array;
protected state: Uint32Array;
protected lock: Int32Array;
constructor(opts: Partial<MemoryBufferConfig> = {}) {
this.buf = opts.buf ? opts.buf : new ArrayBuffer(opts.size || 0x1000);
this.start = opts.start != null ? align(Math.max(opts.start, 0), 4) : 0;
this.u8 = new Uint8Array(this.buf);
this.u32 = new Uint32Array(this.buf);
this.state = new Uint32Array(this.buf, this.start, SIZEOF_STATE / 4);
this.lock = new Int32Array(this.buf, this.start + this.state.byteLength - 4, 1);
if(!opts.skipInitialization) {
const _align = opts.align || 8;
if(_align < 8) {
throw new Error(`invalid alignment: ${_align}, must be a pow2 and >= 8`);
const top = this.initialTop(_align);
const resolvedEnd =
opts.end != null
? Math.min(opts.end, this.buf.byteLength)
: this.buf.byteLength;
if(top >= resolvedEnd) {
throw new Error(
`insufficient address range (0x${this.start.toString(
)} - 0x${resolvedEnd.toString(16)})`
this.align = _align;
this.doCompact = opts.compact !== false;
this.doSplit = opts.split !== false;
this.minSplit = opts.minSplit || 16;
this.end = resolvedEnd; = top;
this._free = 0;
this._used = 0;
stats(): Readonly<MemoryBufferStats> {
const listStats = (block: number) => {
let count = 0;
let size = 0;
while(block) {
size += this.blockSize(block);
block = this.blockNext(block);
if(block > this.end) {
console.error(`Trying to get stats for block past end of buffer: ${block} > ${this.end}`);
return { count, size };
const free = listStats(this._free);
return {
used: listStats(this._used),
available: this.end - + free.size,
total: this.buf.byteLength
callocAs<T extends Type>(type: T, num: number, fill = 0) {
const block = this.mallocAs(type, num);
block && block.fill(fill);
return block;
mallocAs<T extends Type>(type: T, num: number) {
const addr = this.malloc(num * SIZEOF[type]);
return addr ? typedArray(type, this.buf, addr, num) : undefined;
calloc(bytes: number, fill = 0) {
const addr = this.malloc(bytes);
addr && this.u8.fill(fill, addr, addr + bytes);
return addr;
malloc(bytes: number) {
if(bytes <= 0) {
return 0;
const paddedSize = align(bytes + SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK, this.align);
const end = this.end;
let top =;
let block = this._free;
let prev = 0;
while(block) {
const blockSize = this.blockSize(block);
const isTop = block + blockSize >= top;
if(isTop || blockSize >= paddedSize) {
let result = this.mallocTop(
return result;
prev = block;
block = this.blockNext(block);
block = top;
top = block + paddedSize;
if(top <= end) {
this.initBlock(block, paddedSize, this._used);
this._used = block; = top;
let result = blockDataAddress(block);
return result;
return 0;
private mallocTop(
block: number,
prev: number,
blockSize: number,
paddedSize: number,
isTop: boolean
) {
if(isTop && block + paddedSize > this.end) return 0;
if(prev) {
this.unlinkBlock(prev, block);
} else {
this._free = this.blockNext(block);
this.setBlockNext(block, this._used);
this._used = block;
if(isTop) { = block + this.setBlockSize(block, paddedSize);
} else if(this.doSplit) {
const excess = blockSize - paddedSize;
excess >= this.minSplit &&
this.splitBlock(block, paddedSize, excess);
return blockDataAddress(block);
realloc(ptr: number, bytes: number) {
if(bytes <= 0) {
return 0;
const oldAddr = blockSelfAddress(ptr);
let newAddr = 0;
let block = this._used;
let blockEnd = 0;
while(block) {
if(block === oldAddr) {
[newAddr, blockEnd] = this.reallocBlock(block, bytes);
block = this.blockNext(block);
// copy old block contents to new addr
if(newAddr && newAddr !== oldAddr) {
return blockDataAddress(newAddr);
private reallocBlock(block: number, bytes: number) {
const blockSize = this.blockSize(block);
const blockEnd = block + blockSize;
const isTop = blockEnd >=;
const paddedSize = align(bytes + SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK, this.align);
// shrink & possibly split existing block
if(paddedSize <= blockSize) {
if(this.doSplit) {
const excess = blockSize - paddedSize;
if(excess >= this.minSplit) {
this.splitBlock(block, paddedSize, excess);
} else if(isTop) { = block + paddedSize;
} else if(isTop) { = block + paddedSize;
return [block, blockEnd];
// try to enlarge block if current top
if(isTop && block + paddedSize < this.end) { = block + this.setBlockSize(block, paddedSize);
return [block, blockEnd];
// fallback to free & malloc;
return [blockSelfAddress(this.malloc(bytes)), blockEnd];
reallocArray<T extends TypedArray>(array: T, num: number): T | undefined {
if(array.buffer !== this.buf) {
const addr = this.realloc(
return addr
? new (<any>array.constructor)(this.buf, addr, num)
: undefined;
free(ptrOrArray: number | TypedArray) {
let addr: number;
if(typeof ptrOrArray !== 'number') {
if(ptrOrArray.buffer !== this.buf) {
return false;
addr = ptrOrArray.byteOffset;
} else {
addr = ptrOrArray;
addr = blockSelfAddress(addr);
let block = this._used;
let prev = 0;
while(block) {
if(block === addr) {
if(prev) {
this.unlinkBlock(prev, block);
} else {
this._used = this.blockNext(block);
this.doCompact && this.compact();
return true;
prev = block;
block = this.blockNext(block);
return false;
freeAll() {
this._free = 0;
this._used = 0; = this.initialTop();
release() {
delete (<any> this).u8;
delete (<any> this).u32;
delete (<any> this).state;
delete (<any> this).buf;
return true;
protected get align() {
return <Pow2> this.state[STATE_ALIGN];
protected set align(x: Pow2) {
this.state[STATE_ALIGN] = x;
protected get end() {
return this.state[STATE_END];
protected set end(x: number) {
this.state[STATE_END] = x;
protected get top() {
return Atomics.load(this.state, STATE_TOP);
protected set top(x: number) {, STATE_TOP, x);
protected get _free() {
return Atomics.load(this.state, STATE_FREE);
protected set _free(block: number) {, STATE_FREE, block);
protected get _used() {
return Atomics.load(this.state, STATE_USED);
protected set _used(block: number) {, STATE_USED, block);
protected get doCompact() {
return !!(this.state[STATE_FLAGS] & MASK_COMPACT);
protected set doCompact(flag: boolean) {
? (this.state[STATE_FLAGS] |= 1 << (MASK_COMPACT - 1))
: (this.state[STATE_FLAGS] &= ~MASK_COMPACT);
protected get doSplit() {
return !!(this.state[STATE_FLAGS] & MASK_SPLIT);
protected set doSplit(flag: boolean) {
? (this.state[STATE_FLAGS] |= 1 << (MASK_SPLIT - 1))
: (this.state[STATE_FLAGS] &= ~MASK_SPLIT);
protected get minSplit() {
return this.state[STATE_MIN_SPLIT];
protected set minSplit(x: number) {
throw new Error(`illegal min split threshold: ${x}, require at least ${
this.state[STATE_MIN_SPLIT] = x;
protected blockSize(block: number) {
return Atomics.load(this.u32, (block >> 2) + MEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
* Sets & returns given block size.
* @param block -
* @param size -
protected setBlockSize(block: number, size: number) {, (block >> 2) + MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, size);
return size;
protected blockNext(block: number) {
return Atomics.load(this.u32, (block >> 2) + MEM_BLOCK_NEXT);
* Sets block next pointer to `next`. Use zero to indicate list end.
* @param block -
protected setBlockNext(block: number, next: number) {, (block >> 2) + MEM_BLOCK_NEXT, next);
* Initializes block header with given `size` and `next` pointer. Returns `block`.
* @param block -
* @param size -
* @param next -
protected initBlock(block: number, size: number, next: number) {
const idx = block >>> 2;, idx + MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, size);, idx + MEM_BLOCK_NEXT, next);
return block;
protected unlinkBlock(prev: number, block: number) {
this.setBlockNext(prev, this.blockNext(block));
protected splitBlock(block: number, blockSize: number, excess: number) {
block + this.setBlockSize(block, blockSize),
this.doCompact && this.compact();
protected initialTop(_align = this.align) {
return (
align(this.start + SIZEOF_STATE + SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK, _align) -
* Traverses free list and attempts to recursively merge blocks
* occupying consecutive memory regions. Returns true if any blocks
* have been merged. Only called if `compact` option is enabled.
protected compact() {
let block = this._free;
let prev = 0;
let scan = 0;
let scanPrev: number;
let res = false;
while(block) {
scanPrev = block;
scan = this.blockNext(block);
while(scan && scanPrev + this.blockSize(scanPrev) === scan) {
// console.log("merge:", scan.addr, scan.size);
scanPrev = scan;
scan = this.blockNext(scan);
if(scanPrev !== block) {
const newSize = scanPrev - block + this.blockSize(scanPrev);
// console.log("merged size:", newSize);
this.setBlockSize(block, newSize);
const next = this.blockNext(scanPrev);
let tmp = this.blockNext(block);
while(tmp && tmp !== next) {
// console.log("release:", tmp.addr);
const tn = this.blockNext(tmp);
this.setBlockNext(tmp, 0);
tmp = tn;
this.setBlockNext(block, next);
res = true;
// re-adjust top if poss
if(block + this.blockSize(block) >= { = block;
? this.unlinkBlock(prev, block)
: (this._free = this.blockNext(block));
prev = block;
block = this.blockNext(block);
return res;
* Inserts given block into list of free blocks, sorted by address.
* @param block -
protected insert(block: number) {
let ptr = this._free;
let prev = 0;
while(ptr) {
if(block <= ptr) break;
prev = ptr;
ptr = this.blockNext(ptr);
if(prev) {
this.setBlockNext(prev, block);
} else {
this._free = block;
this.setBlockNext(block, ptr);
* Returns a block's data address, based on given alignment.
* @param blockAddress -
const blockDataAddress = (blockAddress: number) => blockAddress > 0 ? blockAddress + SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK : 0;
* Returns block start address for given data address and alignment.
* @param dataAddress -
const blockSelfAddress = (dataAddress: number) => dataAddress > 0 ? dataAddress - SIZEOF_MEM_BLOCK : 0;
const align = (addr: number, size: number) => (size--, addr + size & ~size);
const SIZEOF = {
u8: 1,
u8c: 1,
i8: 1,
u16: 2,
i16: 2,
u32: 4,
i32: 4,
i64: 8,
u64: 8,
f32: 4,
f64: 8
type Type = 'u8' | 'u8c' | 'i8' | 'u16' | 'i16' | 'u32' | 'i32' | 'f32' | 'f64';
interface MemoryBufferConfig {
* Backing ArrayBuffer (or SharedArrayBuffer). If not given, a new
* one will be created with given `size`.
buf: ArrayBufferLike;
* Byte size for newly created ArrayBuffers (if `buf` is not given).
* @defaultValue 0x1000 (4KB)
size: number;
* Anchor index (byte address) inside the array buffer. The MemPool
* stores its internal state from the given address and heap space
* starts at least 32 bytes later (depending on chosen `align`
* value). Unlike allocator state variables, `start`` cannot be
* saved inside the array buffer itself. If the ArrayBuffer is
* passed to other consumers they must use the same start value.
* MUST be multiple of 4.
* @defaultValue 0
start: number;
* Byte address (+1) of the end of the memory region managed by the
* {@link MemPool}.
* @defaultValue end of the backing ArrayBuffer
end: number;
* Number of bytes to align memory blocks to. MUST be a power of 2
* and >= 8. Use 16 if the pool is being used for allocating memory
* used in SIMD operations.
* @defaultValue 8
align: Pow2;
* Flag to configure memory block compaction. If true,
* adjoining free blocks (in terms of address space) will be merged
* to minimize fragementation.
* @defaultValue true
compact: boolean;
* Flag to configure memory block splitting. If true, and when the
* allocator is re-using a previously freed block larger than the
* requested size, the block will be split to minimize wasted/unused
* memory. The splitting behavior can further customized via the
* `minSplit` option.
* @defaultValue true
split: boolean;
* Only used if `split` behavior is enabled. Defines min number of
* excess bytes available in a block for memory block splitting to
* occur.
* @defaultValue 16, MUST be > 8
minSplit: number;
* Only needed when sharing the underlying ArrayBuffer. If true, the
* {@link MemPool} constructor will NOT initialize its internal state and
* assume the underlying ArrayBuffer has already been initialized by
* another {@link MemPool} instance. If this option is used, `buf` MUST be
* given.
* @defaultValue false
skipInitialization: boolean;
interface MemoryBufferStats {
* Free block stats.
free: { count: number; size: number };
* Used block stats.
used: { count: number; size: number };
* Current top address.
top: number;
* Bytes available
available: number;
* Total pool size.
total: number;
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